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Caliban's Daughter, by Ray Zwarich

To all the Really Good Ones, and to all in peril on the sea: 

I was reading yet another staggeringly brilliant article yesterday from Australian writer Caitlin Johnstone, surely among the most brilliant thinkers and writers of our times. She wrote about the warped corruption in the very idea that 'women's liberation' is somehow represented by the proposed choice of a deadly female ghoul to be the nation's deadly defense establishment boss.

It seems that the operational requirement for a woman to 'make it' in a so-called "man's world" (so they say) is to prove she can be "as tough, mean, and deadly as ANY man". 

It gave me an idea for a presentation that could possibly comprise a coherent 'vision' of one of our times' most crucially vexing issues. 

Dividing women from men has been among our Enemy's most brilliant 'divide and rule' conceptions. Exploiting racism, and other forms of ethnic tribalism has been a tactic used for many thousands of years to 'divide and rule'. But luring women into hating their men, and also hating being women, is a level of evil brilliance that staggers the mind.  

Would ya just look at these modern American women? Lovely as ever, of course, (men can't help themselves in that regard), but to many men these modern American women have made themselves into repulsive selfish Black Widow creatures, who don't just hate men, they hate manhood itself. They don't just hate their fathers, they hate fatherhood itself.  

I posted a proposed 'Chapter 1', to reply to a plaintive plea by a young woman scholar that harkened an old man back some 20 years, to when his own daughters were struggling with these same issues. (As I'm sure they still may be, in many respects), That 'chapter', Caliban's Daughter, is copied below.

Gloria Steinem WAS a CIA operative. She really WAS! It's a proven fact. The proposed Chapter 2 will be (maybe) entitled, 'From Ma Joad, to 'Playboy' to 'Ms.' Magazine', subtitled 'how the wholesome Girls Next Door were tricked into lifting their dresses and showing all the boys their 'pepes and boobies', and to engage is unrestrained promiscuity, to make evil men rich, their wives at home into angry vengeful harpies, and young women into miserable and lonely single mothers. 

Long read ... Only for the most deeply thoughtful.

Hope all are well.

Bent Bich Farm
20 November 

Cerulean Blue

Chapter 1
Caliban's Daughter

Ahh ... well .... Ya got t' do it sometime, man.

Caliban is like many; he wants to avoid the more difficult subjects. But he knows that to get from where we are, to where we want to go, these issues must be faced squarely. We cannot become Self-Aware by hiding from what makes us uncomfortable.  

This young woman, Ms. Jill Richardson, could be me own oldest darlin' girl. My daughter wrote her senior thesis at Stanford on these gender issues. She compared the gender culture presented in the fictional drama series  'Sex and the City', with that presented by the movie 'Fight Club'.

She was SO angry about the lot of women. She even lauded the promising research being done (she had heard) to create an artificial womb. It was UNFAIR, she insisted, that the lot of women was to create and nurture the miracle of new life.

"For threatening my baby, un-borned and unnamed, you ain't worth the blood that runs through yer veins." -(credit needed?)

I did not yet even have a baby when I first heard those words, but I STILL was stirred as deeply as my very soul with raging hatred. Why? Because God or Nature, (take your pick), made me a man. The old silverback does not protect the tribe because he decided to, or because someone told him he should, he does it because that is how his maker made him. There is NO choice involved.

Before I even had a baby, the very idea of a threat to my "baby un-borned" stirred me with rage.

Then there was me darlin' girl, standin' before me, stompin' her foot like spirited young girls always do, with fists clenched tight at their hips, tellin' me that it is SO UNFAIR to be a human female.

Imagine how an old ape would feel, to see that his Enemy had so poisoned his own daughter's mind and spirit.

Women certainly enjoy having those baby food glands on their chests, don't they? I'm told that they even spend over $2 BILLION every year getting foreign substances injected into their baby food glands to make them appear more prominent. Ah, but "girls just wanna have fun". Eh?

But when it comes time to actually feed babies, they RESENT that God or Nature cursed THEM with bearing these glands, (which stupid men find so 'adorable').  

Do all get me drift here? It has been a EVIL power that has taught our women and girls to hate the most marvelous gift that God or Nature has bequeathed to Humankind.

