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April 2011

Apr 26, 2011

THIRD PALESTINIAN INTIFADA: All Arabs to March on Israel on May 15th, by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat | Intifada Palestine

  With those powerful political storms rolling up the Middle East, and with this unstoppable and unpredictable domino effect of popular uprisings, how long before we watch the Israeli domino piece fall down...

Satisfying the Zionists: Obama's first priority, by Kourosh Ziabari | My Catbird Seat
  When Barack Obama entered the oval office with his luminous and glowing slogan of “change” which appealed to millions of frustrated Americans who couldn’t tolerate the hawkish and warmongering policies of George Bush anymore, it was hardly predictable that he would simply present a moderated example of his aggressive predecessor who owed his legitimacy and power to the Zionist lobby in the United States...

Pro-Israel pressure on law conference threatens free speech in USA | Palestine Telegraph
  Cecilie Surasky highlights the threat to freedom of speech in the United States posed by mainstream Jewish organizations who are going all out to silence all criticism or debate of Israeli policies, even by Jews and Israelis...

Israeli policemen beat Palestinian Christians on their way to church | ABNA
  Israeli policemen beat up a group of Palestinian Christians while on their way to visit the Church of holy Sepulcher in occupied Jerusalem on the occasion of "Holy Saturday"..

Young Arab Jews open letter to Arab peers | Gilad Atzmon
  ...Following the regional Intifada and the rise of Arab masses, young Arab Jews in Israel are becoming aware of their true origin and their culture. The following is an open letter to Arab peers written by Young Israeli Arab Jews- young people who come to realise who they are, where they come from and what they stand for...

Israeli Police Terrorize Palestinian Prisoners | Gilad Atzmon
  Mohamed Ashkar, a Palestinian prisoner, was murdered by the Israelis. There is no limit to Israeli barbarism...
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'Obama at impasse over Guantanamo' | PressTV
  As if it wasn't bad enough that the US President Barack Obama did not keep his pledge to close down the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison camp, he now has to deal with published Wikileaks classified documents that hundreds of the prison's inmates were actually innocent. In an interview with Paul Wolf, a human rights and international lawyer in Washington, PressTV further discusses the issue of these prisoners...
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Ron Paul Rocks The View: Whoopi Goldberg Frustrated When Audience Cheers Ron Paul | YouTube
  Congressman Ron Paul brings common sense to The View and discusses his new book, 'Liberty Defined', while also talking about planned parenthood, illegal wars, and more...
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Yemen and the story of a revolution, by Hassan Hanizadeh | PressTV
  Following intense domestically and internationally organized negotiations, Yemen's president has finally agreed to the conditional transfer of power...

An Empire of Failed States by Alfred W. McCoy, Brett Reilly | Antiwar Egypt (and elsewhere in the Middle East), Washington was funding both the autocrats and the young activists who opposed them and who, in Egypt, would be crucial players in the Tahrir Square movement that overthrew President Hosni Mubarak. As one of those activists told the New York Times, “While we appreciated the training we received through the NGOs sponsored by the U.S. government, and it did help us in our struggles, we are also aware that the same government also trained the state security investigative service, which was responsible for the harassment and jailing of many of us.” ..
Human Chain to Spell 'NO FLY ZONE OVER PALESTINE', by Ken O'Keefe | Salem-News
   We intend to remind the world how the children of Palestine are terrorized and murdered by Israeli air power on a regular basis. We intend to tell the story of how the people of Gaza continue to suffer the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from the horrific bombardment of Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. We demand that the good people of the world acknowledge that Israeli planes simply flying over Palestine is an intentional source of panic and fear, of state sponsored terrorism, for countless people in Gaza, especially the children...

Apr 25, 2011

Lobbification Part II: An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine
  In his Farewell Address given in 1796, George Washington warned of “combinations and associations” which might succeed in substituting their own desires for “the delegated will of the nation.”..
Libyan War Gets Weird: War Criminals Supported by West, by Tony Cartalucci | Infowars
  Even those who have studied for years the criminal consolidation of this planet under the global corporate-financier oligarchy may be noticing that the war in Libya is turning into something new and unprecedented. The lies and propaganda have hit an all time high...

Pro-Israel pressure on law conference threatens free speech in USA | Redress Information & Analysis
  Cecilie Surasky highlights the threat to freedom of speech in the United States posed by mainstream Jewish organizations who are going all out to silence all criticism or debate of Israeli policies, even by Jews and Israelis...

McCain, Oil Companies And Western Intervention In Libya, by Jamal Kanj | Intifada Palestine

  “John McCain a top recipients of oil donor money in the US senate advocates today stronger US intervention; in 2009 he was a special guest at Qaddafi’s infamous tent calling, then, for stronger relations with the regime.”..
Vera Macht: Vik, You Are Missed | Gilad Atzmon
  You are missed with such an intensity that makes you even more present. In all of our minds, in all of our hearts. It's your absence that makes your strength, your kindness and your impressive dedication to people and to humanity so incredibly present...

Israeli Humour: Mocking Jesus on Israeli TV | Gilad Atzmon
  Easter Weekend Special......
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Many U.S. officials see the events in Bahrain as part of the chess game with Iran: Robert Naiman Interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari | Veterans Today
  ...What follows is my interview with Mr. Robert Naiman, political commentator and Policy Director at Just Foreign Policy, an independent and non-partisan membership organization dedicated to reforming U.S. foreign policy by mobilizing and organizing the broad majority of Americans who want a foreign policy based on diplomacy, law and cooperation...

"Israel", The 51st State - Lowkey | YouTube
israel is a nuclear state
israel is a terrorist state
israel is a pirate state
israel is an apartheid state
israel is an illegal state
israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS
israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony
the UN itself said zionism is racism...
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The Holocaust Explained, by Eustace Mullins | Rense
  Holocaust -- from the meaning wholly burnt. 1) a sacrifice wholly consumed by fire. 2) complete consumption by fire (Oxford English Dictionary). If the Jewish claim that they were the victims of a holocaust in Germany is true, then they were consumed entirely by fire. This Jewish claim is unacceptable because there were so many survivors...
The Collectivist Conspiracy, by G. Edward Griffin | Prison Planet
  In this exclusive 80 minute video interview for Prison subscribers, legendary conspiracy author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research, which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist model that will crush individualism and eventually institute martial law as a response to the inevitable backlash that will be generated as a result of a fundamental re-shaping of society.
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Commemorating Palestinian Political Prisoners | Stephen Lendman

  Since 1979, April 17 annually is Palestinian Prisoners Day, commemorating Mahmoud Hijazi's 1974 release - the first ever prisoner swap with Israel. Acknowledging the day, the Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association highlighted the thousands of persecuted prisoners, launching a new campaign on their behalf "to raise awareness of specific cases....whose detention (pose) serious risks."..

Bahrain's secret terror, by Jeremy Laurance | The Independent
  The intimidation and detention of doctors treating dying and injured pro-democracy protesters in Bahrain is revealed today in a series of chilling emails obtained by The Independent...

Bilderberg Wants Gas Prices at $7 a Gallon, by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
  In a follow-up to his original article, veteran newspaper reporter and Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker told Alex Jones today that the globalists fully intend to launch a ground invasion of Libya and also jack up the price of gas to $7 per gallon...

'Yemen is a good bad guy for US' | PressTV
  The United States has so far failed to criticize Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh over the harsh crackdown on anti-government protesters. Press TV has conducted an interview with Stewart Stogel with the Newsmax Magazine to elaborate on the issue...
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Disintegrating Libya on NATO agenda, by Hassan Hanizadeh | PressTV
  The Libyan crisis entered a dangerous stage after the direct intervention of the United States, England, France, and Italy to support the revolutionary forces in the North African country...

Al-Qaeda no successor to Arab dictators | PressTV
  It might still be hard for many in Western countries to believe that the United States had the main role in the formation of al-Qaeda...

'Saudi Forces behave like Israeli military': Interview with Nada Hashwi | PressTV
  Saudi Forces have been equated with Israelis with their violent attacks on innocent civilians, demolishing of houses and mosques and burning of the Qur'an. Press TV interviewed Political Analyst Nada Hashwi about the atrocities occurring in Bahrain and how the enemies are trying to create a sectarian conflict...
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Apr 24, 2011

Interview: daughter of Frantz Fanon on Palestine solidarity, by Adri Nieuwhof | The Electronic Intifada

Mireille Fanon-Mendes France

  Last year, Mireille Fanon-Mendes France of the Frantz Fanon Foundation testified in the trial of Ameer Makhoul, a Palestinian citizen of Israel and the director of Ittijah, the Union of Arab Community-Based Associations. In January, Makhoul was sentenced to nine years in prison for charges related to espionage and contact with “enemies of the state.” According to Makhoul, during the 22 days he was held in isolation after his arrest, the Israeli authorities used severe interrogation methods that caused him both psychological and physical harm...

Shouldn't Libyan rebels be thanking Israel? by Maidhc Ó Cathail | The Passionate Attachment
   U.S. Sen. John McCain, one of the strongest proponents in Congress of the American military intervention in Libya, said Friday that Libyan rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi’s troops are his heroes...
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US weapons to Israel are disincentives to peace | Redress Information & Analysis
  Against the background of Israel’s contempt for international law and violations of Palestinian human rights, and as Washington now considers raising the debt ceiling and making even more substantial cuts to the 2012 budget, Josh Ruebner argues that “the moral, financial and political costs of arming Israel can no longer be ignored”..

Forget about Libya: Let's invade the Caymans! | Jane Stillwater's Web Log
  If you were to look in the dictionary for a definition of the word "loot," you would find the following: "Goods usually of considerable value taken in war". But no matter how you get your hands on it, loot is still loot. According to Merriam-Webster, when nations seize loot, it is called war. However, when individuals seize loot, we call them pirates. But sometimes nations can act like pirates too...

The shocking thing is that Bahrain abuse is systematic, by Richard Sollom | The Independent
  In two decades of conducting human rights investigations in more than 20 countries, I have never seen such widespread and systematic violations of medical neutrality as I did in Bahrain...

Scorpion Prison: Egypt's Darkest Corner, by Yvonne Ridley | Opinion Maker
  Welcome to Tora Land, declares the headline on a magazine rack which caught my eye as I was swept along in the rush hour inside Cairo’s chaotic train station. The bold declaration on the glossy front page confirms two things. The first is that Egyptians have a great sense of humour and the second is that the Peoples’ Revolution continues to have a seismic impact on the country’s political landscape...

Koch Brothers' Pernicious Political Influence | Stephen Lendman

  ...In 2009, Forbes called it America's second largest private company after Cargill with annual revenues of $100 billion. Donating generously to recruit, educate, fund, and organize Tea Party protests, they helped turn their private agenda into a mass movement of working Americans backing policies oppositie their own self-interest, added proof of the power of persuasion to deceive and betray...

Arab Spring Stalls as U.S. Defers to Saudi "Counter-revolution," by Jim Lobe | IPS

   As the so-called Arab Spring enters its sixth month, it appears to have run into seriously wintry headwinds...

Iraq War Was About Oil, by Ray McGovern | Antiwar
  ...the motivation to attack Iraq was not solely oil. Nor was it solely to acquire permanent or "enduring" military bases. Nor was it only to make the Middle East safer for Israel. In my view it was an amalgam of ALL OF THE ABOVE plus a few others like vengeance and what the Chinese used to call "great-power chauvinism."..

Two-Faced Arab League Losing Ground, by Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa Al-Omrani | IPS
  As the Cairo-based Arab League continues to back western military intervention in support of the popular rebellion in Libya, the League's failure to back similar uprisings in other Arab countries - most notably Bahrain - has led to charges of double standards...

Libya Proxy Cold War between China & West?: Interview with Pepe Escobar | Russia Today

  Many share the opinion that Washington is pursuing a larger goal than just regime change across the Arab world. RT crosses live to Brazil to speak to Asia Times correspondent - Pepe Escobar - about the role some countries are playing in the uprisings...
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"A Free Country": US plays the Judge | Rehmat's World
  The Washington-based Freedom House has released its Freedom in the World 2011 Survey. The study covers 194 countries and 14 territories, each of which gets a score on a scale from 1 (Free) to 7 (Not Free), based on the neocons’ criteria for ‘freedom’..

Is observing the Mesirah prohibition compatible with being American? by John Graham | The Occidental Observer

  ...Americans who are not Jewish need to be more aware of the Mesirah concept, which appears to be deeply ingrained in Jewish behavior to this day – another case of the set of group strategies identified by Professor MacDonald. It makes attempting to coexist with Jews costly and problematic...
Ban: 'Hizbullah needs to be disarmed' | Rehmat's World
  On Monday, United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon submitted the 13th Biannual Report on Resolution 1559. The report was prepared by Ki-Moon’s special envoy Terje Rod Larsen. In the report he tells Lebanese how to run their national affairs in order to be accepted by the US-Israel-UN occupied ‘civilized world’...

'Egypt-Israel relations unchanged' | PressTV
  Press TV interviewed Ralph Schoenman the Author of “The Hidden History of Zionism” regarding Egyptian and Israeli relations and the demands of the people...
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Kissinger Calls For US Ground Invasion Of Libya, by Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars
  Despite the fact that the United States is embroiled in three major conflicts and can barely service its own gigantic debt, with Standard and Poor this week indicating the US will soon lose its triple-A credit rating, top globalist and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently told fellow elitists at three different globalist confabs that the US needs to launch a ground invasion of Libya and keep the war running for at least another year...

Paper money | Press TV
  Gold prices are continuing to soar globally as the US keeps printing dollars. Let's take a closer look at how the two factors affect global economy, especially in the US, which is facing its highest budget deficit in history...
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The 'Peace Process' Exposed As A Psy-OP Fraud | YouTube

  Jeff Rense talks to Hesham Tillawi - as they fathom out why the Palestinian leaders were targeted to be discredited...
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Even Ben Stein Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming | The Economic Collapse
  ...Ben Stein is deeply concerned about inflation.  During his recent appearance on CBS, Stein proclaimed that the Federal Reserve is "just shoving money out the door as fast as it can" and that this could have horrific consequences for the U.S. financial system.  Sadly, Ben Stein is exactly right on this point.  The Federal Reserve has already injected enough money into the financial system to create an inflationary disaster...

Apr 23, 2011

No Fly Zone Over Palestine | Ken O'Keefe
  On Thursday April 21st we shall make a human chain with the children of Gaza to spell out NO FLY ZONE OVER PALESTINE so as to tell the world that Israel’s bombings of Gaza must stop...

Will a Palestinian Autumn follow an Arab Spring? by Yousef Munayyer | Palestine Center

  ...If the demise of the two-state solution occurs, and all indications are that we are bolting down that road, the Palestinian Autumn of 2011 may very well lead to Palestinians making the same demands of Israel that their Arab counterparts made in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere: freedom from oppression and equal representation in a single state...

The Arab Uprising Is A Rebellion Against Washington's Empire: William Norman Grigg Interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari | Intifada Palestine
  ...For decades, Washington’s power apparatus – the Federal Reserve and the military-industrial complex have been able to export inflation, which was a great deal for the investor class but a huge burden on the rest of us. That game is probably going to come to a very end very soon, and what we’re seeing in the Arab world is something of a foretaste of what we’re likely to see here, as well...
Special Relationship, by Colum Lynch | Foreign Policy

  Exclusive new cables released by WikiLeaks reveal the United States' heavy-handed efforts to help Israel at the U.N...

Egypt's revolution and the US: Mubarak's fatal error, by Eric Walberg | Global Research
  The Supreme Administrative Court order to disband the National Democratic Party and confiscate its properties last week was based on the NDP’s violation of the constitution; namely, monopolising power, preventing legitimate competition from other parties, and allowing corruption by the marriage of business and politics. As the only political force in control of the administration of the country, the NDP allowed powerful businessmen to rise through its ranks and then enact laws and run the country in their personal and corporate interests. What is this scenario but the Western electoral system, governed in the US by what is increasingly known as the Republicrats?..

The Israeli So-Called 'Left' | Gilad Atzmon
  ...The Israeli so-called ‘Leftists’ are welcoming the expected Palestinian State as long as the Palestinians stay behind the wall and do not exercise their right of return. The Israeli humanists basically endorse the Palestinian diplomatic initiative so they can keep dwelling on Palestinian land forever. I am not impressed at all...

'Pakistanis united against US hegemony' | PressTV

   Washington-Islamabad relations have become further complicated with the controversial US drone attacks in Pakistan and the involvement of America's secret service operatives in the Asian country...
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2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Egypt | Stephen Lendman
  In her book, "Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law," Marjorie Cohn quoted a former CIA agent saying: "If you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. If you want them tortured, you send them to Syria. If you want someone to send them to Egypt."..

