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East and West: Not One, Not Two

Let’s not mince words..


  It is as if time has wound back on itself, and we are onceagain living in the biblical age, reliving the birth pangs of the Abrahamiccult, with raging battles on high reflected in the mundane affairs of meremortals down below, Father Jehovah, the Sky God, doing battle with the demigodswho challenge His Parental Authority, whilst his first born, his proxies onEarth, the Hebrew tribe, smite the ungodly (i.e., their neighbors), laying themutterly to waste, killing the men, enslaving the women and children. That paganscreed, Revelations, once again dominates weak, credulous minds. The ReverendHagee eagerly charting the progress of the coming Apocolypse, rallying hiscohort of righteous simpletons (millions of them), whilst St. George (Dubbya),the malevolent moron, gets his marching orders directly from the mouth of theAlmighty, then proceeds to wipe out the very birthplace of Westerncivilization, spawning ISIS in the process. And in the next frame, an AfricanAmerican hybrid, one Barack Hussein Obama, growing a spine seemingly out ofnowhere, takes the field against Gog and Magog, readying to wield hispresidential veto like David’s proverbial slingshot. How can one not but lookon in awe and trepidation as the center disintegrates and the continuing existenceof life on earth is held hostage. Yes, it is that dramatic – we do indeed livein interesting times.


  The 21st Century CE, the time when push comes to shove, theWestern Empire clinging to its fading glory and omnipotence, raging against thedimming of the light, its grip loosening, laying waste to one “enemy” afteranother – those nations unwilling to genuflect at the feet of the Empire -readying to wage nuclear war against its chosen nemesis, Russia, which is thebridge between East and West, the past and the future. Then what, after nukingRussia? we’ll eat the radioactive Chinese! We’ll have to, there won’t beanything else left to eat. They could still call it KFC. Well, sure, why not?As long as it’s good for business.


  It is a time when the Empire embraces a new syncreticpolitical ideology – Zivism: Zionism cum Imperialism cum Vulture Capitalism -marching in tandem with its recently minted religion, the Holycause*. All this is solemnly declared kosher by rabbis withblood-shot eyes staring out from their hilltops bristling with weapons –protected by the IDF (as well as the quisling PA) - at the helplessPalestinians. And meanwhile the military-industrial complex counts the loot andglories in its power to maim and kill. And the Zionist owned mainstream mediacontinues to lie, distort, spin, deceive, whilst feverishly selling mountainsof crap to a complacent, addicted, sedated, increasingly obese, rapidly goingbankrupt public.


  The political offensive is led by a cohort of fanatical“exceptionalists” (fascists, properly defined*), conscienceless, Machiavellianopportunists styled neocons and neolibs, which includes the great majority ofthe Republican and Democratic politicians, dancing to the tune of their vampireoverlords, who are sitting comfortably, albeit somewhat uneasily, in theirboardrooms and counting-houses (they know that their massive Ponzi scheme ishanging by a thread). The rest of the world gapes in fear and wonder as thismindless juggernaut, this blinded Cyclops, armed to the teeth, drones evercloser, leaving mounds of incinerated corpses in its wake.


  Meanwhile, vast numbers of impoverished, desperaterefugees, tens of millions of them, internally displaced or clamoring at theborders of the European colonial powers that made them so. The proverbialchickens coming home to roost. More horrific even than the invasions of theMongol hordes – they were barbaric, ruthless, yes, but not as criminally insaneas the current powers that be, the ones who populate the stink tanks, theLobby, and the governments of Israel, the US, Canada, the UK, France, Germany,with the rest of NATO cravenly cheering them on. Maybe Hagee and his addled ilkhave got it right! Except on one point – they’re far more likely to get flusheddown the toilet than get “raptured up.”


  So what’s to be done – what can be done? For starters, jointhe movement for One Democratic State in historical Palestine. The West and thecompliant dictatorships of the Middle East are in thrall to Israel, thatrecently conceived stain on the map of the world. Instead of the Jewish State -a fascist, racist, colonial-settler, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocidal,scofflaw criminal collective - embodying everything utterly detestable in humanaffairs; instead of the malignant tumor that it truly is, threatening the verylife of its host – humanity and the biosphere itself – the ancient land ofPalestine could become in short order the site of what most of the world holdsup, at least notionally, as the gold standard of nation states – democratic,secular, multi-ethnic, religiously diverse, a state for all its citizens. Assuch, it could transform the Middle East, and the world. Pay no mind to theweaselly, deceptive arguments against it, which serve only to ensure thecontinued existence of the Jewish State in some form or another.


  And there is something else we could do. We could – must -grow up, become spiritually awake. It means recognizing what the wise havealways told us – that all things and all beings are inextricably connected.Nothing and no one stands on their own – everything exists only in relation toeverything else, like the clouds in the sky. The West, in its ego-centered,childish, materialistic frenzy, has ignored this simple, sublime truth - andits corollary, that what goes around comes around. It is encapsulated in theGolden Rule, the keystone of every genuine religion and wisdom tradition. It isnot a paternalistic moral prescription from on high, like the primitive Judaiccommandments – it is a recognition of how things actually are, how it works,and that we ignore at our great peril.


  This world is too precious to lose – not to mention thatit’s the only one we’ve got. It is sacred, as are the human beings inhabitingit, all of them. Let’s rise to the occasion. We can do it. We could even createa sane society*, leaving this lunatic horror andchaos behind us. It’s actually possible. But we don’t have all that much time..