Most of us don't have a 'vision' of how this came about. We don't 'see' the nuts and bolts details of how our cunning Enemy put these ideas in young girls' minds. As always, the Enemy looked for girls' greatest immediate Desire, and manipulated that to serve the Enemy's own interests at the tragic expense of more misery and pain for the Common People.

If I was a young woman-scholar seeking a thesis to research and explore, it might "Don and Betty and Peggy. How 'Mad Men' presents the saga of our culture as it has taught women to hate being women'.

(Ms Richardson could 'steal' the idea. It's no use to a poor broken down old carpenter).

It never in a gazillion years would have EVER even occurred to Ma Joad, in the 1930s, that she needed to be 'liberated'. Women were lauded as the very soul of 'the fambly'. They loved their men. They loved them for being men. For their strength. For their courage. They loved their men for loving them back more than they loved their own lives.

No man worthy to call himself that would EVER hesitate for an instant to protect the life of any woman, even if she be a complete stranger to him, who just happened to fall into peril as he walked by.

Would any woman do that for a man she did not know?

Well ... I'm not claiming credit for men here. No 'morally superior' choice is involved. Men do NOT choose to be this way. Our maker, whether Nature or God, makes us this way. No one teaches a silverback to roar and face any danger with  no thought, at ALL, of his own safety. He just doesz it because that behavior is programmed into every cell nucleus in his body.

Ma Joad was not merely just loved by Pa. She was revered. She was worshipped. She was the glowing spiritual light to guide his life. She was the reason he greeted any labors each new day would lay on his tired back, with resolute courage, tight lips, and, if necessary, gritted teeth.

Ah, but then, from the death technology of the First Great War, came the D-9s.

Way far away in Russia, it was much more cruel perhaps, but anyone could see that with the new technology, steel 'tank tracks' on the ground rather than mere rubber, would be MUCH more 'efficient' in working the land. The Joads did not even have a tractor. Animals still pulled many plows in the 1930s. In Ukraine, they still used scythes to cut the grain by hand, or even the famous 'sickle'.  

Stalin starved them. He stole their grain, in a bumper crop year, He stationed the Red Army on every road so there was no escape. He wanted to get these peasants OFF their fields so the steel-tracked tractors could work 'em instead. (This story is in my own family's lore. I first heard it at the knees of my own family's elders. I have blood relative who were among the MILLIONS who got skinny, wasted away, and then died). The stench of death was so thick in the air, that in the springtime, when the welcome warm breezes first blew up from the south, that stench of death was even over Moscow, where people had no idea what was happening in Ukraine.

Yea .... That's how it happened over in Russia/the USSR. In America it was cruel enough, but not quite to that extreme.

But it WAS most certainly 'cruel enough'. The Bankster Thugs got themselves some D-9 Caterpillar bulldozer tractors. In minutes, maybe two or three, a family's home could be a pile of rubble to be burned and/or loaded and trucked away.

Does Ms. Richardson even know the story? ('Grapes of Wrath').Tommy boy killed men to protect his dear sister and her baby, and Ma, and all his 'fambly'.

Does Ms Richard really think that in that former 'gender culture', which formed from God or Nature's own plan, the women hated their men for being men, as modern American women do?

These strange repulsive-selfish creatures, these 'modern girls', don't stop at merely hating their men. They hate manhood itself, even as they so cherish stupid men's idiotic fascination with the bags of adipose tissue (fat) on their chests. Yea ... These girls cherish their sexuality as separate from their own womb. Being mothers is so boring, compared to being sexy girls commanding men's attention.

And men are shying away from these creatures. Whole ideologies are springing up among young men to warn them of the danger these Black Widow Feminists present.

MGTOW is one. 'Men going their own way'. Last I heard it was growing fast. Basically it teaches the old "wham bam thank ya ma'am" technique.

"Watcha' gonna do 'bout wham bam thank ya ma'am
When you take to the wild-wood trail?" -- Bozz Scaggs

Get what ya need from 'em boys, but don't let them get their Black Widow fangs near ya.

Yea ... well ... Look at all them numbers. All them 'stats'. More and more sexy girls, every dang day, end up in the considerable  miseries of single motherhood. And their ideological response is to angrily denigrate the very institution of the Human Family itself. "We need trained workers to raise our children. We need the government to raise them. The nuclear family must be de-emphasized, and possibly eliminated. (Yea ... This is what some of these crazed Bolshevik Marionettes actually SAY out fracking LOUD!)

