From: Dick Eastman
Burning bridges behind me, I name Khazars and their primary devices for subverting and conquering national economies andtheir middle classes.  First three news items reminding you that there isa problem. 1. The Costs of War Project at Brown University’s WatsonInstitute published an estimate of the taxpayer dollars that will have gone intoAmerica’s War on Terror from September 12, 2001, through fiscal year 2018. Thatfigure: a cool $5.6 trillion (including the future costs of caring for our warvets). Tom Engelhardt’s, A Nation Unmade by War. Between 2006 and 2011 the ECB balance sheet trebled form €1trillion to €3 trillion. But the crisis didn’t finish in 2011. After a briefreduction in debt, the balance sheet expanded fast from €2.3 trillion in 2014to €4 trillion today. The only reason why we haven’t seen high conventionalinflation in the EU is that all the printed money, just like in the US, hasstayed with the banks. The result has been low inflation in consumer productsbut huge asset inflation. Thus, we have seen massive increases in stock, bondand property prices but not in consumer prices. So major money creation by theECB and the Eurozone banks have so far had only minor inflationary impact. Italy’s new coalition government is a protest against the EUand Euro. With debt to GDP already the highest in Europe, the new regime willexacerbate the problems. Lower taxes and higher spending will guarantee that.As the chart below shows, Italian debt to GDP is already 140%. By 2050 this isprojected to grow to 210%. As interest rates go up, servicing the growing debtwill soon absorb all tax revenue. Italy will be bankrupt long before 2050 anddefault on all its debt. Italy’s new coalition government is a protest against the EUand Euro. With debt to GDP already the highest in Europe, the new regime willexacerbate the problems. Lower taxes and higher spending will guarantee that.As the chart below shows, Italian debt to GDP is already 140%. By 2050 this isprojected to grow to 210%. As interest rates go up, servicing the growing debtwill soon absorb all tax revenue. Italy will be bankrupt long before 2050 anddefault on all its debt. The consequence of one currency fits all is a disaster for theweaker Eurozone countries like Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal etc. The Euro ismuch too strong for these countries. This leads to weak exports as well asbalance of payment and budget deficits. Countries like Germany on the otherhand, benefit from a weak Euro which generates strong exports and surpluses.But the other side of the coin is that the ECB which means mainly Germany mustfinance the deficits of the weaker countries. And we all know that these debtswill never be repaid. So whatever way you turn, the EU experiment will end indisaster. It is only a matter of how long it will take. Turkey, Argentina and Venezuela. The currencies of these threecountries have collapsed in this century and the fall is nowaccelerating.
 2. U.S. Federal Government setto borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from lastyear The U.S. Treasury expects to borrow $955 billion this fiscalyear, according to a documents released Wednesday. It's the highest amount ofborrowing in six years, and a big jump from the $519 billion the federalgovernment borrowed last year. Treasury mainly attributed the increase to the "fiscaloutlook." The uptick in borrowing is yet another complication in theheated debates in Congress over whether to spend more money oninfrastructure, the military, disaster relief and other domestic programs. Thedeficit is already up significantly, even before Congress allots more money toany of these areas. Disaster capitalists are standing by. Whichshall it be earthquake, hurricanes, fires, rioter rampages or war? What collateral in lands and services are theRothschilds demanding for these loans? Are we selling our war-makingservices to them or just the plunder we we can snag?  3. Real Economic Numbers: 21.5 PercentUnemployment, 10 Percent Inflation And Negative Economic Growth ByMichael Snyder  If we use the government's own numbers, there arenearly 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.