'West fears democracy in Bahrain' | PressTV
  The West is worried about the emergence of a democratic government in Bahrain, fearing that it will jeopardize its interests in the Middle East, a Bahraini human rights activist says...
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Globalists Attend Bevy of Policy Meetings, by James P. Tucker Jr. | AFP
  Trilateral Commission luminaries were bouncing like yo-yos during their meeting in Washington April 8-10, when they met at George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs. Next, they hopped up the street to an Aspen Institute session on “Values and Diplomacy” at the National Cathedral, then some darted north to the historic Bretton Woods II conference in New Hampshire...

Israel: ' Islamists to takeover Jordan, too!' | Rehmat's World
  Israelis see Islamists behind every anti-governments protest in the Middle East. Islamists’ takeover of the pro-western monarchies and military dictatorship by the so-called ‘anti-Israel-Jew-hating’ Islamists, has become the latest ‘holocaust myth’. It’s scaring the hell out of the Islamophobes in the US and several European countries...

Libya and the new US strategic doctrine, by Thierry Meyssan | Voltaire Network
   The allied military operation in Libya marks a major strategic change. Washington has renounced a war of occupation and has sub-contracted its future ground operations to its allies. Thierry Meyssan describes the new strategic paradigm of the United States: forced globalisation is over, the era of two worlds has begun...

Easily Duped Islamists Demand Blind CIA Operative Be Released from Prison, by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
  Some Islamists will never figure it out. Hundreds of them have staged a protest in front of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to demand the release of an Egyptian cleric Omar Abdel-Rahman who is imprisoned in the United States for plots to blow up New York City landmarks...

Apr 22, 2011

Staying Human: The Heroic Legacy of Vittorio Arrigoni, by Ramzy Baroud | Palestine Chronicle

We will continue trying to 'stay human'

  ...Vittorio Arrigoni, or Vik, was reportedly murdered by a fundamentalist group in Gaza a few hours after he was kidnapped on Thursday, April 14. The killing was supposedly in retaliation for Hamas' crackdown on this group's members. All who knew Vik will attest to the fact that he was an extraordinary person, a model of compassion, solidarity and humanity...
Marrickville Council Votes Against BDS But Votes In Favour Of The 3 Tenets Of The BDS Call | Australians for Palestine
  ...The power of the Murdoch press, the pressure from senior Federal Ministers of the Labor Party and the warning by the newly-elected NSW premier of the Liberal Party that he would sack the entire council within 28 days if they did not overturn the BDS resolution, no doubt added to the mafia-like tactics of intimidation, threats and hysterical vitriol to which they had all been subjected.  Yet four councillors stood firm, undeterred by the illogical reasonings and dire warnings that had swayed their colleagues.  It is to them that we send thanks for their courage in the eye of the storm.  It is they who will be vindicated when Israel is finally held to account for all the years of human rights violations against the Palestinians.  It is they who are the champions of democracy in an age when our fundamental freedoms are being abused and undermined from all quarters...

Silence Shrouds New Security Agency | IPS
  In mid-March, Egypt's transitional government formally dissolved the hated State Security Investigations (SSI) apparatus, meeting a longstanding demand of the opposition. But in the month since, authorities have remained tight- lipped about the SSI's planned successor agency, raising fears that the transformation will be in name only...
Turning buildings to dust | Brasscheck TV
  The attack was a "surprise" and then it later turned out to have been forewarned. The building was supposedly destroyed by a terrorist attack, but no one was able to account for other explosions that took place and the actual destruction of the building. The FBI had an instant suspect...
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"Peace Mongers" In Sheeps Clothing, by Gordon Duff | Veterans Today

  There are at least two ways to look at the UN/NATO intervention in Libya.  From an egalitarian standpoint, there is a resolution from the United Nations Security Council authorizing the use of force against the Gaddafi regime.  Russia and China could have easily vetoed it but chose to abstain.  They stayed out of it to cover their backsides.  They know what Gaddafi, a known psychopath, is capable of but they also know what the US, Britain, France and Italy can do also.  Gaddafi isn’t the only psychopath...

Ghosts from the Past Pile Pressure on Assad, by Shahab Jafry | Palestine Chronicle

  Syria is not blessed, or rather cursed, with the black gold endowment that is irresistible for imperial interests, yet the late Hafez al Assad raised it to such prominence in the Middle East political calculus that every American president from Nixon to Clinton was forced to indulge in diplomatic business with it. George Bush turned the trend on his son and unlikely successor Bashar by openly trumpeting the neocon call for regime change in Syria, but the latter survived to welcome a call for engagement from Obama...

Propaganda: Lies about the war on Libya, by Thierry Meyssan | Voltaire Network

  While Thierry Meyssan supports the Libyan insurrection against the Muammar Gaddafi regime, he doesn’t approve of Resolution 1973 and is opposed to the war. In previous articles, he pointed to the imperialist objectives behind this operation. In this essay, he exposes the main lies of Atlanticist propaganda...
Oklahoma City: Three bombs inside the building | Deep Politics
  You probably never saw this. Two big bombs were found INSIDE the Oklahoma City federal building and defused. These clips ran on local news live...and were never broadcast again...
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'US will lose Bahrainis for good' | PressTV
  Coexistence between the US' Fifth Fleet and the Bahraini people will never be the same following the United States' green light for the invasion of Bahrain by Saudi and other foreign forces...
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Sleepwalking into the imperial dark, by Tom Engelhardt | Le Monde diplomatique

  This can’t end well. But then, how often do empires end well, really? They live vampirically by feeding off others until, sooner or later, they begin to feed on themselves, to suck their own blood, to hollow themselves out. Sooner or later, they find themselves, as in our case, economically stressed and militarily extended in wars they can’t afford to win or lose...
Muslim uprisings remark insults Passover | Rehmat's World
   ...Monday, Obama called Benji Netanyahu to wish him and the Jewish citizens of the Zionist entity a happy Passover. So far so good. However, what upset the Zionist racist crowd was some parts of Obama’s Passover message, in which he compared the freedom of Israelite tribes from Egyptian slavery with the current anti-government mass protests going in various Middle Eastern countries...
'US using chaos to break up Arab states' | PressTV
   The imperialist powers are using the Arab world uprising to implement a chaos plan with the goal of breaking up Arab countries into smaller states, political analyst Hisham Tillawi says...
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Unacceptable Choices in Libya, by Jeremy Salt | Palestine Chronicle

   On the basis of precedent, there is no reason whatsoever to support western intervention in Libya. From the French invasion of Egypt in 1798 onwards, every single western attack on an Arab country has ended badly and often appallingly for the local people...
From Waco to Libya: 18 Years of Humanitarian Mass Murder, by Anthony Gregory | Lew Rockwell
  ...Long ago, when governments slaughtered the enemy merely for being different and thus subhuman or for occupying desired territory, such crude rationales satisfied the states’ agents and subjects. The modern democratic state, however, employs more sophisticated propaganda when it burns, gasses, shoots, and bombs people including civilians. There is always the excuse of security: the targeted people pose a threat. When this argument seems tenuous, it is well complemented by that most insidious of pretenses: The killing is done for the good of others. It is an act of kindness. The American empire, like the Roman and British before it, inflicts violence to civilize and rescue those in need...

Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11 | Christopher Bollyn
   ...Robert Kelman, the man whose company handled much of the steel from the World Trade Center, said about the debris being brought to his Jersey City scrapyard, "The concrete was literally pulverized; all you're left with is steel and dust."  Because the remaining steel would reveal how the 220 concrete floors and their steel pans were pulverized, the architects of terror had to make sure that the steel was quickly cut up and sent to Asian smelters where it would be destroyed far from the eyes of investigators.  The task to destroy this crucial evidence was taken care of by the dedicated Zionist agents who controlled the mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani...

Eric Holder: The Zionist Agent & the "Mastermind of 9/11" | Christopher Bollyn

  Zionist Agent And U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder shut down the federal prosecution of the "Mastermind of 9/11" effectively blocking any chance for an open trial for the men accused of planning the terror attacks that changed America.  Holder was also instrumental in getting Bill Clinton's last minute pardon of the Israeli Mossadnik Marc Rich.  Both actions were done to protect the Zionist terror network behind 9/11...

Recognition of Palestine:
Two views, by Mohyeddin Sajedi | PressTV

  ...It has been a long time that Israeli officials and media have been warning against a “September tsunami,” calling for right plans and measures to be adopted to counter the phenomenon and prevent its possible repercussions...

Dr. Franklin Lamb Interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari: Israel will not collapse peacefully but it will dissolve | My Catbird Seat
  The 19th Century Zionist colonial enterprise was grafted onto Palestine under a series of truly bizarre coincidences that could never be sustained...

The News Definers: The Truth about the Council on Foreign Relations | The Vigilant Citizen
  The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) is often mentioned on this site as it is one of the major elite organizations pushing for a New World Order. Here’s a great video about the CFR’s origins...
Read membership list, watch video...

'NATO weapons turn Mideast toxic' | PressTV

  Astronomical rate of gross birth defects in Fallujah in Iraq has proven the case against weapons that use depleted uranium. Currently, however, NATO uses such weapons in Libya...

The kings and princes: The agents of the West to preach democracy! | Voltaire Network
  Following the recent protests, the American and European preaching of democracy in the Arab countries has turned into a blunt moral and political scandal, after the developments revealed the extent of Western interference in Arab affairs and reflected the nature of the colonial calculations governed by the control of the oil resources and the permanent protection of Israel and its hegemony over the Arab East...

The American Problem, by JB Campbell | Veterans Today
  There is something wrong in the American make-up. A fatal flaw in the American mentality. It’s always been there, from the very beginning, and it’s still there, as we see in bootleg videos from Iraq, from Guantanamo Bay, from American airports and from the dashboard cameras of police cars. But hell, we could see it with the extermination of the bison. Something very wrong...

George Galloway Destroys Jewish Argument In One Swipe. Palestine Exists Forever. There Is No Israel | YouTube
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In the Dark Over Murder of Peace Activists, by Mel Frykberg | IPS
  Palestinians are reeling from the double-murder of two pro-Palestinian peace activists over the last few weeks, one in the West Bank and one in Gaza, with many believing that Israeli intelligence had a hand in the grisly killings, even if indirectly...
The destructive reign of Avigdor Lieberman, by Gideon Levy | Haaretz
  ...Forget the suspicions against him, his conviction of assault; this is a mediocre, destructive politician who has a very meager record after 20 years of work. But we'll always have high regard for him - because Lieberman is us and we are Lieberman...

Mahmoud Abbas, story of a big traitor | PressTV
  During his years in office as the acting Palestinian Authority chief, Mahmoud Abbas adroitly demonstrated that he has all the qualities of an unconditional and unquestionable traitor...

Apr 21, 2011

"This Peace Process is no More": Dead as Monty Python's Parrot, by Stuart Littlewood | Intifada Palestine

   In an article, Mobilizing for September?, Jeff Halper, Director of The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), shares his thoughts on the collective action that must be taken between now and when the window of opportunity for applying for statehood opens in September...

Netanyahu, King of the Hill, by Sami Jadallah | Veterans Today
  ...we are a Republic with elected president and members of both houses, Senate and House of Representatives ( not House of Lords). However when it comes to the “people’s houses” there is no president, there is only a King, and the King is always the Israeli Prime Minister...
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Doves and Hawks | Poetry for Palestine a Palestinian once said, “the hawks want to eat us with bare hands, while the doves want to eat us with knives and forks”..

The Great Israeli Security Scam, by Ira Chernus | Antiwar
  Here are the Three Sacred Commandments for Americans who shape the public conversation on Israel:..
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Tom Rayner in Tripoli: British Group Sees 'No Evidence' Of Gaddafi Forces Using Violence In Western Libya | Sky News
   The Libyan government has renewed its call for independent fact-finding experts to come to the country to assess allegations of violence against civilians...
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Exposing The Bahraini Regime, by TVO | Information Clearing House
  Saudi Arabia has sent forces to Bahrain, escalating tensions between the country's predominantly Shia pro-democracy protesters and its Sunni rulers. What does the intervention of Gulf forces mean to the region? Will it provoke Iran? And could Bahrain be the next state to fall?..
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Billionaires Flourish, Inequalities Deepen as Economies "Recover" | James Petras
  According to the annual report of the business magazine Forbes there are 1,210 individuals – and in many cases family clans – with a net value of $1 billion dollars (or more). Their total net worth is $4 trillion, 500 billion dollars, greater than the combined worth of 4 billion people in the world. The current concentration of wealth exceeds any previous period in history; from King Midas, the Maharajahs, and the Robber Barons to the recent Silicon Valley – Wall Street moguls of the present decade...
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Deconstructing the US Military: America's Global War against Planet Earth, by Dana Visalli | Global Research
  While in Kabul in March of this year, I visited the U.S. military base in that city, Camp Eggers . Knowing I would need a pretext to gain entry, I typed up a letter offering to give a presentation on wildlife in Afghanistan , which I had been studying. When approaching the base, one passes through an initial checkpoint, where a Hummer topped with a machine-gun nest stands guard. Then there is a 100-yard walk down a narrow corridor between high concrete blast walls, at which point one arrives at a guarded entry point through the wall. I showed my passport and letter, and was escorted through a second layer of blast walls to a little wooden information booth in this still-peripheral circle of defense. The pimply young lad manning the booth was flustered by my request; he had never seen anything quite like it. He did what all soldiers do when faced with something new; he phoned his superior for orders on how to proceed...
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Israeli Ambassador Leaves Cairo Amid Speculations of Opening Egypt's Border with Gaza Soon, by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat | Veterans Today
  ...We are told that Egypt could open the border with Gaza at any time and is considering tearing down the “Berlin wall” barrier that imprisons the population there. When and if that happens, Israel’s blockade of Gaza by sea will immediately be considered illegal, an unenforceable “paper blockade,”..

BBC governing body hails 'pretentious propaganda' documentary on Gaza aid ship massacre | Redress Information & Analysis
  Richard Lightbown is surprised to learn from the BBC Trust - the governing body of Britain’s state broadcaster – that it considered Panorama’s “Death in the Med” documentary to have “performed a valuable public service”...
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The Slanderer as Historian, by Jeremy Salt | Palestine Chronicle
  Benny Morris is a man who has completely lost his moral compass. One has to assume it was there at some point, but driven by the logic of his own research, and forced to make a choice, Morris opted for justification rather than rejection of the war crimes committed by Israel in 1948...
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Sinning Against Zionism: Traitor To Country, by William A. Cook | Intifada Palestine
   Richard Goldstone’s journey from Justice to Sinner represents the spiritual act of dying in the Zionist world. By recanting his own report he has attempted to break the bonds that cast him into the sufferings in Caina, Antenora, and Judecca where, in Dante’s Inferno, those treacherous to their own, are removed from the light and warmth of their kin, their country, and their masters and suffer eternal damnation in the remorseless dead center of the ice in the most bottomless circle of Hell. Fortunately, Goldstone like Dante can learn that he has, in his journey, aligned himself with many false gods and many false attachments ignoring on the way the elementary truths that bind humankind ineluctably in one race in a bond of human grace...
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Apr 20, 2011

Itamar Killers Found? | KABOBfest
Why is everybody pickin' on me

  The Israeli press is ablaze this morning with the news that the killers of the Fogel family in the illegal colony of Itamar in the occupied West Bank have been found. After several weeks of besieging the village of Awarta, arresting virtually all of its inhabitants, and causing extensive property damage, the Israeli authorities have announced that two teenagers from the village have admitted to carrying out the killings...

Vaclav Smil: The Future of the Planet | YouTube
  Author and distinguished professor, Vaclav Smil, is interviewed by Andrew Revkin about the future of the planet...
Watch video...

Breathing A Word Of Truth About 9/11 Will Kill Your Career: Kevin Barrett Interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari | Intifada Palestine
   ...Dr. Barrett is internationally renowned for his well-substantiated researches on the 9/11 which he describes as a false-flag operation and inside job that took place with the foreknowledge of the high-ranking personalities inside the U.S. executive structure...

When War Games Go Live: "Staging" a "Humanitarian War" against "SOUTHLAND" by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Global Reserch
  On November 02 2010, more than four months prior to the onset of Operation Odyssey Dawn, France and the UK announced the conduct of war games under Operation "SOUTHERN MISTRAL 2011" against "AN IMAGINARY COUNTRY' called "SOUTHLAND", living under a "DICTATORSHIP"  which allegedly "was responsible for an attack against France's national interests".  

Black September: Barak Sends Jews to Finland | Roy Tov
   ...Under these circumstances, the silence of Defense Minister Ehud Barak was surprising. This little tsunami of ultra-ego was expected to make declarations on the issue; the only surprise was their stupidity (I apologize for the choice of this word, but as it comes out, it is merciful towards Barak)...