This will free women to pursue fame and glory in their holy 'careers', (all girls lower yer heads and genuflect). If yer not a 'career girl', dressed to the 9s, clicking yer boot heels on marble floors, trying with every female wile to catch every man's leering gaze, (then cursing them as pigs when you catch it), if yer not on the cover of 'Ms.', if you earn less than the stupid lout you married, you are a FAILURE as a human being. Ah ... but it's even so MUCH worse than that, you are a failure as a WOMAN.

"And I hope that you die. I hope you die soon. I'll follow your casket in the pale afternoon. I'll watch while yer lowered, down to your death bed. And I'll stand over your grave 'til I'm sure that yer dead" Lucky it was little Bobby a singing' this. Had 'a been Caliban 'a singin' I probably woulda' said. "I'll stand over yer grave and spit on yer demon's head".  

Look what they done to our children, folks. To our darlin' precious girls and boys. This is their most sinister and evil of all their 'divide and rule' designs. Break the natural bond between men and women. Encourage promiscuity. Weaken the family to weaken the people. Grab young girls by the short hairs of their raw female Desire, and make them despise the greatest gift that God or Nature gave them.

The Ruling Elites, the Banksters in America, and the Stalinists in Russia, (ruling over the Soviet Union), saw that more money was to be made by pushing people off their land, (or simply killing them and letting them rot, as was done where the Bolsheviks had  "overthrown capitalism"). So people were forced to migrate into cities, to live packed together. They could no longer, from that point, give the Ruling Elites the proverbial 'finger', and make their own living off the land itself. Now we were all totally dependent on the Elites to provide us with our livelihoods.

Don Draper was born on a farm. When I was a boy, all my buddies' grandparents grew up on farms. All four of mine did. But then we all lived in the city.

Well ... Due to our animal nature, living packed close together presents cultural problems. Well ... We all know that boys'll get all hot-and-bothered when they see a coke-bottle, let alone a pretty girl. And the girls? Well ... With so many boys after them, it was a bother, but a girl who knew how to put her finger on all those nasty boys' fancy would seldom be lonely.

The old rural culture could NEVER stand up under such conditions. But the old culture tried to defend itself. First it became repressive, and the entire weight of defending the culture was put on the heads of poor girls who were trying to understand the new powerful urges they felt.

I'd already discussed 'The Feminine Mystique' with me own dear mother, Mary Lynn Owen, when  I first saw the STUNNING film depicting the vise that this now cruel repressive culture put young girl's hearts into.

When the beautiful girl, a young girl that would reduce to pure mash the heart of ANY man alive, stood up from her tub? "I'm CLEAN mudder! She said through teeth clenched in rage. I'm still yer PURE girl!"... eh? well ... I barely kept from passing out from the pure moment of a genuine 'epiphany'.

I was but a teen-age boy, then, but I 'saw' that loving mother, her own head full of what had become a 'sick' culture, through the very eyes of that young girl, and maybe worse, I felt that mudder's pain for her darling daughter stab me heart at the same time.

I married a  Catholic girl. 23 she was .... (I'm 'a tellin ya boys, I'm gonna mind me manners 'cause ladies are here, but ya shoulda' seen this girl when she was "comin' after me". ("Don't the sun look like God's own  face, goin' down over the sea, ahh ... but don't my gal look fine when she's 'a comin' after me" (B Dylan ... with a couple liberties taken)

Catholic girls were complicated creatures. Catholic men worshipped the Holy Virgin. But it was mostly the 'plainer' girls who worshipped the Holy Mother the same. The pretty girls were 'naughty', to catch the nasty boys' eyes.

They forced the bony fingered nuns, (with their hated wooden rulers), to measure their hemlines every day. When they sat down, their very ladies' modesty was only barely preserved, and they pretended not to notice when the cute one they had designs on looked so fervently.

Let poor Caliban weave a funny tale fer ya. Me young wife and I went to Rome about '81 or so. I was dumbfounded in fascination as we flew over the landscape and rooftops. I had first read 'Caesar's Commentaries' as a Classics Comic when I was maybe 8 or 9. When I was about 12, I found a paperback copy, (the Rex Warner translation, still my favorite), in my Ukrainian Uncle's bedroom, in the old house on Highland Park Ave. By the time I had married, I had read it maybe 10 times already. Why? How the frack should I know? It just always fascinated me.