Economic Reform waiting for a Politician fromthe People and For the People and against the Jewish International FinancialMafia, a man with the courage and intelligence commitment to the people ofPatrick Little. by Dick Eastman People suffer because their governments do notprovide them a permanent base money supply. Instead all money for eacheconomy of every nation is borrowed from an international lending mafia ofJewish banking families and their hired brains and henchmen.  Allmoney in circuation for buying, selling, paying debt and taxes was borrowed intoexistence, which means it was co-created with a new debt obligation for theborrower to pay to the lender a stream of payments totaling far morethan the amount of new loan deposit the loan created. This is aninescapable outcome following from the facts 1) that all money ofnational domestic economies is borrowed; and 2) created loan deposit is alwaysless than co-created obligation to pay principal and interest tothe lender over time. What happens when the entire moneysupply of a nation is borrowed at compound interest and must continually bereplenished by fresh borrowing?  That which is a credit from the point of view of thecreditor is a debt from the point of view of the debtor. The Bank-of-England/East-India-Company/ Rothschildsystem exploits the domestic economy of a nation as shown above. Thepeople below must borrow the money to enable their domestic market activityamong households, domestic businesses and the public goods sector. Butmoney loaned is always less than principal and interest owing. Debtmounts. Interest burden mounts. Default and bankruptcy are alwayshappening to some, simply for want to aggregate demand due to the drain ofinterest from money in circulation -- called monetary deflation. Thecreated deposit of the loan reflates the economy for a little while, but thedebt financing soon drains that amount away and continues to drain as principaland interest paid exceed loan money provided. Defaults occur and thelender takes the collateral which "secured" the loan in the loan contract, therist being entirely on the borrower and not the lender. Money circulation in a populist economy. Money creation is taken out of the hands of banks. Savers risk their moneyby giving it to a populist bank to lend. Risk in such lending is shared50-50 by borrowers and lenders. Banks have no reserve requirements. If they lend to businesses that fail too often they simply loose their money andmay wish to consider a different line of work. The government has nothingto do with banking and lending and everything to do with money creation and newmoney distribution. Government is funded by taxation only. I directtax itemized so the citizen can see exactly what public goods and services his taxes are funding. Of course there is more to say -- buthere is enough to explode all belief in the current system of lies, the Jewishinternational lending racket and their system. Learn More, but realize that you now knowenough to no longer be fooled by the all-borrowed national money supplyapparatus and the criminals who operate it.   Formost amongwriters on this subject is Arthur Kitson -- a man erased from the history ofeconomic thought by the bankers' hired economists, editors, publishers andpoliticians.     I recommend especially readingfrom page 40 to the conclusion. -- Dick Eastman Reading ArthurKitson "The Bankers Conspiracy" 3hrs. 19 min Dick reading excerpts from Kitson, AScientific Solution to the Money Problem (1895) 6 hr. 13min Reading Gottfried Feder on Interest Slavery 2hr 40 min Reading Henry George on the LawsGoverning the Distribution of Wealth 3 hr. 6 min Reading Frederick Soddy on impossibledemands and inevitable damage resulting from the all-borrowed moneysupply. Frederick Soddy - held the rationalizations for theBank-of-England/East-India-Company/Rothschild system up against the laws ofphysics. The sun provides the wealth -- the plants create the capital (wood toburn, organic compounds to become coal and oil - and the sun's provision mustbe used or lost -- it doesn't save. THE WHOLE IDEA OF THE WEALTHY CREDIT CLASSBEING SOMEHOW "SAVERS" WHO PROVIDE THEIR SAVINGS TO BUILD CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ISA LIE -- THEIR ACCUMULATED INTEREST AND IOU's ARE NOT SAVED WEALTH -- THEY ARECLAIMS TO TAKE WEALTH AT A FUTURE DATE - NOT GIVE ANYTHING. After this readingof Soddy -- I have added all that is left of an old Youtube recording (myYoutube account was terminated during the Tsarnaev Trial) -- NOTICE IN THISTHAT I HAVE A RECORDING OF FED RES. CHAIRMAN BERNANKE IN 2007 SAYING THAT THEFED IS WORRIED ABOUT A RETURN OF INFLATION AND IS MANAGING IT -- AT A TIMEWHEN THE M1 MONEY SUPPLY WAS ACTUALLY SHRINKING -- ASTOUNDING -- DELIBERATELYCAUSING DEFLATION -- AND VERY SIMIILAR TO WHAT JANET YELLEN IS DOING NOW -- INTHE MIDST OF THIS SPIRALING DEFLATION -- SHE IS INCREASING THE DISCOUNT RATE-- THEY LIE -- THEY SABOTAGE THE ECONOMY -- AND THEY NEVER GET CAUGHT.INTEREST IS A MATHEMATICAL RULE AND GOES ON FOREVER -- WHEREAS WHATEVER THELOAN BUYS MUST, FOLLOWING THE WAY OF ALL PHYSICAL OBJECTS MUST BREAK DOWN ANDDECAY. THE GOOD FROM THE LOAN ENDS, THE DEBT SLAVERY GOES ON DEMANDINGCOMPOUND INTEREST. THE RESULT MUST BE THAT THE MONEY POWER ENDS UP WITHEVERYTHING AND THE REST BECOME DISPOSSESSED PAUPERS == THE SYSTEM IS WRONG ANDMUST BE ABOLISHED AND REPLACED WITH A SYSTEM THAT IS TRULYWORKABLE.
Reading Irving Fisher, Booms and Depressions(1932) 5 hr 22 min  ArthurKitson (6 April 1859 – 2 October 1937) was a Britishmonetary theorist, engineer, inventor and entrepreneur, whoviews fully anticipated those of C H Douglas and was a greatacknowledged influence upon Frederic Soddy.  Links to Kistonwritings. Works - A Scientific Solution ofthe Money Question, ArenaPublishing Company, 1895.
- The Money Problem, Grant Richards, 1903.
- Industrial Depression; its Causes andCure, Fisher Unwin, 1905.
- Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S. "theCircumnavigator", E. P. Dutton & Company,1907. This is not Arthur Kitson the monetarist and inventor but ArthurOctavius Kitson. This is clear because the dedication in the book is to "MyWife Linda" and she was Arthur Octavius's wife.