Apr 19, 2011

Transformed By Truth, by Paul Balles | Intifada Palestine

Richard Forer photos of visit to the separation wall in the west-bank

  Richard Forer joined AIPAC for the same reason that most Jews joined this Israel lobby.  He refers to what he calls “the primal fear of many Jews around the world–the fear of another holocaust.”..
Mideast Democracy: Israel's Diamond In The Rough, by Maidhc Ó Cathail | Intifada Palestine

   ..Diamond, a founding co-editor of the National Endowment for Democracy’s Journal of Democracy, was pleased with initial developments in post-Mubarak Egypt. “Think of what could have happened,” he pointed out. “Many observers (including myself) worried that the growing alienation of young Egyptians might flow in anti-American, anti-Israeli and radical Islamist directions…. So far, none of these have happened.”..
Finkelstein says Goldstone restored Israel's only faculty (aggression) based on a claimed drone image it has never produced | Mondoweiss
  ...Israel has produced hundreds of drone images and if it really had one of the single most shocking incident of the conflict, the al-Samouni attack of Jan. 5, 2009, as Goldstone and Israel state, why has this image not been produced? And finally, Finkelstein's one meeting with Goldstone and his analysis of the judge's significance as a Jew...

US Senate discusses sending troops to Libya, by Chris Marsden | Global Research

  ...Gen. Carter Ham told the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Wednesday that US troops may have to be sent to Libya because there is little chance of the opposition Transitional National Council (TNC) defeating the forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Ham, who led the coalition air campaign in Libya before NATO took over, made clear that he was not personally in favour of such an outcome. He was responding to questioning from Republican senators, such as John McCain...

The USAF B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber: "An Instrument of Peace" by Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research
  ..The B-2 Spirit aircraft is described as "deadly and effective' yet at the same time it is upheld as an instrument  of "humanitarian warfare". Used at the outset of Operation Odyssey Dawn, this aircraft has the mandate under UN Security Councill resolution 1973 to   "protect the lives of civilians"..
The West Versus China: A New Cold War Begins on Libyan Soil, by Patrick Henningsen | Global Research
  The question as to why US-led NATO forces are determined to engineer a regime change in Libya is now becoming clear. While media pundits and political experts still argue over whether the Libyan rebel gangs are actually being backed and directed by US, UK and Israel intelligence agencies, broader long-range Western policy objectives for Libya are being completely ignored.  One only has to read the strategic briefings in U.S. AFRICOM documents to realise the true endgame in Libya: the control of valuable resources and the eviction of China from North Africa...

Legal Scholar Compares Gitmo Court to Stalinist Show Trials, by Sherwood Ross | Veterans Today

  The future trials planned for prisoners in Guantanamo Bay detention camp will be “Stalinist show trials” as their preliminary proceedings “have already proven them to be Travesties of Justice,” a distinguished international law authority warns...

Senate report on Wall Street crash: The criminalization of the American ruling class, by Barry Grey | WSWS

   ...The ascendancy of the most parasitic sections of the capitalist class has been accompanied by a sharp decline in the living standards of the working class. The richest and most powerful layers have acquired staggering levels of wealth by plundering society...

Killing the Unborn ... With Radiation | Washington's Blog
  ...Beginning with Madam Curie, the story of nuclear power is one where key players have consistently miscalculated or misrepresented the risks of radiation. The victims include many of those who worked on the original Manhattan Project, the 200,000 soldiers who were assigned to eye witness our nuclear tests, the residents of the Western US who absorbed the lion's share of fallout from our nuclear testing in Nevada, the thousands of forgotten victims of Three Mile Island or the likely hundreds of thousands of casualties of Chernobyl. This could be the latest chapter in that long and tragic story when, once again, we were told not to worry...

US Embassy in Baghdad to Double Staff: This is NUTS! Sixteen THOUSAND staff! | Global Research
  "We'll be doubling our size if all of our plans go through and if we receive the money from Congress in 2011 and then again in 2012," James Jeffrey, the US ambassador in Iraq, said. He said the staff would increase "from 8,000 plus personnel that we have now to roughly double that by 2012," adding that US forces would make up only a very small part of that number...
Bahrain: Saudi Forces at Forefront of Brutal Repression | Global Research
  ...Nearly four weeks after the arrival of the Peninsula Shield forces, the military crackdown against Bahrain’s pro-democracy movement appears to be intensifying, with Saudi troops at the forefront of the assault on mainly Shia villages and districts within the capital, Manama. Some 31 people have been killed since the uprising began on February 14, two-thirds of them since the Saudi-led forces entered the country, according to the Bahrain Centre of Human Rights. More than 20 persons remain missing. The latest victim was named yesterday as Ali Essa Sager (31), from Sihlaa, who died in detention, believed to have been tortured. Over 600 people, including politicians, doctors and lawyers, are reported to be unlawfully detained in unknown conditions – the vast majority having been arrested since the Saudi forces came to Bahrain...
Convenient Archive Of Anti-Zionist Stories | Rense
  ...As Germany collapsed upon itself, it suffered from many shortages. This included medicine, food and fuel. Not being the highest priority, concentration camps were affected as well. Some camps had not received supplies for days before the British or American troops arrived. Add to this the Germans retreat. Prisoners were evacuated from labor camps near the fronts and moved to other camps. As a result, the remaining camps became extremely overcrowded. Combine the overcrowding with the lack of food and medicine. Conditions became perfect for the outbreak of epidemics. This is what happened...
Zionist Jews - Godfathers Of Terrorism, by Latheef Farook | Rense
  ...renowned historian Arnold Toynbee said in his book "A Study of History": "The evil deeds committed by the Zionist Jews against the Palestinian Arabs that were comparable to crimes committed against the Jews by the Nazis, were the massacre of men, women and children at Deir Yassin which precipitated a flight of the Arab population in large numbers from districts within range of the Jewish armed forces, and the subsequent expulsion of the Arab population from districts conquered by the Jewish forces between 15 May 1948 and end of the year. The blood at Deir Yassin was on the head of the Irgun; the expulsion of Palestinians after 15 May 1948 was on the head of all Israelis."..
"Idiocracy" - Just Because Bush Is Gone Doesn't Mean You Still Aren't Stupid, by Gordon Duff | Veterans Today
   ...America, what exists of the America those of us knew, is like a pig being led to the slaughter.  The continual decline in standard of living since 1980 isn't an accident, no more than the look of hopelessness most Americans see in their children whose choices have dwindled to nothing.  America's young are paying for the depredations of our "least generation," for the frenzy of fear, hate and hubris that has characterized the post-Vietnam era.  Damned to a life of third rate educations, fourth rate health care, dead end jobs, a life in a society of extremes, privilege and wealth for the few, endless war, poverty and despair for the majority, call it "conservative" or "neocon" if you will, the results are certainly biblical...

War and Globalization - The Truth Behind 9/11 | Google Video
  In this lecture by Michel Chossudovsky, he blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by "Islamic terrorists". Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration. According to Chossudovsky, the "war on terrorism" is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus...
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Indo-Israeli Nexus Damages the US Interests | Opinion Maker
  After  9/11, India and Israel which had openly jumped on Bush’s anti-terrorism enterprise are acting upon a secret diplomacy, targeting the whole of the Islamic World in general and Pakistan, China, Iran, Libya and Syria in particular...

Rense & Herb Meyer - Deciphering Information Overload | YouTube
  During the Reagan Administration, Mr. Meyer served as Special Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence and Vice Chairman of the CIA's National Intelligence Council. In these positions, he managed production of the U.S. National Intelligence Estimates and other top-secret projections for the President and his national security advisers. Mr. Meyer is widely credited with being the first U.S. Government official to forecast the Soviet Union's collapse -- a forecast for which he later was awarded the U.S. National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, which is the Intelligence Community's highest honor...
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Libya's Great Man-Made River | Stephen Lendman
  ...Washington wants one despot replaced with another, a useful puppet to salute and obey orders, not independent-minded ones like Gaddafi who went along most often but not always on all issues, some major enough to want him ousted. An important overlooked one is discussed below...

Rense & Ted Pike - The Talmudic Takeover | YouTube
  The Rev Ted Pike has been campaigning for decades against the erosion of Western sanity by a cult of religious followers of Judaism. Here, with his considerable experience, he articulates the rapid swing to the right in Israel, and the erosion of civil liberties in the US, all perpetrated by right wing Jews, albeit often under a title far removed from their real agenda...
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Apr 18, 2011

Lobby, Lobbification, Lobbified, by Prof Lawrence Davidson | Opinion Maker
  Lobbificationis a word I have just coined for the corruptive process that bends politicians to the will of special interests–that is to the will of lobbies. The result of lobbification can be seen in the stilted and fawning behavior ofthe lobbified political brain. Politicians with lobbified brains become the obedient instruments of the lobbies which have captured their political souls. Below are a few examples of the results of lobbification...

International silence over the Middle East felonies, by Kourosh Ziabari | Intifada Palestine
  ...The mainstream media in the West, run by the well-off Zionists who control the majority of media conglomerates in the world, have flagrantly ignored the abuses of human rights in Bahrain during the 2011 protests and boycotted the news of the massacre of Bahraini people by the Al Khalifa regime. This clearly shows that what is not of any importance to them is the issue of human rights, at least in the Middle East and Bahrain which is host to the U.S. Fifth Fleet...
The Obama Doctrine: AWOL in Bahrain, by Franklin Lamb | Counterpunch
  ..In response to a student’s question, Khalidi disputed that there was any “Obama Doctrine” worthy of that label and he predicted the White House would be much more tolerant of human rights abuses in Bahrain than say, in Libya and some other countries whose despotism indexes are no worse than the 200-year ossified Al Khalifa dynasty’s war against its majority Shia population...

The System Is A Social Disease, by Frank Scott | legalienate

  The globalization process that began in the 15th century brought incredible material gains, spreading the advance of something called civilization. But a great majority suffered even while it seemed the world was developing to the ultimate benefit of all people. That process has peaked and is now descending so fast that it isn’t only threatening those who have paid for the material comforts enjoyed by a minority; the world is moving on a disastrous path under a privately controlled market force that menaces all humanity...

I Do Not Believe That A Palestinian Killed Vittorio Arrigoni | Gilad Atzmon
  We should bear in mind that Israel is horrified by the tidal wave of Palestinian solidarity. It is aware of the 40 countries strong 'breaking the siege Flotilla' that is planned to embark soon. Israel is desperate to intimidate us all...
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The Israeli Experience - World's biggest militaristic projects for youth | YouTube
  The Kosher Hitler Youth...
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Opposition to Paying for Capitalism's Crisis | The New School on YouTube
  Objective economic analysis is difficult to come by in this heated political moment, with deep budget cuts that disproportionately affect the poor and working class while the top one percent of Americans continues to amass wealth at a record pace. Professor Richard D. Wolff's academic work and public lectures warning of a crisis of capitalism preceded the current disaster. Wolff will discuss the fallout of the economic collapse and the ongoing struggle over who will bear the massive costs...
Gaza Flotilla II and Vittorio Arrigoni | Rehmat's World
  The kidnapping and assassination of Vittorio Arrigoni, activist and correspondent of the International Solidarity Movement with Palestine in Gaza – was meant as an Israeli warning: “Stay away from Gaza and Palestine”. Allegedly the kidnapping and assassination was carried out by pro-Saudi group(s), who were previously involved in riots in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Tehran’s rising influence in the Middle East has brought both Israel and Saudi Arabia to share the same bed...

Harassment by The YouTube Team: An open message to Sergey Brin, from Anthony Lawson | YouTube
  YouTube may be acting illegally by taking down videos for alleged copyright infringement, without first determining important factors regarding Fair Use as provided for in copyright law...
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America's child sex slaves | Rehmat's World
  We all know how Washington is obsessed with human rights violations in foreign countries, especially the Muslim world. So much so, that State Department issues its own annual human rights report – because it believes that United Nations Human Right Council is baised toward Washington and its allies especially Israel. On February 28, 2011 – Hillary Clinton in her speech delivered at UNHRC meeting in Geneva – welcomed the ouster of Libya from the council and demanded the creation of a special envoy to monitor human rights abuses in Iran, however, she slammed the Council for “its structural bias” against Israel...

Lou Dobbs: Elites Are Setting up a One World Order | Infowars
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If it isn't Israel then it must be Space Aliens or Monsters | Smoking Mirrors
  Well, the signs are fairly overwhelming and, as has been mentioned, whenever Israel has a religious holiday coming up, there’s a good chance a whole lot of people will die, as they have on many an Israeli holiday. As per usual, my mentioning the upcoming Passover, I hope that saying it will keep it from happening...

Depleted Uranium:
The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War, by Leuren Moret | Global Research

  ..Since 1991, the United States has staged four wars using depleted uranium weaponry, illegal under all international treaties, conventions and agreements, as well as under the US military law. The continued use of this illegal radioactive weaponry, which has already contaminated vast regions with low level radiation and will contaminate other parts of the world over time, is indeed a world affair and an international issue. The deeper purpose is revealed by comparing regions now contaminated with depleted uranium — from Egypt, the Middle East, Central Asia and the northern half of India — to the US geostrategic imperatives described in Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book The Grand Chessboard...
Ivory Coast: French deception about Laurent Gbagbo's overthrow, by Senator James M. Inhofe | Voltaire Network
  Senator James M. Inhofe, who is a longtime personal friend of the Gbagbo couple and shares with them the same evangelical beliefs, refutes the French Government’s account of the events that took place in the Ivory Coast and substantiates his arguments...

Egypt's Revolution Doing Damage Control, by Tony Cartalucci | Infowars
  Just as the subjects of foreign aid and Israel were used as rhetorical pawns to usher Hosni Mubarak out of power, the same two points of leverage are being used to bolster US International Crisis Group member Mohamed ElBaradei, his underling, Google executive Wael Ghonim and their sputtering revolution...

Was Israel's Shin Bet Behind Vittorio Arrigoni's Brutal Murder? by Tim King | Salem-News
  I had a terrible feeling Correspondent and Gaza Activist Ken O'Keefe was probably on target when be stated 'Israel' repeatedly in regard to Vittorio Arrigoni's kidnapping and murder...
'US to recoup Libya oil from China': Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury | PressTV
   Libyan ruler Muammar Qaddafi has made two mistakes: It blocked the US Africa Command by not joining it and let China into Libya with major energy investments instead, says a former US official...

Apr 17, 2011

The Israel Lobby Archive | Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy
  Excellent website..

Netanyahu's Plan: A New Spin To An Old Dance? by Mikail Jubran | Intifada Palestine
  ...Netanyahu is only creating a detachment from reality for himself.  The tables may be turning on him and this is reflected by several acute political realities currently evolving within Israeli society and recently outlined in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz...

Career Advancement From a Catastrophe: The Iraq Alumni Association, by Michael Brenner | Counterpunch
   The 2003 Iraq alumni association is studded with stars. Its reunion would be a cheerful occasion for mutual congratulations. Donald Rumsfeld is promoting his self serving memoir on the talk show circuit where he is received as a respected elder statesman. Condoleezza Rice of Stanford University has just composed an endearing, skillfully mendacious account of her noble service to the Republic. General Stanley McChrystal, who set up the network of torture facilities in Iraq and then laid the cornerstone of its Begram counterpart, teaches Modern Leadership at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. Paul Wolfowitz, spiritual leader of the neo-con pack, is avidly sought by network anchors for sage advice on Egypt, Libya, Bahrain et al. His brother in arms at the Pentagon, Douglas Feith, is Professor and Distinguished Practitioner in National Security Policy at Georgetown; evidently without a reference letter from General Franks who judged him to be "the fucking dumbest guy on the face of the planet."..
[Hey, not everybody can blithely destroy a whole country just like that - boom, boom, boom - just to show them and everyone else who's the boss.]

Disgraceful Distortions by The Guardian: Syria and the Delusions of the Western Press, by Peter Lee | Counterpunch
  ...even the paranoid have real enemies, and Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad—who chattered vaguely and counterproductively about “conspiracies” in his address to the Syrian parliament-- has reason to worry about dangerous opponents, now in exile but perhaps willing to stir up trouble...

A kind-of-silver lining | Al-Ahram Weekly
  Egypt's revolution and the turmoil in the Arab world have their origins in the tortuous history of British and American domination of the Middle East. Russia has always looked on from afar, shut out of the action, and remains an onlooker today, absorbed by its own problems. Eric Walberg looks at the implications for Egypt of its colonial past and the implications for Russia of the revolutions and not-so revolutions sweeping the Middle East...

'Can't bomb Libya into liberation - strikes spread carnage & chaos' | YouTube

  Chris Nineham from Stop the War Coalition says Libya should be coping with the conflict itself as NATO intervention only brings more destruction...
Watch video...