Anyway .... There we were, in the Fabled City itself, where all those characters had "strutted and fretted". We barely got our luggage put away at the hotel. We went out to breathe the exciting Rome air.

We hadn't walked six blocks down, six around, and six back, before we saw people around us start to get excited. And some began running. "What's going on?", I asked the first carabinieri we came across. "Il Papa!" he said.

Well ... me warrior instincts kicked in. I looked high and could see the most likely rooftop toward which they seemed to all be running. I spotted what looked like a promising shortcut. (These colorful details are only meant as a flourish. That last part is maybe a wee bit exaggerated). In truth, we weren't even sure what 'il papa' meant. We just followed along with the excited crowd.

Apparently, it was an unannounced gig, like a big rock-star stopping in a neighborhood joint to play a surprise gig, (to please his fans (sure) but largely just to feed his already badly engorged ego).

Anyway .... We followed the crowd into a 'chapel'. It was packed, (may 200 people? 400? I didn't count). No seats. Everyone standing, packed like sardines. And there, maybe 25 feet from us was the fracking Pope. (I think it was the Polish fella).

Well ... His Eminence gave us his generous benedictions, and then dang! He started-in with a droning sermon in a foreign language. Oh geez ... I rolled my eyes, remembering all those boring hours in the Ukrainian church, listening to preaching in a foreign language.There I was, trapped for the duration, in the middle of this crowd. Me hands on me darlin' wife's shoulders. and me ... uhh .. 'pelvis' pushed against her uhh ... 'booty'. Well ... What can an old man say? Nature takes its course. (I've tried, but the little buggar will NEVER listen to anything I say).

Well ... A'couse me wife became aware of this distressing development. And what 'dya think any good Catholic girl would so? Well .... Let's just say she took the problem in hand.

And ever since, (what's it been? 45 years if a day?), Caliban has wondered what the world record is for proximity to the actual fracking Pope, while being temporarily relieved of my adult responsibilities.

Yea ... Them Catholic girls. I'm tellin' ya ... I had a buddy named Roger who married a Catholic girl as well. He used t' tease her. "The Pope sez ya gotta ..The Pope sez ya gotta", to the tune of 'nanny nanny boo boo'. It was still in the Catechism at that time. It was the frackin'  Official Catholic RULE. Even if ya don't want to ... just lay there and endure, girl. It's your duty to god....LOL ... ( Swear t' god .... That's what it said).

Anyway.... Ya better watch out fer these Catholic girls, boys. They may revere Jesus, but it's a cultural insult to their spirit that only a virgin can have God's children. (Didn't Jesus say we're ALL God's children?)

This is a true story. I would not sully my wife's 'reputation', but her parents have long passed, and I think all her sisters know the score. They're Catholic girls too. I think they'd have a knowing giggle over it. [Modern women sure won't be embarrassed for her. With the way they behave like alley cats in heat all the time? Will they?]

[As an aside ... I'm actually wondering if Caliban is a 'cad' for telling this story. Thomas Wolfe wrote a whole 'passage' about his old codger relative who considered Lord Byron a 'cad' for sullying a lady's reputation. "You're telling me", the young man asked the codger, "that one of the greatest poets who ever wrote in the English language is no more than a contemptible cad, in your opinion, for setting the raptures of love they shared to some of the most beautiful poetry ever written?" 

Yea ... Sure enough .... that's what that old boy was tellin' the lad ... He MEANT it, too! ..LOL

I know I am meandering, folks, but how else can we even try to convey a broad 'vision' of this crucial topic at hand?

The culture we have now, as fully participated in by Modern Women, is VERY bad for women's own best interests. They are being cruelly used ... They think they are 'liberated' as they dance on the ends of The Ruling Syndicate's strings.

I'm not defending the repressive culture depicted in 'Splendor in the Grass', that crushed young women's natural feelings so cruelly that it drove that beautiful girl 'mad'.

What I'm saying, is that the culture that has NOW been imposed on our society by those who have the full power of social engineering in their hands, is VERY bad for women. It is VERY bad to teach our young girls to behave like alley cats in heat.  Do they think they will enjoy raising babies alone? (Take it from one who's done it ... They WON'T!)

