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The Illuminati are real - see these photos & videos, from Peter Myers

(1) Supreme Court building in Israel with Illuminati pyramid

(2) Youtube videos showing Illuminati pyramid

(3) Masonic/Illuminati symbolism in Israeli Supreme Court, by Jerry Golden (2004)

(4) Guide to the Masonic/Illuminati symbolism, by Jerry Golden (2016)

(5) Israel Supreme Court was designed, built & funded by the Rothschilds


(1) Supreme Court building in Israel with Illuminati pyramid - just like US $ Bill

two photos from Wikipedia:

sunny day:

covered in snow:


(2) Youtube videos showing Illuminati pyramid

by Pastor Paul Begley  (2 min 2 sec):

There are 33 steps from inside the Supreme Court Building that lead to the base of the "Illuminati" Pyramid. The Rothchild family designed and paid for the construction of the building. ==

Paul Begley inside the Supreme Court (2:04):

Paul Begley- Ley Lines Of The Israeli Supreme Court (2 min 13 sec):

Know Your Enemy

Part 71

Israeli Supreme Court (6:12 )

also at

and at

and at,Israeli-Supreme-Court.html


(3) Masonic/Illuminati symbolism in Israeli Supreme Court, by Jerry Golden (2004)

He's Jewish, but a Christian.

The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem.

Posted: Tuesday, November 09, 2004

- written by jerry golden 

(visit the link to see the photos:

The Israeli NWO tips their hand. --

Masonic Order Designs Symbology in Israeli Supreme Court Building

The first thing you will notice is the pyramid with the all Seeing Eye just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill, it sits in a circle to the left.


(4) Guide to the Masonic/Illuminati symbolism, by Jerry Golden (2016)

The 2016 version has a different introduction:


(5) Israel Supreme Court was designed, built & funded by the Rothschilds

Sinister Sites – Israel Supreme Court  Jun 24th, 2009

By Vigilant

Peter Myers