CIA on Facebook & Twitter: Wayne Madsen on info warfare | Russia Today on YouTube
  As pro-reform uprisings continue across the Arab world, the U.S. is stepping up its influence with anti-government activists around the world. America is using new mobile phone technology to help protest groups - and manipulating social network websites as well as Twitter with fake idenities - to spread dissent and encourage regime-change by influencing media coverage...
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Palestinian Statehood and Other Political Issues | Stephen Lendman
  ...Haaretz reported that Netanyahu privately said he doesn't take the possibility "lightly, but we should also not exaggerate its" importance....Perhaps the Palestinians will have a majority in the UN, but what matters is not only the quantity but also the quality," adding "no one can impose a solution on Israel," suggesting non-compliance or hostile action will follow...

Washington's "Long War" against Africa, by Prof. James Petras | Global Research
  The US bombing of Libya in support of rebel clients in the spring of 2011 is part and parcel of a sustained policy of military intervention in Africa since at least the mid 1950’s...

Israel got the 'Keys' to White House | Rehmat's World
  ..According to some political insiders, more than one-third of contributions to the Republican and Democrat parties come from the Jewish groups and individuals on the condition that the lawmakers will look after the interests of Israel over the US interests. This is later accomplished by surrounding the President with Jewish and Zionist individuals blessed by the Israel Lobby (AIPAC)...

Richard Goldstone: 'Kinder, Gentler' Zionism, by Tammy Obeidallah | Palestine Chronicle
  ...The reality of so called “moderate” voices such as Goldstone, Friedman, and J Street is that they represent the most insidious and virulent form of Zionism: the idea that this poisonous ideology can peacefully co-exist with the rest of humanity...

The Settler State, by Uri Avnery | Palestine Chronicle
  ...the problem may not be the annexation of the West Bank by Israel, but the annexation of Israel by the West Bank settlers. Some readers reacted with a chuckle. It looked like a humorous aside. It was not...

Banksters Cook Up Economic Snake Oil for Egypt, by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
  Now that the military is firmly in control of Egypt following the country’s CIA and Freedom House staged color revolution earlier this year, it is time for the bankster elite to force their economic snake oil on the Egyptian people...
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Libya: Regime Change at Gunpoint, by Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal | Opinion Maker
  It is simply baffling. Even a few years ago, it was impossible to imagine that such outrageous acts were possible at the dawn of the twenty-first century, but then came 9/11 and everything changed. The United States of America created an atmosphere of terror around the world and ushered humanity into an era of an endless global conflict. Twelve years later, the whole world is in turmoil and the war on terror has become war of terror.  What was not imaginable before the dawn of this new era, has now become common place...

Israel's secret agents in America | Rehmat's World
  Many of America’s Israeli agents are known to public but there are many more who never made the news. Two such disloyal American Zionist Jews are Abraham Feinberg (died 1998) and Zalman Shapiro, the former president of NUMEC...

Gaza War and Goldstone's Moral Collapse, by Ramzy Baroud | Palestine Chronicle
  ...Goldstone is both Jewish and Zionist. His love for Israel has been widely and affectionately conveyed. In this particular case, he seemed completely torn between his ideological and tribal position and his commitment to justice and truth, as enshrined in the mandate of the UN Human Rights Council. After 18 months of what seemed a wholly personal introspection, accompanied by an endless campaign of pressure and intimidation by Zionist and pro-Israel Jewish groups from all over the world, the man finally surrendered...
Police State Terror in Bahrain | Stephen Lendman
  ...Bahraini state terror got so extreme even The New York Times took note..."Bahrain has taken on the likeness of a police state. There have been mass arrests, mass firings of government workers, reports of torture and the forced resignation of the top editor of the nation's one independent newspaper."..

United Nations Installs IMF Stooge in Ivory Coast, by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
  It was neo-colonialism in action. Under the cover of humanitarianism, the UN and France invaded the former French colonial possession and arrested Laurent Gbagbo, the country’s elected – although disputed – leader...
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Diplomatic Tsunami: Israel's Next Step? by George S. Hishmeh | Palestine Chronicle
  ...An “overwhelming majority” or two thirds (65 percent) of Americans, more Democrats than Republicans, believe that “greater democracy in the Middle East would be positive for the United States.” And in the long run, more than three-quarters (76 percent) of Americans say democratization would be mostly positive for the U.S...

China Calls it a Western Plot: Iran, Syria, and Belarus join China in condemning West for meddling, by Tony Cartalucci | Land Destroyer
   Destabilizing China and attempting to overthrow a government of 1.3 billion people most certainly is a grievous act of war. Add to that operations unfolding across Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and South America and you have a recipe for World War III...

Nuclear Nightmare Getting Worse, Yet Propaganda Continues, by Mark Sircus | Activist Post
   Japan said it is considering expanding the area covered by a compulsory evacuation order, with no immediate end in sight to the world’s worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. At this point we should all sit up and take notice of what is happening and what could all so easily happen...

The Siege of Pakistan Continues, by Sajjad Shaukat | Opinion Maker
  In the past, conventional forces used to besiege an enemy country in order to defeat it or to fulfill their strategic aims. But in the modern era of globalization and technology, a rival country can be besieged through some different tactics which include various subversive acts conducted in that country by a single country or a number of countries which want to obtain their joint selfish goals...

The Being Which We Have Become | Mantiq al-Tayr
  The following tidbits are just random samplings of things I’ve come across that some of you might find to be of interest. They are all completely totally utterly and thoroughly unrelated and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a conspiracy-minded wing-nut...

Apr 16, 2011

Now Israel Is Free To Declare Its Innocence Before The International Court Of Justice, by William A. Cook | Intifada Palestine

  Thank God Judge Goldstone recanted his judgment on Israel and its IDF forces in the slaughter inflicted on Gaza during its Christmas invasion in 2008-2009; both are now innocent of wrongful intent to kill Palestinian civilians since the Israeli military courts investigated Goldstone’s allegations and determined he was wrong. Now the good Judge has found, with the military court, that the Israeli government, that refused to cooperate with the United Nations investigation, did not intentionally send its forces to kill and destroy but only to kill and destroy Gaza; that the civilians were killed is simply a sad consequence of war. How astute, how learned, how compassionate; how absurd, how facetious, how despicable...

Occupying the World: The New Colonialism, by Paul Craig Roberts | Counterpunch
  What we are observing in Libya is the rebirth of colonialism.  Only this time it is not individual European governments competing for empires and resources. The new colonialism operates under the cover of “the world community,” which means NATO and those countries that cooperate with it. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was once a defense alliance against a possible Soviet invasion of Western Europe. Today NATO provides European troops in behalf of American hegemony...

No Politician With An "Anti-Zionist Mindset" Could Ever Dream Of Living In The White House: Prof. Naseer Aruri interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari | Intifada Palestine
  ...This is not a conflict between two equal claims. The Palestinian population is the indigenous party living on the land since the days of the Cananites. Their presence as the dominant party was interrupted by the Crusades but it was restored by the Islamic conquest of the 7th century A.D. When the Zionists received the Balfour Declaration from Britain in 1917 the Jewish population constituted less than 7% of the population. It was an unauthorized promise made by an imperial power to a colonial settler movement at the expense of the Majority (the indigenous Palestinians)...

Jonathan Cook: The Underlying Philosophy of Upper Nazareth, by Jon Dillingham | Vimeo
  Nazerat Illit, or Upper Nazareth, is a Jewish enclave built above the Palestinian Arab city of Nazareth in the Galilee, northern Israel. The “illit” city (the Hebrew word illit means both higher physically, but also “elite”, or better, in a moral and philosophical sense) was built on confiscated Palestinian land and, according to British journalist Jonathan Cook, serves two purposes: to stop the expansion of the “Arab capital” of Israel and to act as a mitzpe (“lookout”) to literally watch over Nazareth’s Palestinians...

Israeli Lobby Power: Feed An Israeli - Starve An American, by Mohamed Khodr | Intifada Palestine
  When I became an American citizen I could’ve sworn I stood in front of an American judge and an American flag pledging my allegiance to the United States of America. Little did I know that on the back of the American flag was Israel’s flag representing the true Shadow Government of the United States that represents the power and overwhelming presence of Israel’s lobby and Zionist Jewish Americans in every institution of America...

Flushing out the traitors and criminals in our midst, by Nureddin Sabir | Redress Information & Analysis
  The abduction of the BBC’s correspondent, Alan Johnston, and other criminal activities in the occupied Palestinian territories threaten to destroy the Palestinian cause from within. Palestinians must assert their national will and put an end to lawlessness now...

Israel, right or wrong, by Paul J. Balles | Veterans Today
  A staunch defender of anything Israel does, the Washington Post’s Richard Cohen feeds Jewish paranoia, distorts Palestinian history and attacks Israel’s critics...

America's Military Expansion Funded by Foreign Central Banks, by Michael Hudson | Global Research
  Large amounts of surplus dollars are pouring into the rest of the world.Central banks have recycled these dollar inflows towards the purchase of U.S. Treasury bonds, which serve to finance the federal U.S. budget deficit. Underlying this process is the military character of the U.S. payments deficit and the domestic federal budget deficit. Strange as it may seem and irrational as it would be in a more logical system of world diplomacy, the "dollar glut" is what finances America’s global military build-up. It forces foreign central banks to bear the costs of America’s expanding military empire: effective "taxation without representation"...

Cruise missiles with depleted uranium on Libya: A first assessment of environmental impact and health, by Prof. Massimo Zucchetti | Global Research
  The issues regarding depleted uranium (DU) and its toxicity have sometimes, in recent years, gone beyond the scope of science. The writer has dealt with radiation protection for twenty years and depleted uranium since 1999. After an experience of publishing scientific papers in journals, conference proceedings and international conferences on DU, this article attempts to estimate the possible environmental and health impact of the use of depleted uranium in the war of Libya ( 2011)...
Target Israel, not Libya, by Stephen Lendman | Palestine Post
  On April 9, 1986, Ronald Reagan called Muammar el Gaddafi the "mad dog of the Middle East." Today, after an imposed no-fly zone, war rages to remove him. For decades, he ruled despotically, punishing enemies, rewarding friends. His days may now be numbered. Washington won't quit until he's gone, no matter how many corpses it takes to achieve it...

Libya all about oil, or central banking? by Ellen Brown | Asia Times Online

  .."I have never before heard of a central bank being created in just a matter of weeks out of a popular uprising. This suggests we have a bit more than a rag tag bunch of rebels running around and that there are some pretty sophisticated influences."...
American Rabbi Manis Friedman Orders Jews To Kill Arab Men, Women and Children | YouTube
  "I dont believe in western morality, i.e. dont kill civilians or children, dont destroy holy sites, dont fight during holiday seasons, dont bomb cemeteries, dont shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)with their holy sites destroyed, they will stop believing that God is on their side."..
Watch video...

Abraham "Abe" Feinberg's FBI file | IRPME
  ...President John F. Kennedy fought for biannual international inspections of Dimona and verifiable Israeli assurances that it was not a nuclear weapons production facility.  In 1960 Feinberg funded the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as it mounted US disinformation campaigns about Israel's nuclear weapons program.  JFK's assassination in 1963 marked the gradual end of inspections and the US nonproliferation drive toward Israel...

Wilhelm Höttl and the Elusive 'Six Million' by Mark Weber | IHR
  So ingrained has the Six Million figure become in the popular consciousness that while the average American may be quite sure that six million Jews were slaughtered by the Germans in the Second World War -- that is, in what is now called "the Holocaust" -- he has no idea of how many British, Poles, Russians, or even Americans died during that global conflict, or, for that matter, of how many of his fellow countrymen lost their lives in the American Civil War...
[This is about as definitive and concise an analysis as we'll ever see on the Myth of the Six Million]

Sinking Liberty: Who will write the final chapter on Israel's 1967 confrontation with the U.S. Navy? by Philip Giraldi | USS Liberty Cover Up
  The attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967 has almost faded from memory, but new evidence suggests that the White House might actually have had prior knowledge that the ship would be struck by Israel’s armed forces. In the worst attack ever carried out on a U.S. Naval vessel in peacetime, 34 American sailors and civilian personnel were killed and 171 more wounded in the two hour assault, which was clearly intended to sink the intelligence-gathering vessel operating in international waters collecting information on the ongoing Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors...

Apr 15, 2011

the apartheid wall

Morgan Stanley 'Top 1%' Skinny Blonde Rips Off America! | YouTube
[We can only hope that more young people figure out what's going on and commit themselves to doing something about it. They're the ones who are going to have to live in the Orwellian state still under construction.]
Watch video...

Egypt's Islamists: The Big Bad Wolf | World News
  The revolution and the turmoil in the Arab world have their origins in the tortuous history of British and American domination of the Middle East. Eric Walberg looks at the implications for Egypt of its colonial past...
Zionism Undone | Video Rebel's Blog
  Mark Glenn has told us the Zionists are storytellers for the Western world and will continue to dominate governmental decisions, such as, banker Bailouts and wars in the Mideast, until Americans no longer accept stories from a foreign nation as their own. I intend to prove that the Zionist stories are being undone and Americans will once again become a free people...

The future of Palestinians in Israel as it transforms into a religious state, by Professor Majdi Taha | Middle East Monitor
  A new study published by Arnon Sofer, who is considered to be one of the foremost Israeli researchers in the field of demographics, has stirred up controversy among Israeli intellectuals and academics, particularly those who support secularism.  Sofer is the architect of the "Judaisation" plan and a proponent of the theory that Arabs are a demographic threat.  He is now saying that Israel will be transformed into a religious state by the year 2030, because of the changes that Israeli society is currently undergoing...

Ten Years Of Media Lens: Some Questions And Answers

  ...The media presents itself as a neutral window on the world. We are to believe that the view we see through the window is 'the world as it is'. It's 'All the news that's fit to print' because 'Comment is free but facts are sacred'. What's to challenge? When you take a closer look at the 'window', you realise it's not a window on the world at all; it's a kind of painting of a window on the world. And the 'painting' has been carefully produced using colours, textures and forms all selected by the media arm of a corporate system that has very clear interests and bias...

Let Us Talk About Jewishness | Gilad Atzmon

  One of the main differences between my work and and the writings of other humanists within the peace movement is that I am willing to move beyond the political discussion -- I dig into the ideological and philosophical roots of the Jewish state, Jewish politics and Jewish identity politics.  I look into the meaning of 'Jewishness.'..
[Where rock meets bone]
Read more, watch video...

Humanism Fanatics; Gullible Christians | Roy Tov
  ...if you look at humanist textbooks you’ll find a very peculiar characteristic: they are void of values. Western children are not raised upon the knowledge of good and evil; “this is a democracy, we are free people, I do what I like,” they say before turning on the radio at 90 decibel one foot from their neighbor ears. “Bravo, what a great child I have,” the father says nearby while plugging cotton balls into his suffering ears. Both made evil; none of them is aware of this. The humanist society surrounding them doesn’t care; indifference to suffering is another characteristic of these societies...

Apr 14, 2011

Alrowwad and the Story of Beautiful Resistance, by Daniel Meyer | Palestine News Network

  "Alrowwad” is a cultural and a training centre for the children and youth of Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem and beyond. Situated in a refugee camp and embracing a far reaching political vision, Alrowwad is a lot more than just a youth or community centre... 

The Dos and Don'ts of Palestine: A Poem, by Remi Kanazi | The Palestine Chronicle

don't call it genocide
we don't want to offend anyone
if we offend them
they'll never listen to us
we have to be reasonable...

Jerusalem bookseller a 'foreigner' in homeland, by Jonathan Cook | The National
  In a city full of venerable institutions, Munther Fahmi's bookshop is as revered as any. He counts among his customers Tony Blair, Kofi Annan and Jimmy Carter and Uma Thurman. And in a city riven by political and social tensions, Mr Fahmi's bookshop has been a place for dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis, with well-known writers and scholars from both sides of the divide regularly invited to give readings and talk about their work...
[He's one of the lucky ones - usually the Israelis assassinate Palestinians who make their blacklist (it's quicker, easier and there's less paperwork), but it appears that Mr. Fahmi has some powerful friends.]
Medvedev vs. Putin: Foreboding of Storm | Israel Shamir
  The Arab Rebellion has polarized Russia: some dream that the Spirit of Tahrir will visit Moscow, even as others hope for a NATO crusade to spread Western values all the way to the Volga; yet a third lot prays fervently that nothing will change, now or ever.  The recent Russian abstention in the UN Security Council has split the elites and made the growing rift visible at last...
Antiwar Protests Dog Obama's White House, by Dr. George Krasnow | Veterans Today
  ...One significant addition to the rostrum of speakers was Ralph Nader, a veteran crusader for workers’ and consumers’ rights, as well as for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. His remarks about the right of the Palestinian people to live peacefully in the land of their ancestors drew perhaps the greatest applause. He also offered practical suggestions, noting that to stop the war-mongering policies of the US government, we have to curtail the steady trend toward an “imperial presidency.” The best way to do this, he suggested, is by forcing Congress to cut the military budget...
Bretton Woods 2.0: Soros New World Order Conference | Stephen Lendman
   In July 1944, 730 delegates from 44 nations met at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, NH for a UN Monetary and Financial Conference. Its purpose was to establish a post-war international monetary system of convertible currencies, fixed exchange rates, free trade, the US dollar as the world's reserve currency linked to gold, and those of other nations fixed to the dollar...