All suffer. Half those babies will be boys. Will these bitter Black Widow mothers teach their sons to feel 'toxic' for being 'male'? Aren't we going from one extreme of a toxic culture to another? Will some poor young boy with an involuntary erection stand up naked before his mother and whimper insanely, like Natalie Wood?

This young scholar, Ms. Richardson, has her eyes set on pursuing fame and glory, and she's angry that motherhood may hinder this deepest instinctual human urge. "It's still the same old story. A FIGHT for love and glory. A case of do or DIE!"  

Well ... A society would be pretty stupid to deprive itself of the benefits that will accrue to ALL by nurturing EVERY child's mind to the fullest extent. Only a foolish society would waste fully HALF its most brilliant minds. Yes, we must create child care systems that will facilitate our exploitation of this, our MOST valuable national resource and treasure, (our children's minds, in the living yearning skulls of both little girls and little boys), to its fullest.

But ... Does Ms. Richardson not know that most girls are NOT intellectuals? Most girls are just average girls. (How life must be to be so unburdened, eh?) A 'career' to them means long days of data entry and spreadsheets in cubicle hell, or else a waitress's aching feet becoming shin splints, with 5 hours left on the shift.

An 'intellect' will always demand to be fed. Our nation must help its female intelligentsia contribute to the Common Good. But 'careers' are just not what they sometimes seem, when looking up from below. There are many ways men and women both have of stimulating our intellect that have little or nothing to do with pursuing 'careers'.

Let me tell the rest of this story about my oldest daughter. I have three daughters, and each of them has grown to become a beautiful strong woman, just like their papa taught them to be. I could tell similar stories about each of them, (and probably will someday). Each has made difficult choices that reflect values MUCH deeper than crass shallow 'fame and glory'. Like Ms. Richardson, my oldest is burdened with a 'heavy head', (as all three are). But she, the oldest, more than then others, resented that being a woman and mother would hinder her 'career'.

She moved to the Big City, determined to make her mark. She lived in a closet, (no, LITERALLY), a couple blocks from Times Square, as she started out to learn about life beyond school. Well ... She got herself situated ... She ditched the corporate job ... got a job as a 'nanny', (what d'ya s'pose a rich broker would pay for a nanny with a Stanford degree? LOL ... You kidding? ... Bragging rights 'down at the club"?). She got a nice apartment in Brooklyn, and got accepted to NYU's graduate track.  Well ... You know how them young girls do. She caught a fella's eye. First love. Then marriage. Then a baby carriage.

Fast forward several years, she's trying to get her dissertation done. A lot of her research is in DC. (Library of Congress). She's already been a TA for years, and is now shuttling up to Columbia as an adjunct. She and her husband bought a fixer upper 'up the river'.  She's rolling pretty good on the dissertation, and bang! An unplanned pregnancy.  And then, it gets worse, it's twins.

I sure never would have judged her for making a different decision, but her twins are now 8. She's a little gray, but just coming into her own as a full grow'd adult woman. She has an online graphic design business, and has more work than she can accept. She is very active in town politics, (Roger Ailes himself lived in that town, and was, of course, an formidable adversary. His wife ran the local paper). She'll be mayor within another few years. I tease her about that, and she laughs, but I actually think that.

Oh .... Did she finish her dissertation? Are you kidding? This is Caliban's daughter we're talking about here. You BETCHA she did! She finished it while she nursed her twins. And you can imagine how proud was an old papa was at the Radio City Music Hall, as she walked the stage, picked up her degree, and became Dr. Zwarich.

But ... After her view of the corrupted mess of the nation's system of higher education, she said "no thanks", just as she had to the corporate world.

If you asked her today, at a cocktail party, or at some conference, what do YOU do? I think, or at lest hope, that the FIRST thing she would say, and proudly,  is "I am the mother of three". If she respected the person's reaction enough, she might go on to elaborate. (And you think ole Caliban ain't proud of his baby girl?)

There ya have it ... Chapter 1. 

Chapter 2 will be entitled 'Don and Betty and Peggy' ... 'Mad Men' takes us from Ma Joad, to "Playboy', and then to CIA operative Gloria Steinem, and 'Ms.' magazine, 