- An Open Letter to the Right Hon.David Lloyd-George, J. M. Dent & Sons, 1911.
- Trade Fallacies: A Criticism ofExisting Methods, and Suggestions for a Reform Towards NationalProsperity, P. S. King & Son, 1917.
- A FraudulentStandard, P. S. King & Son,1917.
- The Great Pacifist Conspiracy!: AWarning and an Appeal to the British Public, Dolby, 1918.
- Money Problems: A Discussionof the Basis of our Monetary and Credit Institutions with Suggestions for theEstablishment of a Scientific Currency System, Dolby Brothers, 1920.
- Unemployment; the Causeand a Remedy, Cecil Palmer,1921.
- The Bankers' Conspiracy!, whichStarted the World Crisis, Stock, 1933.
- A Modern Pilgrim's Progress, AldenPress, 1935.
Pamphlets - Usury (Payment for the use ofThings): the Prime Cause of Want and Unemployment, s.n., 1910.
- Is a Money CrisisImminent?: Being the Becture Delivered under the Auspices of theBanking and Currency Reform League at the New Reform Club, 1 November,Commercial Intelligence Publ. Co., 1911.
- England's Trade Barrier! TheBank Charter Act: an Address Delivered to the Members of theBirmingham Chamber of Commerce, at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, 17 December1917, Hudson & Son, 1917.
- Reconstruction Through BankingReform, Cornish Echo Company, 1918.
- Renewal of the Bank of EnglandCharter: How the Present Banking System Restricts Trade, Birmingham Chamber ofCommerce, 1918.
- A Criticism of the FirstInterim Report of the Committee on Currency and Foreign Exchanges,British Banking Reform League, 1919.
- The Treasury's LatestCraze, Unwin, 1920.
- A Letter to H.R.H. The Princeof Wales on the World Crisis – It's Cause, and Remedy, The Alden Press(Oxford) Limited, 1931.
- The Science of Plenty,s.n.
Articlesby Kitson - "The Logic of Free Trade and Protection," Popular ScienceMonthly, Vol. 38, November 1890.
- "Fallacies of Modern Economists,"Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 42, December 1892.
- "A Criticism of Henry George's Single TaxTheory", The American Journal of Politics, Vol. V,July/December 1894.
- "What is Economic Value?", The AmericanMagazine of Civics, Vol. VI, January/June 1895.[2]
- "Gold and State Banking", The New Age, Vol. XI, No. 13, 1912.
- "A Successful Experiment", The New Age, Vol. XI, No. 26,1912.
- "The Root of All Evil", The New Age,Vol. XII, No. 17, 1913.
- "The 20th Century Napoleon", The New Age, Vol. XIII, No. 13,1913.
- "Legislative Quackery", The New Age, Vol. XIV, No. 11, 1914.
- "The War and the Prophets", The NewAge, Vol. XV, No. 18, 1914.
- "The Russian Myth", The New Age, Vol. XV, No. 23, 1914.
- "German Kultur", The New Age, Vol. XVI, No. 2, 1914.
- "Messrs. Facing-Bothways", The New Age, Vol. XVII, No. 10,1915.
- "The Psychological Factor", Land & Water, 4December 1915.
- "The Financial Factor", Land & Water, 30December 1915.
- "Treasury Notes: Their Present Advantageand Permanent Value", Land Water, Vol. LXVII, No. 2830, 3August 1916.
- "Labour, Capital and the State", Land &Water, Vol. LXVIII, No. 2839, 5 October 1916.
- "Property and the State", Land & Water,Vol. LXVIII, No. 2843, 2 November 1916.
- "The Coming Trade War", Land & Water, Vol.LXVIII, No. 2847, 30 November 1916.
- "Psychology of the Workshop", Land and Water,Vol. LXIX, No. 2856, 1 February 1917.
- "The New Morality", Land & Water, Vol.LXIX, No. 2876, 21 June 1917.
- "The Perils of Restriction", Land & Water,Vol. LXIX, No. 2888, September 1917.
- "Our Invisible Rulers", National Review,January 1920.
- "The Trade Slump", The English Review, February1921.
- "Farewell to Gold", The Living Age, November 1931.
- "The Bankers' Conspiracy", TheLiving Age, February 1934.
Further reading - Cowen, Tyler & Kroszner, Randall. "The Developmentof the New Monetary Economics", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 95(3), June1987.
- Fisher, Irving. Stable Money; a History of theMovement, Adelphi, 1934.
- Hammes, David & Wills, Douglas. "Thomas Edison's 'Except One'; The MonetaryViews of Arthur Kitson Revisited", Journal of Economic Studies,Vol. 32(1), 2005.
- Surette, Leon. "Arthur Kitson", Pound inPurgatory: From Radical Economics to Anti-Semitism, Chap. X,University of Illinois Press, 1999.