Israel, Palestine: Settler Colonialism and Self-determination, by Brian Durrans | Palestine Chronicle
  ...Israel is plainly a European colony bent on the elimination of Palestinians, yet it still manages to exploit them economically in the meantime. Shir Hever from the Alternative Information Center (Israel) gave an excellent summary of the subtle and systematic ways in which Palestinian workers are exploited by Israeli employers and by the State, notwithstanding Israel’s basic intention of eliminating rather than exploiting Palestinians and thus becoming dependent on them...

Post-Mubarak Egypt may end Gaza closure, by Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa Al-Omrani | The Electronic Intifada
  Two months since the ouster of longstanding president Hosni Mubarak, Egypt's new transitional government is turning its attention to unpopular Mubarak-era foreign policies - with the ongoing Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip top of the list...

The Gold and the Stone: There is Something Tragicomic About the Persona of Richard Goldstone, by Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom
  First there was a veritable storm of fury when the original Goldstone report was issued. What a fiend! A Jew who claims to be a Zionist and an Israel-lover, who publishes the most abominable slanders about against our valiant soldiers, aiding and abetting the worst anti-Semites around the world! The very prototype of a self-hating Jew! Still worse, a “mosser” – a Jew who turns another Jew over to the evil Goyim, the most detested figure in Jewish folklore...

EU turns blind eye to Palestinian citizens in Israel, by David Cronin | The Electronic Intifada
  ...Since Catherine Ashton was appointed the EU's foreign policy chief in 2009, she has not issued a single statement focusing exclusively on the plight of Palestinians within Israel. Her reticence stands in marked contrast to her hasty reaction to incidents that affect Israeli Jews...

Resilience in the green fields of Gaza, by Rana Baker | The Electronic Intifada
  I was surfing the web late at night a couple months ago when a number of Apache helicopters began to hover heavily in the sky. The sound of an explosion was soon heard. Since I live across from al-Shifa hospital -- the biggest hospital in Gaza -- I could see ambulances speeding away to evacuate potential casualties...

Alexander Mashkevich looks to create around-the-clock Zionist news channel | Voltaire Network
  Alexander Mashkevich, an Israeli tycoon from Central Asia, announced his intention to launch by 2012 an around-the-clock world satellite news channel offering a Zionist take on current events. He plans to submit his project to President Shimon Peres in the near future...
[The perfect ZioNazi propagandist! Goebbels would have approved - and been envious.]

Livingstone: 'UK is a small version of US' | Rehmat's World
  Late last month, former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, gave an interview to Iranian Press TV. During the interview Ken talked about British foreign policy concerning Iran, Libya and Palestine – and country’s economy and its highest unemployment since 1994 and of course the powerful Israel Lobby which has transformed Britain into ‘small version of (ZOG) America’...

Qaddafi Unplugged and Uncensored: Recollections Of My Life, by Mu'ummar Qaddafi | Information Clearing House
  For 40 years, or was it longer, I can’t remember, I did all I could to give people houses, hospitals, schools, and when they were hungry, I gave them food, I even made Benghazi into farmland from the desert, I stood up to attacks from that cowboy Reagan, when he killed my adopted orphaned daughter, he was trying to kill me, instead he killed that poor innocent child, then I helped my brothers and sisters from Africa with money for the African Union, did all I could to help people understand the concept of real democracy, where people’s committees ran our country, but that was never enough, as some told me, even people who had 10 room homes, new suits and furniture, were never satisfied, as selfish as they were they wanted more, and they told Americans and other visitors, they needed “democracy,”..
Pentagon Opens Doors to 9/11 Attack | Brasscheck TV
  Watch it and weep. Thoroughly documented. Not only was no one punished, but the few people who tried to do something about it have been undermined by Pentagon smears...
Watch video...

Apr 13, 2011

Blowback: Israel's bogus narrative on Palestinian refugees, by Ghada Karmi | Los Angeles Times

  What a timely article, “Israel and Palestinians have conflicting visions for village's future.” April is a good month for recalling the abandoned homes, towns and destroyed villages of what was once Palestine. It was the month in which my own family was forced to leave our home in Jerusalem. Contrary to the official Israeli version, still largely believed, that the Palestinian exodus of 750,000 people -- without which there would be no Israel today -- happened in the fog of war, people like me are living proof that many of us had been forced out of our homeland months earlier...
[This is one of the extremely rare times when the truth about Israel’s ethnic cleansing has appeared in the American mainstream press. Time will tell if it represents a new policy for the U.S. media. It is interesting to read the comments. Some are very friendly. The hostile ones rely on the following “arguments”:
1.  Palestinians don’t deserve to live in Palestine because they are inferior to Jews (Palestinians “left only cactus” versus  Jews “developed the land” thousands of years ago and in modern times.) [FALSE AND RACIST]
2.      Palestinian ancestors came from places outside of Palestine, whereas Jews are descended from the original people of Palestine. [FALSE]
3.      Some Arabs and some Muslims have done bad things, or may do bad things. [IRRELEVANT. Some Americans do bad things; should they be driven out of the United States?]
4.      Muslims have lots of land but where else can Jews go? [FALSE because it equates “Jews going somewhere” with “Jews driving out the non-Jews”]
5.      Palestinian refugees are asking for more rights than other refugees have. [FALSE]
6.      Arab leaders use the Palestinian refugees’ plight for bad purposes. [IRRELEVANT]
7.      “The article is bogus.” [DEVOID OF ANY SUBSTANCE WHATSOEVER]
If the Zionists are forced to defend ethnic cleansing as a result of Americans reading articles like this one by Ghada Karmi, we can expect these kinds of “arguments” from them. They are all pretty easy to refute.- John Spritzler]

Egypt: Mission Accomplished in Libya for Obama and Coalition, by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat | Veterans Today
  ...let’s settle this predicament and try to clearly answer the question of whether what is happening in Libya a popular uprising or some false flag operation meant to reshuffle the players in the Libyan oil game… and another question of who wants to see – the brother leader, Gaddafi- kicked out of the rule in Libya? Whose interest would a Gaddafi-free Libya serve?..
What intervention in Libya tells us about the neocon-liberal alliance | Stephen M. Walt
   ...if you're baffled by how Mr. "Change You Can Believe In" morphed into Mr. "More of the Same," you shouldn't really be surprised. George Bush left in disgrace and Barack Obama took his place, but he brought with him a group of foreign policy advisors whose basic world views were not that different from the people they were replacing. I'm not saying their attitudes were identical, but the similarities are probably more important than the areas of disagreement. Most of the U.S. foreign policy establishment has become addicted to empire, it seems, and it doesn't really matter which party happens to be occupying Pennsylvania Avenue...
Washington's precious catch: the oil and the bank accounts | Voltaire Network
  The Americans have reaped hundreds of billions of dollars after having frozen Mubarak’s, Ben Ali’s and Gaddafi’s bank accounts. This enticing sum which has become under the control of the American administration and some of its European partners met an urgent need in the ranks of the major industrial countries in these times of crisis, in which their governments are forced to issue treasury bonds to fund their growing expenses, to activate the economic wheel and resist the suffocating stalemate...

Venezuela Says U.S., Allies Repeating Libya Strategy in Syria | Venezuela Analysis
  ...the United States and other nations are seeking to intervene militarily in Syria using the same strategy as in Libya.“The supposedly peaceful movements have already begun, and then there will be some deaths and they’ll be accusing the Syrian president of killing his people. Later, the Yankees come and want to bomb the people in order to save them, imagine that,” ...

Yemen: Behind Al-Qaeda Scenarios, an unfolding stealth agenda, by F. William Engdahl | Voltaire Network
  On December 25 US authorities arrested a Nigerian named Abdulmutallab aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on charges of having tried to blow up the plane with smuggled explosives. Since then reports have been broadcast from CNN, the New York Times and other sources that he was “suspected” of having been trained in Yemen for his terror mission. What the world has been subjected to since is the emergence of a new target for the US ‘War on Terror,’ namely a desolate state on the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen. A closer look at the background suggests the Pentagon and US intelligence have a hidden agenda in Yemen...

A look back at 8 years of war in Iraq, by Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis | Al Jazeera English
  March 19 marks the eighth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, a nation that had no weapons of mass destruction and was not involved in the 9/11 attacks. It was sold to the American public as a war to defend our nation and free the Iraqi people. US deputy secretary of defence Paul Wolfowitz said our soldiers would be greeted as liberators and that Iraqi oil money would pay for the reconstruction. Vice president Dick Cheney said the military effort would take "weeks rather than months". And assistant defence secretary Ken Adelman predicted that "liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk". Eight years on, it's time to look back at that "cakewalk"...

The Real Identity of Israel | I Am Israel
  ...I am Israel. You want freedom? I have bullets, tanks, missiles, Apaches and F-16s to obliterate you. I have placed your towns under siege, confiscated your lands, uprooted your trees, demolished your homes, and you still demand freedom? Don’t you get the message? You will never have peace or freedom, because I am Israel...
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The Mark Weber Report | Voice of Reason Broadcast Network
  ...In 1988 [Mark Weber] testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert witness on Germany’s wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue. During the five years he lived in Washington, DC, he carried out extensive historical research at the National Archives and the Library of Congress.. He has been Director of the IHR since 1995. For nine years he was editor of the IHR’s Journal of Historical Review..
Read more, listen to broadcasts...

Europe's Israel romance is on the wane, by Daud Abdullah | The Guardian
  Europeans are losing their illusions about Israel, our survey shows. Policy is out of step with the public...

Israeli Embassy in Cairo Under Siege, Dr. Ashraf Ezzat | Opinion Maker
   Just when the Palestinians in Gaza thought they were facing these new Israeli attacks alone and with their backs against the wall, they found out they forgot, over the years, that they had brothers in Egypt who are willing not only to accompany them in their struggle against Israel but to protect their backs as well...

Obama's Fateful Abuse of War Powers, by (former) Rep. Paul Findley | My Catbird Seat
  The acts of war ordered by President Barack Obama against the government of Libya violated provisions of the U.S. Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973. He also exceeded his authority by pledging U.S. combat support to the United Nations Security Council and to NATO for military measures against Libya. The United States may soon find itself entrapped in a costly civil war in that North African nation...

Ramifications of British imperialism on Pakistan's polity, by Brig Asif Haroon Raja | Opinion Maker
  Islam was brought into Indian subcontinent in 712 by Muhammad bin Qasim after he conquered Sindh ruled by Hindu Raja Dahir. His arrival sowed the seeds of antagonism between the Hindus and Muslims. India remained under the rule of Muslim Sultans and Mughal kings from 998 till 1858. The Mughals left behind an ineradicable impression on the political, administrative and educational psyche of the people of South Asia...

Rules of evidence should evenly apply | Idaho Observer
  ..Major Miller of the Allied Military Police HQ in Vienna signed memo/order #31/48 on Oct. 1, 1948 declaring that since the Allied Commissions of Inquiry had established that no one in the 12 German concentration camps was killed by poison gas, that any former inmate maintaining otherwise was to be arrested and charged with perjury. This memo/order also stated that all confessions of gassings at the camps used at Nuremburg war trials were gained by way of torture...

Why does Israel have a veto over the peace process? | Alan Hart
  ...the answer is in what happened behind closed doors at the Security Council in New York in the weeks and months following the 1967 war. But complete understanding requires knowledge of the fact that it was a war of Israeli aggression and not, as Zionism’s spin doctors continue to assert, self-defense...

Planned Libya Invasion | Stephen Lendman
  In his book, "Winning Modern Wars," General Wesley Clark said Pentagon sources told him two months after 9/11 that war plans were being prepared against Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia, Sudan and Libya. Months earlier, they were finalized against Afghanistan...

The Truth about Gaza, by Samah Sabawi | Palestine Chronicle
  The media coverage of Israel's ongoing bombardment of Gaza that left many dead and many more injured echoes Israel’s claim that it was part of an escalation that began on Thursday when Hamas militants fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli school bus, critically wounding a teenager and lightly injuring the driver. Such claims ignore the reality that systematic violence against the Palestinians has never stopped...

Obama vs. Trump: A Circus Sideshow on the Road to Feudalism, by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
  ...the American people – or rather the American spectators – only nominally elect presidents. Presidents – or in Obama’s case, head teleprompter reader – are appointed by the elitist duopoly otherwise known as the Anglo-American establishment. Obama’s mother worked for the CIA and he was groomed since his Columbia days as a potential chief teleprompter reader by the elite. Prior to warming a seat in the Oval Office, Obama was peddled as a charismatic savior and sold like any other worthless commodity to the sheeple...

President Obama, "Get Real" On 9/11 And Phony Terror, by Gordon Duff | Veterans Today
  America is in its 10th year of war in Afghanistan and losing.  Everyone there hates us, we haven’t won a single “heart” or “mind.”  We have succeeded in building an empire of opium and heroin on a scale never before imagined...

Avigdor Lieberman to Be Indicted | Stephen Lendman
  ...he represents the worst of Israel's lunatic fringe, sort of a combination Dick Cheney/John McCain/Joe Lieberman, too extremist to be entrusted with power, but he's got it...
[One of lesser known reasons they call it a "Criminal State". Is there even one Israeli official who hasn't been, is being or will be indicted for wrong doing?]

No Fly Zone, by Israel Shamir | shamireaders
To Dr. Nawaf Salam, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Lebanon's Permanent Representative in the UN: Your Excellency,..

Apr 12, 2011

Shifting Focus, by Paul Balles | Intifada Palestine

  The incredible arrogance of David Harris of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) would pass as a sick joke if his readers didn’t take his pronouncements so seriously...

Chanson pour la palestine part 100 artistes | YouTube
Watch video...

Yemen's Tyrant: A Terrorist Allegedly Fighting Terrorism Against America, by Mohamed Khodr | Intifada Palestine
  It is heartbreaking and tragic to watch innocent peaceful protesters, including women and children, throughout the Arab world being slaughtered with American weapons used by American supported and coddled tyrants who only serve the interests of the U.S. and Israel at the expense of the precious blood of their people...

Chalmers Johnson vs. the Empire, by Sheila K. Johnson and Tom Engelhardt | Antiwar
  ...In the introduction to his final book, Dismantling the Empire, America’s Last Best Hope, he took up a recurring topic of interest to him: “the choice between republic and empire,” and the way “our imperial dreams stretch our means to the breaking point and threaten our future.” Among “the alternatives available to us as a nation,” he wrote, “we are choosing what I call the suicide option.” He added that “it might not have to be this way, that we could still move in a different direction.”..
[It may well be too late. My guess is that change will only come about through the chaos of revolution. The first shoe has dropped; George Soros has just informed us that the US Dollar is no longer the world's reserve currency. Sooner than later this will lead to national bankruptcy and the collapse of the whole Ponzi house of cards.]

Ignoring its imperial history licenses the west to repeat it, by Seumas Milne | The Guardian
  ...Kenya is only one of multiple grim British imperial legacies, a string of which are at the heart of the most inflammatory confrontations of the modern world. It's not just Kashmir and the Pakistan-Indian standoff. The Israel-Palestine conflict is the direct result of British colonial policy, as is the infamous Durand line that divides Pashtuns between Afghanistan and Pakistan and fuels the "Af-Pak" war. Then there's the toxic colonial carve-up of the Arab world and Africa along arbitrary state boundaries, and the colonial divide-and-rule of ethnic or religious groups that continues to haunt the post-colonial world....
The horrible truth about Gaza, by Samah Sabawi | Australians for Palestine
  ...Let us not forget that 75 percent of Gaza’s population is made up of refugees denied for 63 years the right to return to their homes inside what is now Israel.   Israel’s denial of the rights of refugees and its 43 year old occupation and colonization of Gaza and the West Bank is at the root of all the violence. Those who point at the latest set of incidents as the cause for the violence are simply missing the big picture...

Arab League calls for no-fly zone over Gaza | AlertNet
  ...Condemning what it called Israel's "brutal" aggression in Gaza, a gathering of the Arab League's permanent delegates chaired by Oman called on the U.N. to convene its Security Council. The meeting would "consider the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip on an urgent basis to stop its siege and impose a no-fly rule on the Israeli military to protect civilians in the Gaza Strip,"...
[The hypocrisy of the Western world (under Zionist influence) seems to be constructed of something like kryptonite - nothing can make even the slightest dent in it]

Sadr Warns US Against Staying in Iraq | Antiwar
  Sadr.. issued a statement that was said to include a threat to return to “armed resistance” if the US tries to continue its military presence beyond the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) deadline...

Tensions high as Egypt protesters accuse Army of turning on them | CS Monitor
  More than 1,000 pro-democracy protesters continued to occupy Cairo's Tahrir Square Sunday, one day after the Army – until now seen as the guardian of the revolution – appeared to have fired live rounds into crowds, killing at least one protester...
[Now the real revolution may begin. The only hope of avoiding disaster is for the potential "Young Turks" to pull off a military coup and force the corrupt generals to step down. I'm not taking any bets, but this how Nasser came to power.]

Obama's change of heart on war powers | Chicago Tribune
  ...When their party occupies the White House, they defend the president's absolute right to invade, bomb or strafe any country on Earth. When the other party is in power, they whine and grouse, while doing nothing to impede him. It's hard to decide which party is more unfaithful to its own principles...
[As Jesse Ventura recently exhorted Americans, don't vote for either a Democrat or a Republican, any of them.]

An Israeli initiative worth watching, by Rami G. Khouri | The Daily Star
  ...Many Israelis honest enough to deal with the world as it is must appreciate that a more democratic Arab world where governments actually reflect public opinion will provide more diplomatic and material support for the Palestinians. Therefore, time is not on Israel’s side. The Israelis are also, rightly, worried that they and their policies are being subjected to an international campaign of delegitimization, while Palestinians are seeking and receiving more international support for United Nations recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state this coming autumn at the annual General Assembly in New York...
[Wouldn't it be interesting if push finally came to shove, and the rest of the world were to depose the neo-Colonialist powers from their grip on the Security Council. I'm sure there's a way it could be done, perhaps only after the Western democracies economically implode.]

Jewish Math | Gilad Atzmon
  Ynet published yesterday an exceptionally stupid review of the economy behind the Iron Dome, Israel’s new anti missile defense system. The article attempts to present the ‘reasoning’ behind the new anti missile system. Believe it or not, it compares the running cost of the system with the potential loss caused by the death of an Israeli...

Why I don't believe in the Holocaust revisited | Rebel News
  ...The mere fact that 65 years after the alleged events, anyone performing or publishing research that contradicts the official narrative is systematically destroyed, even risks being abducted and imprisoned, is sufficient evidence that the official narrative is a lie. In places like Germany revisionists aren't even allowed to defend themselves by providing evidence for their claims. What more proof does common sense need?..
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The Legality of Israel is a Ruse | Kawther Salam
  ...What Chelli wrote is contrary to the statements of her arrogant government, which provides unequivocal support to Israel zionists and to the herds of American jewish colonists, who left the US to live a life of unrelenting criminality in the heart of Hebron and the occupied West Bank, aiming at the destruction of the Palestinian civil society, stealing our land, prosperity, stability, security, freedom, peace and independence...

Richard Reoch: Making Peace Possible | YouTube
  Richard Reoch has devoted his life to defending human rights, protecting the environment and promoting peace. He is former global media chief for Amnesty International, trustee for the Rainforest Foundation, and President of Shambhala. Richard's life experience in conflict resolution and international peace negotiations provides personal insight into how these techniques work on a global basis...
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    "Change your attitude and relax as it is" - buddhist monastic slogan

Regime Change Libya: Privatization of their Central Bank and the Theft of their Nationalized Oil Profits, by Scott Creighton | American Everyman
  There is no question anymore as to why the Obama administration is attempting to impose a change of the regime of Libya..  I wrote about the invasion of Libya being about two main objectives: privatizing the national oil company and the state-owned central banking system. I pointed out that the US and British inserted language in the UN resolution that allowed them to freeze the accounts of the nationalized oil company as well as the central bank of Libya...
Lebanese singer/model Haifa Wehbe performing live | YouTube
  Lebanese Arabic singer/model Haifa Wehbe (also former Miss Lebanon) performing her songs "fakerny" and "ya hayat albi" live...
[A change of pace - it's unhealthy to be focused on what's wrong all the time, right?]
The ghost of Joe McCarthy walks the USA | Redress Information & Analysis
  Lawrence Davidson argues that the apathy of, and lack of accurate information available to, the American public is paving the way for a wave of McCarthyism that is threatening to sweep the USA and is seriously eroding “one of the pillars of American freedom, that of free speech”...
[Just one of the many dire consequences of allowing the evil that is Zionism to rule the roost]

Apr 11, 2011

Does America have a Muslim problem? by Franklin Lamb | Al Manar

  ...Robert Kennedy used to say during US  Congressional hearings on hate crimes that approximately 20% of the American public is unfortunately quite capable and indeed ready for believing just about anything and acting violently toward their neighbors while being easily influenced toward racism, xenophobia, and hate of “ the other.”..
The Arabic Dream | YouTube 
  The Arabic Dream by famous artists of the arabic world. Singing for one arabic Nation...
watch video...

Al Dameer Al Arabi - The Arabic Conscience | YouTube 
  Dozens of arab singers join together to promote peace...
watch video...

Deconstructed: 'Israeli army strikes Gaza after school bus hit', by Alison Weir | Associated Press Deconstructed
  ...The "control bureau" for the region, through which all news reports are funneled, is located in Israel. Its editors are living in Israel, their families are frequently Israeli, and quite often they themselves are Israeli citizens...

Wag the Dog | Brasscheck TV
  As much as a whack job as Gaddafi is (and he is), for an Arab dictator he treats his people pretty well and they mostly tolerate him. So where are the rebels coming from? The news media/CIA...

Obama Again Capitulates | Stephen Lendman
  ...It shouldn't surprise that on April 8, he repeated what's become a habit - breaking every major campaign pledge by backing reactionary Republican measures, harming working Americans most, besides governing lawlessly at home and abroad and much more, hurtling the nation dangerously far right, tipping it toward neoserfdom enforced by repressive harshness...

Ending Tyranny in the Middle East: Revolutions and Exorcisms, by Sasan Fayazmanesh | Counterpunch
  ...similar to the revolutions in 1848, the events of 2011 seem to be failing to produce any substantive results. All the old and reactionary forces in the region are exorcizing the revolutions that have swept the region. This holds not only for the countries mentioned above, but also for other countries in the region that are in a state of revolutionary turmoil...

Suppressing Truth and Promoting War: A New York Times Tradition | Stephen Lendman
  ...for many decades, The Times has been America's closest equivalent to an official ministry of information and propaganda, masquerading as real news, commentary, analysis and opinion. Its long history reveals a record of suppressing truth, supporting powerful interests, backing corporate predators, and endorsing imperial wars, no matter how much killing, destruction, and human misery they cause, let alone why they're waged...

Soros: Dollar 'no longer' reserve currency, by Aaron Dykes | Infowars

  During his Bretton Woods II weekend conference, billionaire financier George Soros has issued many bold statements, not the least of which included claiming that the Dollar had already fallen as the world’s reserve currency, and is now reduced to sharing the role...
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Attack of the Keystone Krusaders: Libya and the Law of Unintended Consequences, by Conn Hallinan | Counterpunch
  Coming to grips with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) intervention in the Libyan civil war is a little like wresting a grizzly bear: big, hairy, and likely to make you pretty uncomfortable no matter where you grab a hold of it. Is it a humanitarian endeavor? A grab for oil resources? Or an election ploy by French President Nicolas Sarkozy?..

Israel: Spoiling for Another Fight? | Stephen Lendman
  Throughout its history, Israel intimidated as a regional menace, preemptively attacking Palestinians and regional neighbors for any reason or none at all. Each time, it's claimed self-righteousness and "self-defense," what scoundrels always say...

Apr 10, 2011

Gaza: Two Years After The Horror, by Haidar Eid | Intifada Palestine

How can I affect what is happening and how can the world respond?

  This week marks the second anniversary of the horror inflicted on the people of the Gaza Strip. Nothing has changed! Gaza has returned to its pre-invasion state of siege, confronted with the usual international indifference. Two years after the Israeli assault that lasted 22 long days and dark nights, during which its brave people were left alone to face one of the strongest armies in the world, Gaza no longer makes the news. Its people die slowly, its children are malnourished, its water contaminated, and yet it is deprived even of a word of sympathy from the President the United States and the leaders of Europe...
Satyagraha: A Poem, by Abdul Karim Sabawi | Palestine Chronicle
There are no weapons more lethal than yours
No men and horses mightier than yours
And of all those who have occupied my land
Yours is the darkest, most dreadful occupation
You choose to kill
But killing is a parasite
It will eat away your spirit...

On Jewish Intolerance | Gilad Atzmon
  In a New Statesman article, law professor John Dugard ,who was a Judge on The International Court of Justice as well as being Special Rapporteur for the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, summarizes the Goldstone apology saga : ‘there are no new facts that could possibly have led Richard Goldstone to change his mind about the UN-backed investigation into Israel and the conflict in Gaza.’..
The Fiction of the Jewish History in Palestine, by Hasan Afif El-Hasan | Palestine Chronicle
  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told NNC Pierce Morgan on March 18, 2011 that he might agree to a Palestinian state through negotiations. And he added, "We will make territorial concessions although it is very painful to do that in our ancestral land." Netanyahu was not talking about Poland where his ancestors lived. He was talking about Palestine where generations of its indigenous population ancestors lived, cultivated the land and are buried...
United Against Everyone: South Tel Aviv Is On Fire | YouTube
  Protest to expel Africans from South Tel Aviv and all of Israel - April 6, 2011..
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A new Israeli massacre in Gaza | International Solidarity Movement
  The latest round of Israeli massacres committed against the people of Gaza has resulted in the brutal killings since Thursday afternoon of sixteen, including a mother and daughter, 4 children and an elderly man. Over the last 5 days, Gaza City has been bombed by Apache helicopters and F16 and E15 fighter planes. These terrible massacres come only one day after a statement issued by the disgraced Ehud Batak, the Israeli Minster of War, in which he calls upon his generals to intensify the attack against Gaza ...

Lebanon - Wiki-Cables Tell of Treason, US Interference: Interview with Franklin Lamb | Veterans Today
  Lebanon, for well-known geostrategic reasons is fixed in the cross-hairs of the conflict of the Middle East. Some analysts believe that there is more foreign intervention in Lebanon than in any Middle East country except Iraq. As tensions rise between Iran and America for influence in Lebanon, the issue of loyalty to Lebanon or Israel has entered the public discourse with new intensity.  One issue hotly debated today in Lebanon is whether there were political leaders within the Lebanese government who assisted Israel in its invasion of Lebanon in 2006? Were there?..

The "Deep State" behind U.S. democracy | Voltaire Network
  In his book The Road to 9/11, now available in French, Professor Peter Dale Scott traces back the history of the "Deep State" in the United States, that is to say the secret structure that steers defense and foreign policy behind the facade of democracy. His analysis lifts the veil on the group that organised the September 11 attacks and which finances itself through international trafficking networks. Regarded as a reference book, The Road to 9/11 already features as recommended reading at military-diplomatic academies...

Congress Delivered Articles of Impeachment for tyrant Obama, by Bruce Fein | Infowars
  President Barack Obama, in flagrant violation of his constitutional oath to execute his office as President of the United States and preserve and protect the United States Constitution, has usurped the exclusive authority of Congress to authorize the initiation of war, in that on March 19, 2011 President Obama initiated an offensive military attack against the Republic of Libya without congressional authorization. In so doing, President Obama has arrested the rule of law, and saluted a vandalizing of the Constitution that will occasion ruination of the Republic, the crippling of individual liberty, and a Leviathan government unless the President is impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the Senate...

A Day In The Life Of A "Homegrown Terrorist" by Giordano Bruno | A Voice In The Wilderness
  There was a time when having one’s name listed in the despised ranks of those villains that governments often categorize as “terrorists” involved quite a bit of leg work, as well as an ominous running resume of death, destruction, and general mean spiritedness. Of course, if one examines the history of every modern country which eventually disintegrated into despotism, the definition of who the “enemy” is tends to become rather broad rather quickly. That is to say, the more criminal the leadership of a country becomes, the easier it is for the average person to find himself labeled a criminal by that same leadership...
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9-11 Fairy Tale Excuse for Endless War, by Victor Thorn | AFP
  ...Bush and Obama based these wars on what “could potentially happen”—i.e., weapons of mass destruction purportedly hidden by Saddam Hussein, and a potential slaughter in a Libyan city. In addition, Iraq and Libya both hold vast oil reserves, each of their leaders was staunchly anti-Israel and neither U.S. president provided clear-cut exit strategies...
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Obama Successfully Demobilized the Anti-war Movement, by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
   ...A new study by U-M’s Michael Heaney and colleague Fabio Rojas of Indiana University shows that the antiwar movement in the United States demobilized as Democrats took over Congress and the White House...
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Is Tribalism the Future? by Pat Buchanan | Creators
  ...The artificial countries are coming apart. Sudan is sundering as Ethiopia did. Is Yemen next? Joe Biden argued for dividing up Iraq, which may happen when the Americans go. China, with its crackdown on Tibetans and Uighurs, fears the pull and power of ethnonationalism. Saudi Arabia — by sending troops to aid the Sunni monarchy of Bahrain put down an uprising by its Shia majority — testifies to its us-versus-them view of the Arab world...

The March to Expel The Jewish Colonists | Kawther Salam
  ...Israel, the zionist organization which was established without legitimacy or legal basis in Palestine, has shown its bad will in making real peace with Palestinians for over 63 years. The conclusion after all these years is that israel ONLY understands the language of war, murder, theft, ethnic cleansing, of stealing the tax monies from US all other countries where zionist jews have settled...

War on Palestinian Memory: Israel Resolves Its Democracy Dilemma, by Ramzy Baroud | Palestine Chronicle
  Palestinian citizens of Israel must have been proud of the fact that their collective tenacity always proved stronger than any Israeli attempt at dislocating them from their rightful historical narrative. Now, they are being told to cease and desist from commemorating al-Nakba, the Catastrophe of 1948, which saw the brutal seizure and depopulation of most of Palestine in order to construct the Israeli ‘miracle’..

Goldstone's rethink: cleansing Israel's war crimes | Redress Information & Analysis
  Jonathan Cook considers what judge Richard Goldstone may or may not have retracted from his original report on Israel’s attack on Gaza in 2008, the validity of his apparent retractions and what may lay behind his rethink...

Apr 9, 2011

Amel Mathlouthi: Palestina | YouTube

  The Tunisian singer performs "Palestine"..transcendent...a must watch
Watch video...

Bonus track: Une chanson MAGNIFIQUE de SOUAD MASSI (Algerienne) | YouTube

Watch video...

Bonus track 2:
Michael Heart sings for Gaza | YouTube

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Obama's Libyan Folly: To be or not to be.. | Richard Falk
  The outcome in Libya remains uncertain, but what seems clear beyond reasonable doubt is that military intervention has not saved the day for either the shadowy opposition known as ‘the rebels,’ and certainly not for the people of the country. It has seemingly plunged Libya into a protracted violent conflict with the domestic balance of forces tipping decisively in favor of the Qaddafi regime despite a major military onslaught managed by the American-led coalition, which in recent days has been supposedly outsourced to NATO...

This Is What Resistance Looks Like | Chris Hedges
  The phrase consent of the governed has been turned into a cruel joke. There is no way to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs. Civil disobedience is the only tool we have left...
Reason for war? Gaddafi wanted to nationalise oil | Pravda
  The Libyan leader proposed the nationalisation of U.S. oil companies, as well as those of UK, Germany, Spain, Norway, Canada and Italy in 2009...

US-backed regime in Yemen carries out new slaughter of protesters, by David Walsh | WSWS

  The regime of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen, which continues to enjoy the support of the Obama administration and other Western powers, carried out another massacre of anti-government demonstrators Monday, in the southwestern city of Taiz...

The despised state of Israel cannot survive for long: Christopher Bollyn interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari | Veterans Today
  Christopher Bollyn is an American journalist and researcher. He is widely known for his extensive researches on the September 11, 2001 attacks which disclosed that Israel has been complicit in planning and carrying out the terrorist attacks that cost the lives of 2,976 victims and left more than 6,000 injured...

"Our Man in Tripoli": US-NATO Sponsored Islamic Terrorists Integrate Libya's Pro-Democracy Opposition, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research

  ...Concepts are turned upside down. Both Washington and NATO, which claim to be waging a "War on Terrorism", are supporting a "pro-democracy movement" integrated by members of a terrorist organization. In a cruel irony, Washington and the Atlantic Alliance are acting in defiance of their own anti-terrorist laws and regulations... 
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What Martin Luther King, Jr. Could Have Said to Netanyahu and US, by Eileen Fleming | Salem-News
  ..Prime Minister, Bibi, baby, I have got to tell you that Israel’s publicity campaign aimed at stopping the International Freedom Flotilla set to sail this spring is dead before arrival. Look who you are calling terrorists now:..
'Zorba' Composer Declares Himself an Anti-Semite | Greek Reporter
  Mikis Theodorakis, the Greek composer who wrote the music for the film “Zorba the Greek,” said in a television interview that he is an “anti-Semite and anti-Zionist.” Theodorakis, 86, a hero in Greece, also said in the interview on Greece’s High channel that “everything that happens today in the world has to do with the Zionists.” He added that “American Jews are behind the world economic crisis that has hit Greece also.”..
[Sadly, speaking as an American Jew, that is the unvarnished truth]
Britain opposes call to retract Goldstone Report, by Debbie Menon | Veterans Today
  ...I am holding out no strong hopes that there are any “politicians” in Britain who have the guts or spine to stand up against Zionism.  And, whether the Report is or is not rescinded or retracted, officially or not, the Report and its facts have been put before the public, and nothing will change that…

The big bluff: false claims to the Holy Land | Redress Information & Analysis
  Paul J. Balles explains why the 60 million right-wing Christians in the USA who expect a “second coming” of Jesus Christ into the Holy Land are in for a shock...

On Peace and Critics: Interview with Ilan Pappe, by Emanuel Stoakes | Palestine Chronicle
  ...there were two options for the Israeli policy makers. Either they would succeed in subjecting the Strip to Israel’s will – and putting it under a joint Israeli and PA control – encircled by barbered and electric wire. In such a case life would have depended on Israel’s goodwill, and the people would have to resign to a life in Ghetto-like conditions. Should the people of Gaza resist the first option they would be subjected to collective punishment until they surrender – this is the second option...

The Egyptian Torah, by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat | Veterans Today
  The American historian, archeologist and Egyptologist, James Henry Breasted is one of those historians who examined history and did not merely stop at the dates and names of predecessors and their recorded events in the remote past but he worked his intellectual chisels way beyond the surfacing appearances and embarked on a deeper journey into the enshrouded historical truth which took him to the then still mystified world of ancient Egypt where he came to discover for the whole world that this is where human conscience first emerged in the history of mankind...

The United States Fights and Pays for Israel's Wars: Maidhc Ó Cathail interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari | Veterans Today
  ...Israel has never been a “stooge” of the United States. If there is any stooge in this relationship, it is America. After all, it is the U.S. that has been fighting and paying for Israel’s wars, not the other way around. However, if enough Americans ever learn about the well-documented examples of Israeli treachery, the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty, Operation Trojan and Jonathan Pollard come to mind, the Jewish state may be left to fight its own wars. Perhaps then, as Ahmadinejad really said, the occupation regime over Jerusalem will “vanish from the pages of time.”..

Judge Goldstone's wobble sends wrong signal | Redress Information & Analysis
  Stuart Littlewood explains why judge Richard Goldstone was the wrong person to head the UN fact-finding mission into the conflict in Gaza in the first place, and argues that Goldstone’s latest “wobble” could be the prelude to a new Israeli aggression against the people of Gaza...

Apr 8, 2011

Breaking News: Israel Announces The Start Of "Operation Scorching Summer" | Australians for Palestine

  The UN have evacuated all their staff and the 1.5 million people of Gaza are preparing for another massacre...
Samouni Family Responds to Goldstone Backtrack on Israeli War Crimes | Ken O'Keefe
  During Operation Cast Lead Israel committed massive war crimes for all the world to see.  Among these crimes the use of White Phosphorus in densely populated areas, use of Depleted Uranium, bombing civilian targets of all sorts without military necessity, destroying civilian infrastructure with no military justification and the infamous massacre of the Samouni family… among many other crimes...
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Goldstone’s Bizarre U-Turn, by Sami Moubayed | Intifada Palestine
  Behind all the media buzz about events in Libya, Yemen and Syria, the Arab-Israeli conflict resurfaced at the weekend in a bizarre manner. Richard Goldstone, the South African judge who was author of a controversial 2009 report that carried his name – wrote an article for The Washington Post, sending shockwaves throughout the upper echelons of power in the Gaza Strip and Israel...

Tunisian Girl Sings during demonstration - Amal Mathluthi | YouTube
  Above the noise of the crowd, she sings for freedom. She says she is the secret of the red rose..who calls the freemen. Free men, and free women in Egypt heard the call. Whatever their faith, may God bless all those who seek their freedom throughout the world. And who sometimes have to fight for it...
[A must watch - it brought tears to my eyes]
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Ivory Coast and Bretton Woods: Soros's Spectre, by by Eric Walberg | Dissident Voice

  Few around the world watching the drama unfolding in Ivory Coast root for the incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo, who to his credit held reasonably fair elections last year, but then promptly ignored the results, suddenly claiming that those who voted for his rival Alassane Ouattara were not really citizens of Ivory Coast at all. With even the cautious African Union against him, his demise looks inevitable...

ICAHD mourns the tragic slaying of Juliano Mer-Khamis, by Jeff Halper | ICAHD

  ...The ones that envision and work for a just society are decreasing among us. The loss of one of the bravest, one of the most energetic, articulate, and creative among us, the symbol of what might be, is a cruel blow, not only to his family, to whom our condolences go, but to the rest of us who must struggle on without him. No, not “without him,” since Juliano will always inspire and guide us. Someone of his presence, like Rachel Corrie, cannot be easily removed from the scene. Juliano, we will miss you but we will continue your struggle...

BDS rooted in law and human rights, by Samah Sabawi | Australians for Palestine
  The Australian’s unrelenting attack on the Greens and the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign continued today with Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan’s opinion piece entitled “A party of ignorant extremists” April 7, 2011.  In this piece, Sheridan lists a number of services Israel offers the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank and asks if the Greens are willing to boycott these institutions that provide health care, electricity and jobs for Palestinians...
[Not surprisingly, as it's Rupert Murdoch's home turf, the mainstream media in Australia are overwhelmingly ZioNazi controlled, just like in the US.]

Obama Remembers Pumping Gas, by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
  During an appearance before Al Sharpton’s shake down organization, the National Action Network, the comedian Obama said he was a gas station attendant before he decided to serve his country as a teleprompter reader. Barry Obama was a regular Joe with student loans to pay off and other hardships suffered daily by the boobeoisie...
Congressman Ron Paul: One Worlders Will Fail, by Steve Watson | Infowars
  Congressman Ron Paul, icon to liberty lovers the world over, sent a stark message this week to ruling elite “internationalists” attempting to expand globalism via the Western military industrial complex – you will fail...

Spain: The "Most Anti-Semitic Country in Europe" | Hudson Institute
  Spain emerged as one of the most anti-Semitic countries in the European Union in 2010, and the Spanish government has done nothing about it, according to the authors of an annual report that tracks anti-Semitic violence on the Iberian Peninsula. The "dangerous" and "extraordinary" rise in anti-Semitism comes at a time when Spain is mired in the worst economic recession in its modern history, and the authors of the report conclude that Jews are increasingly becoming a scapegoat for the economic and social problems facing Spain...
[The Hudson Institute is one of the best funded and most insidious Zionist neocon think tanks. Sounds like Zapatero is an ornery, independent guy who resists being a bitch of the Empire.]

Slippery Slope: 'Bloody civil war or boots on ground NATO choices in Libya' | Russia Today on YouTube
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Corrupt Revolution: 'Libya rebel chiefs ex-govt stooges with West links' | Russia Today on YouTube
  When a revolution takes place in a country - it is the business of the people in that country to conduct the revolution, believes anti-war activist John Reese from Stop the War Coalition...
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Jesse Ventura: Vote for anyone but Dems and Reps! | Russia Today on YouTube
  RT talked to former governor of Minnesota and author Jesse Ventura about his new book '63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read' and more...
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Alternative strategy for liberation of Libya | Redress Information & Analysis
  Nureddin Sabir argues that the time has come for the pro-democracy leaders in Libya to acknowledge that NATO will not help them overcome the Gaddafi tyranny and that, in order to avoid the division of Libya, they must consider inviting another Arab country or Iran to intervene directly against the Gaddafi regime...

Apr 7, 2011

Goldstone's shameful U-turn, by Ilan Pappe | The Electronic Intifada

Judge Richard Goldstone in the Gaza Strip, June 2009

  "If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone report would have been a different document." Thus opens Judge Richard Goldstone's much-discussed op-ed in The Washington Post. I have a strong feeling that the editor might have tampered with the text and that the original sentence ought to have read something like: "If I had known then that the report would turn me into a self-hating Jew in the eyes of my beloved Israel and my own Jewish community in South Africa, the Goldstone report would never have been written at all." And if that wasn't the original sentence, it is certainly the subtext of Goldstone's article...

Boycott Israel group posts silent video after YouTube removes original | BDS movement

  After receiving over 30,000 views in just two days, a video of New York human rights activists commemorating Palestinian Land Day by calling on Americans to boycott Israel was taken down on the evening of April 1st by YouTube. Today, Adalah-NY posted a silent version of the video on YouTube. In the video, originally posted on March 30, more than 30 dancers accompanied by the Rude Mechanical Orchestra surprised crowds at New York’s bustling Grand Central Terminal with an unannounced song and dance...
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YouTube: Copyright or Censorship?, by Anthony Lawson | YouTube
  It is my contention that spurious accusations of copyright infringement can be used to suppress videos that are not liked, in certain circles, and that YouTube's reporting procedure favours the accuser over the accused, who is not even given the minimum amount of information necessary to be able to challenge any claim, let alone a false one...
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2011 Palestine Film Festivals | AAPER
  The Palestine Film Festival is an event to showcase films which help educate Americans across the United States about the situation in Palestine and the need for an equitable U.S. policy toward Palestine that advances freedom and equality for the Palestinian people...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The global struggle for Palestinian Rights, reviewed by Dr. Hanan Chehata | Middle East Monitor
   Omar Barghouti is a founding member of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel and so he is in a perfect position to write a book charting the growth and success of the BDS movement 5 years after its inception. Whether you are new to the Palestinian cause or a long-time supporter and seasoned activist, this book is the perfect way to come up to speed with every aspect of the BDS movement...

The Pseudo-Biblical Book Of Esther: Mainspring Of Zionism, by Rev. Ted Pike | NPN
  Every book in the Bible condemns the violent racism of modern Zionism… except one: the book of Esther. The source of the annual feast of Purim, Esther celebrates the Jews' slaughter of more than 75,000 Gentiles (which included women and children). No Biblical book has so influenced evangelical attitudes toward Israel, especially in approving Israel's brutality against Arabs. Esther thus plays a pivotal role for both Jews and Christians in their unconditional defense of the state of Israel...

Goldstone, We're Disappointed | MIFTAH
  The pieces of the puzzle just don’t fit. Why would Justice Richard Goldstone backtrack on a report he penned and defended tooth and nail two years ago only to say he would have written things “differently” now? There has to be something more than just a sudden epiphanic reconsideration into Israel’s Cast Lead Operation into Gaza in the winter of 2008-2009, which left 1,400 Palestinians dead...

Remember Libya: One of History's Terror Bombing Victims | Stephen Lendman
  Like Cast Lead against Gaza, Odyssey Dawn is criminal imperial war, willfully attacking non-combatants and civilian targets, including vital infrastructure, hospitals, non-military airports and buildings, ports, power generating facilities, and other sites unrelated to military necessity...

I Am a Holocaust Denier, by Kevin Barrett | truthjihad
  ...I deny that these and other stupid, evil mass murders have any religious significance whatsoever. I deny that histories of these mass murders are sacred in any way. I deny that any of these episodes of mass murder or genocide somehow justify other episodes of mass murder or genocide. I deny that the people who question historical details of any of these stories are heretics. I deny that they should be silenced or jailed. I guess that makes me a holocaust denier. So go ahead: Burn me at the stake...

Jesse Ventura Challenges Ron Paul to Leave Republican Party, by Steve Watson | Infowars

  Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura has an important message for Libertarian Congressman Ron Paul – ditch the Republican Party and run for President as an independent...

Former CIA Officer Schools CNN Hosts on Libya | The Vigilant Citizen
  When CNN invited former CIA officer Michael Scheuer to discuss the CIA’s involvement in Libya, I am pretty sure they did not expect this kind of interview. Instead of justifying the presence of the CIA in Libya, Scheuer went off-script and told the truth about the Libyan invasion. He negated the false “Democrats versus Republicans” debate and rather mentioned Bilderberg attendees Hilary Clinton and John McCain as important actors. He also described the futility of this war in America’s economic context and predicted the inevitability of a land invasion. To finish it off, he accused the distraught “news chicks” (giving propaganda a sexy image) of “carrying the water for Mr. Obama”. Nice...
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Richard Goldstone's Fall from Grace | Stephen Lendman
   The line from Gilbert & Sullivan's HMS Pinafor explains, saying: "Things are seldom as they seem. Skim milk masquerades as cream." Goldstone's shameless reversal exposes the true man, a Judas, not what most people believed...

The plan to target Syria and its backdrop | Voltaire Network
  The plan to target Syria is linked to a new American strategy to adapt to and exploit the Arab changes. It seems clear that the American empire has adopted a plan to weaken, deplete and drown Syria in chaos if possible, under headlines related to the support of the demands of reform, for reasons linked to the American-Israeli interests in the region...

Saakashvili's war crimes wash off while West blasts Gaddafi | Russia Today on YouTube
  Colonel Gaddafi's attack on civilians has prompted condemnation and an immediate response from the international community. But while the outcry on Libya is loud, other conflicts have failed to draw such a reaction. And as RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports, this has helped some leaders to escape punishment for their crimes...
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Apr 6, 2011

Obama's counter-revolution, by Thierry Meyssan | Voltaire Network

Prince Khalil bin Ahmad bin Muhammad Al Khalifa, Foreign Minister of the
Kingdom of Bahrain with his friends from the American Jewish Committee

  After some hesitation over how to respond to the Arab revolutions, the Obama administration has opted for the strong-arm solution as a means to rescue those vassals which can still be salvaged. As in the past, the task of leading the counter-revolution devolved upon Saudi Arabia. Riyad first succeeded in having its Libyan pawns recognized by the international community and later trampled over Bahrain, drowning the popular uprising in blood...
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The rise of fascism in Israel, by Mohyeddin Sajedi | PressTV

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman

  ...Zeev Sternhell wrote in the Ha'aretz daily newspaper wrote, "The legislation that passed in the Knesset that dark night last week, which makes ethnic inequality a legal norm, has no parallel in democratic countries because it contradicts the very essence of democracy." "Unlike Europe, where the right has significantly grown but is still not in power, in this country the racists, the extreme and clerical right is the government, with only a vacuum opposing it."..
[Zionism and Israel were fascist from the gitgo, at the very conception. It's not an acquired disease; it's congenital. See Us vs. Them: On the Meaning of Fascism ]

Shamgen: The 'Muslim Union' | Rehmat's World
  “There are two blue lines on the top and bottom of the star in the Israeli flag. These lines are symbols. The top line represents the Euphrates, the bottom line the Nile. According to Jewish belief these borders are the natural borders of the state of Israel,” Professor Necmedin Erbakan (1926-2011), former Prime Minister of Turkey...

Battling the Beast, by Alexander Cockburn | Counterpunch
  ...The muscle-bound adjectives and nouns used to describe the military engagements – if they even deserve that word – in press reports remind me of a Chihuahua trying to mount a Newfoundland.  Ambition far outstrips reality, which is in this case is a nervous rabble motley insurgents – maybe 1,500 or so at most, posing for television crews and then fleeing back down the road to the next village (“strategic stronghold”) at the first whiff of trouble...

Revisiting Israel's Terror War on Gaza | Stephen Lendman
  Despite no legitimate provocation, Israel began terror bombing Gaza on December 27, 2008. Invasion followed, attacking innocent civilian men, women and children for over three weeks, using missiles, bombs, shells, and illegal weapons against defenseless people. Mass slaughter and destruction ensued...

A Genuine Tragedy Unfolds: Bahrain and Saudi Arabia's Rulers Goose-Step to the Brink of the Abyss, by Peter Lee | Counterpunch
  While we are diverted by the opera-bouffe spectacle of the civil war in Libya’s desert, a genuine tragedy—and potential geopolitical trainwreck—is unfolding in Bahrain...

Top D.C. Paper Pressured on Bilderberg Blackout, by James P. Tucker Jr. | AFP
  ...If 120 film stars, or 120 professional football players, were meeting behind closed doors and armed guards for three days, you would bust your butt trying to learn and report on what transpired. Why, then, no curiosity when 120 or 300 of the world’s most powerful men meet secretly?”..

Revolution or Coup? by Patrick Cockburn | Counterpunch
  Demonstrators fearful that the tide of revolution is on the ebb in Egypt staged a mass protest in Tahrir Square in Cairo last Friday to demand that a less authoritarian form of government be introduced...

A Community Organizer Goes to War, by Pat Buchanan | Creators
  Now that Benghazi has been spared what we were assured would be a massacre by Moammar Gadhafi's army, why are the U.S. Air Force, Navy, CIA and Special Forces still attacking in Libya? If our objective was to spare the defenseless people of Benghazi from slaughter, why, mission accomplished, did we not stop bombing? Why are we plunging deeper in?..

Gruesome Photos Reveal Sadism Run Rampant, by Keith Johnson | AFP
  Coalition forces in Afghanistan fear that gruesome pictures showing American troops posing with the corpses of murdered and mutilated Afghan civilians may provoke a more devastating backlash than graphic photographs taken of U.S. troops abusing prisoners in the notorious Iraqi prison Abu Ghraib...

Neocons and Democrats Work in Congress to Support Obama's Libyan War, by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
  As the mad bombers at NATO engage in a public relations stunt in response to the fallout from the slaughter of innocent Libyan civilians, here in the United States a few dignified members of Congress are attempting to put a halt to the illegal war...
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Libya is a Continuation of Neocon War to Remake Middle East, by Ron Paul | Infowars
  The American people have once again been suckered into an unconstitutional, undeclared, illegal, and unwise war. This is not a war in response to an attack on the United States. This is not a war against a regime that has threatened the United States. This is a preventative war. The president never claimed that any large-scale slaughter of civilians was taking place in Libya. Rather, the president has spent close to a billion dollars – so far – bombing a country because its government might at some point harm its civilians...
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The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side, by Harriet Straughen | MIFTAH
  The other day I was checking through the morning headlines and came across a particular story that both saddened and disturbed me. A young girl of 12 had been walking through the sun, on her way to pray with her friends. As had become routine for the people in her village, she and her friends had to walk past an army patrol set up by the occupying forces. Nearby her father was cutting the grass and tidying up. Moments later, he heard shots ringing out. As he ran round the corner, the soldiers at the checkpoint had shouted abuse, jibing: “What do you think you are doing? You're only the grass-cutter.” At the tragic scene, he found his daughter dying on the ground having been shot twice in the back...
[Par for the course in the "Holy Land"]

Dominci in Israel: Dispossession by Law, by Seraj Assi | Palestine Chronicle

  ...This episode is not taken from a satirical novel. It is what the new Knesset law all about. The law already passed in its second and third reading. “Knesset passes law to strip terrorists of Israeli citizenship” was Haaretz headline. That is, not only does the law make dispossession and transfer of Palestinians legal, but also labels the entire people terrorists...

Alan Dershowitz, You're Not Welcome Here | Gilad Atzmon
  In a recent article, notorious Zionist Alan Dershowitz reveals the scale of rejection he faced on his recent visit to Norway:..

Darkness in the House of Hate, by Lillian Rosengarten | Palestine Chronicle
   ...I am haunted by what Israel has become, a pariah supported by the US, complicit to this day, blind to the unspeakable. Why is the US afraid to speak out against Israel’s gross abuses, land theft and the creation of an apartheid state? A no fly zone over Gaza would be preferable to an air war of oil rich Libya. Where is the debate? Where is the outrage? Why did the US military not protect the people in Gaza during the atrocities of operation Cast Lead? How has it come to this twisted moral righteousness, myth of superiority that feeds such venues for hate?..

Ken O'Keefe: Samouni Family Responds to Justice Goldstone Backtrack on Israeli War Crimes | Gilad Atzmon
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Goldstone's rethink: cleansing Israel's war crimes | Redress Information & Analysis
  Jonathan Cook considers what judge Richard Goldstone may or may not have retracted from his original report on Israel’s attack on Gaza in 2008, the validity of his apparent retractions and what may lay behind his rethink...
Silwan: A Shard of Glass, by Stephen Williams | Palestine Chronicle
  ...The Israelis wish to transform Silwan into a theme park in honour of King David and there is no place for the indigenous population among the tourists. We all love our national legends, celebrating them in literature and music. Only Israel celebrates through ethnic cleansing... 

Apr 5, 2011

Elliott Abrams' Plan For Syria, by Tony Cartalucci | Land Destroyer

  Degenerate globalist co-conspirator Elliott Abrams, has been consistently supporting the recent conflagration throughout the Arab world and is pushing for ever-expanding US meddling in the region...

Netanyahu's Blatant Lies Answered by USTOGAZA
  Human rights activists who are preparing to sail a U.S. ship in a 22-nation flotilla to Gaza at the end of May sharply criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to stop the boats from sailing. Israel media reported on Friday that Netanyahu argued to the UN Secretary- General that the flotilla is a conglomerate of “extreme Islamists that are interested only in provocation” whose aim is to destroy Israel...
[Let us hope that the waves lapping at Israel's shores develop into a tsunami]

Libya and the Obama Cult, by Justin Raimondo | Antiwar
  ...Libya is crawling with CIA, as well as British, French, and Italian spooks, and what they’re gathering is a lot more than "intelligence": they’re out there collecting potential "leaders" among the rebels, choosing up sides, determining who will go on the payroll and who will be quietly sidelined or eliminated. I don’t know why Andrew Sullivan is pretending to be so surprised: how else are the "Allied" nations "and NGOs," meeting in London, going to provide "political guidance" to post-Gadhafi Libya?..

Libyan Blood Oil: An Illegal War of Hypocrisy and Self Interest, by Solomon Comissiong | Dailycensored
  On March 20th 2011 the US and NATO forces began an aggressive aerial assault on the North African nation of Libya under the disingenuous pretext that it was a humanitarian mission to save civilians from being killed by pro Gaddafi “rebel” forces. It is ever clear that they take world for fools just as US government officials take their own politically programmed citizens as mindless sheep...

On Libya and the Unfolding Crises: Noam Chomsky interviewed by Stephen Shalom and Michael Albert | Noam Chomsky
  ...they say that the motive for a military action is humanitarian. In itself, that carries no information: virtually every resort to force is justified in those terms, even by the worst monsters -- who may, irrelevantly, even convince themselves of the truth of what they are saying. Hitler, for example, may have believed that he was taking over parts of Czechoslovakia to end ethnic conflict and bring its people the benefits of an advanced civilization, and that he invaded Poland to end the "wild terror" of the Poles...

The Conquest of Africa: NATO Wages War On Third Continent, by Rick Rozoff | Global Research

  ...Almost all of the approximately 150,000 foreign soldiers in Afghanistan are currently under the command of the NATO-run International Security Assistance Force, which is also conducting deadly helicopter gunship raids and artillery attacks inside neighboring Pakistan. The war in South Asia is NATO's first armed conflict outside Europe and its first ground war. Its bombing campaign in Bosnia in 1995 and 78-day air war against Yugoslavia four years later were its first hostile military actions. NATO is now waging a war in a third continent, Africa...

'War for Libyan oil planned long ago, no one cares about people' | Russia Today on YouTube
  Susan Lindauer, a journalist and author specializing on American interventions, has never believed the allied forces intervened in Libya out of humanitarian reasons. It is a war for oil which was prepared long ago, Lindauer argues - anyone who cared about the Libyan people would stop immediately...
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Friends of Israel: Enemies Inside the Gates | YouTube
  It cannot be said, too often or too loudly: The interests of a Nation's own Citizens must come first. The 9/11 cover-up is falling apart at the seams, and politicians should be made accountable, either for their ignorance about issues that affect their nation, or because they have been protecting the official story, knowing that is is false...
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The War Party: Zionism and American NeoCon foreign policy | YouTube
  Connecting Israeli Zionist influence on America's Foreign Policy the BBC investigative journalism show Panorama aired The War Party on May 18th, 2003 right after the start of the Iraq War...
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Reframing the Israel/Palestine conflict: an interview with Ilan Pappe, by Frank Barat | Vimeo
  Following the recent "revolutions" in the Arab world, Ilan Pappe, historian, answers questions from Frank Barat, coordinator of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine...
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America's Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research
  A war on Libya has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for more than 20 years. Using nukes against Libya was first envisaged in 1997.  On April 14th 1986, Ronald Reagan ordered a series of bombings directed against Libya under "Operation El Dorado Canyon", in reprisal for an alleged Libya sponsored terrorist bombing of a Berlin discotheque. The pretext was fabricated. During these air raids, which were condemned by both France and Italy, Qadhafi's residence was bombed killing his younger daughter...
An Administration Out of Control, by Rep. Ron Paul | Antiwar
  ...Why did the U.S. intervene in a civil war in a country that has neither attacked us nor poses a threat? We are told this was another humanitarian intervention, like Clinton’s 1999 war against Serbia. But as civilian victims of the U.S.-led coalition bombing continue to add up, it is getting difficult to determine whether the problem we are creating on the ground is worse than the one we were trying to solve...

Open Letter From Russian Doctors In Libya To The President Of The Russian Federation | The 4th Media
  ...Bombs and rockets struck residential houses and fell near the hospital. The glass of the Cardiac Center building was broken, and in the building of the maternity ward for pregnant women with heart disease a wall collapsed and part of the roof. This resulted in ten miscarriages whereby babies died, the women are in intensive care, doctors are fighting for their lives. Our colleagues and we are working seven days a week, to save people. This is a direct consequence of falling bombs and missiles in residential buildings resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries, which are operated and reviewed now by our doctors. Such a large number of wounded and killed, as during today, did not result during the total of all the riots in Libya. And this is called “protecting the civilian population”?..

Torture the New Black? How We've Come Accept Cruel Treatment for Anyone Perceived as an 'Enemy' by Karen J. Greenberg | AlterNet
  ...King’s hearings underscored the urgency with which a growing cast of influential characters seeks to open yet wider the door to the sort of anti-democratic (and anti-constitutional) actions that have been woven into counterterrorism policy since September 11, 2001. As chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, King made it his job to acknowledge the obstacle that -- as he might put it -- excessive tolerance for minorities, foreigners, or other religions and cultures can pose...
History through Libyan eyes | BBC News
  ...Less well-known outside Libya is British, French and American history there - after they drove out the Italians in World War II and occupied it themselves - with the British controlling most of the country, including Tripoli and Benghazi. As with their other Middle East dominions, the British and French occupation authorities did their best to resist pressure for Libyan independence...
Arabs' Ties with Israel Damages the Palestinian Cause: Kourosh Ziabari Interviews Prof Gilbert Achcar | Intifada Palestine
  ...There can’t be any beginning of peace actually without an end to the occupation of the territories that were occupied since 1967, the dismantlement of the separation wall which Israel has been building and the dismantlement of the settlements. These are basic conditions to which of course one should add the immediate lifting of the blockade of Gaza. So, there’s absolutely no indication at present that the Israeli government as it is, has any inclination to go in that direction...

Goldstone's U-Turn | Gilad Atzmon
  ...In his convoluted Washington Post apology, Goldstone reveals a severe lack of understanding of Israeli militarism, its role, and its operational philosophy. Israeli strategy is based on the power of deterrence. Israel is there to terrify its neighbours, through death, and carnage.  Israel believes that through shock and awe, it can exhaust the Palestinians, and break their spirit...

One Third Of The Holocaust | Holocaust Denial Movies
  A holocaust denial movie, in 30 episodes, on the subject of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec. Banned at Youtube...
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Juliano Mer-Khamis was murdered today in Jenin | Gilad Atzmon
  ...According to Jenin police chief Mohammed Tayyim,  Mer-Khamis was shot five times by Palestinian militants, but that police were still investigating the circumstances of his murder. I would wait to learn more about the tragic incident; as we know, the IDF trains special units that are operating disguised as Palestinians militants...
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"Yehudon!" Open Letter to Justice Goldstone | Roy Tov
  Back in 2009, I couldn’t believe it: a self-defined Zionist Jew acting on behalf of the UN had convicted Israel as “terror inflicting” (a nice way of saying “terrorist”). On October 16 of the same year, the report was approved by the UN Human Rights Council... The Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict... is well worth a detailed reading, there is no better modern testimony on the soul of Israel.. the report found time and again that Israel intentionally targeted civilians in order to create fear (terror)...

Judge Richard Goldstone alters his verdict | Redress Information & Analysis
  Lawrence Davidson looks at the flawed logic and the tribal, personal and political pressures that may have led Richard Goldstone, the South African Jewish judge who authored the report of the UN fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict, into altering his original verdict which suggested that Israel might have committed war crimes during its invasion of Gaza in December 2008...

UK-Israel mutual admiration provokes "technicolor yawn" | Redress Information & Analysis
  Stuart Littlewood considers the new depths into which the British government has sunk by hailing the UK’s friendship with the rogue state of Israel – a nuclear-armed apartheid entity that commits crimes and flouts international law with impunity – and setting off the process to block the arrest of war crimes suspects arriving from “friendly” countries...

Yemen's Useful Tyranny: The Forgotten History of Britain's 'Dirty War' - Part 2 | Media Lens
  Using declassified government files, historian Mark Curtis has exposed Britain's ‘dirty war’ in Yemen in the 1960s, which he describes as one of the ‘least known aspects of recent British history’. The war lasted almost a decade under both Tory and Labour governments, and cost around 200,000 lives...

Apr 4, 2011

Polarization, Propaganda, and Prejudice, by Mohamed Khodr | Intifada Palestine

  No Corporation or Media mogul has had as much impact on the corruption and manipulation of minds, opinions, and attitudes in the U.S. and abroad than Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation and Fox News Channel in particular...
Global actions mark Palestine's Land Day | The Electronic Intifada
  Direct actions, rallies and protests took place across Palestine and in numerous cities across the world on 30 March to commemorate the 35th annual Land Day, an important day of remembrance for six Palestinians with Israeli citizenship gunned down by Israeli forces in 1976 during a general strike in protest of expanded land confiscation inside the state...

Russians have second thoughts, by Israel Shamir | shamireaders
  ...The Russians do not like the Western intervention in Libya. The rebels do not appear genuine, note the Russian bloggers; they are a peculiar mixed bag of Kaddafi’s ministers fired for corruption, al-Qaeda mujahedeen, well-clod riff-raff beefed up by SAS soldiers and supported by these best friends of every Arab, American cruise missiles. The Russian media discovered that the first reports of massive civil casualties inflicted by ruthless Kaddafi apparently have been invented by editors in London and Paris...

Libya and Obama's Defense of the Rebel Uprising, by James Petras | Dissident Voice
  ...Western imperialist intervention has heightened national consciousness among the Libyan people, who now view their confrontation with the anti-Gaddafi ‘rebels’ as a fight to defend their homeland from foreign air and sea power and puppet land troops – a powerful incentive for any people or army. The opposite is true for the ‘rebels’, whose leaders have surrendered their national identity and depend entirely on imperialist military intervention to put them in power...

Lies, Damned Lies, and Libya, by Frank Scott | legalienate
  ...Whether we consider ourselves pacifists, warriors, democrats, republicans, morons or relatively thoughtful people, we really ought to mind our own damned business, clean up the filthy mess that we have here and are extending all over the planet and cut the crap about stepping in to avoid murder elsewhere. It’s homicidal nonsense, very much like a rapist claiming he's sticking his filthy member into his victim to protect her virginity...

They came, they saw and now it's time to act, by Franklin Lamb | Middle East Online
  The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with the Council for European Palestinian Relations (CEPR) sponsored a delegation of British and EU MEPs to the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon several weeks ago and the 10 member delegation has just released their findings... The Parliamentary delegation heard nothing that countless visitors have not heard before. But the importance of their visit was that they came at all, learned quickly about many more details of this human tragedy and what needs to be done than they explained they were previously unaware of, and that to a member, they vowed to do something about it upon return to their countries...

Bradley Manning: Scapegoat, by Gordon Duff | Veterans Today
  Am I the only one that notices that nothing about Bradley Manning adds up?  What has he done?  Did he supply the inane and useless “after action reports” being peddled as “intelligence” by Wikileaks?  This is stuff he had access to, chickenfeed, rumors and “junk,” no more.  He has served his time, give him a discharge and let him go...

Buchenwald on Vimeo
  The liberation of Buchenwald presented an opportunity for a Psych Warfare operation meant to denazify the Germans via atrocity stories. But it 'blew back' into USA media which is why Americans remember growing up hearing stories of human skin lampshades...
[The famous number of "6 Million Jews," the allegations of "gas chambers" in "death camps," and the supposed Nazi plan for exterminating the Jews (aka "The Final Solution"), owe their origins to the same provenance and their continued public acceptance to the frantic exertions of the "Holocaust Industry" and its religious counterpart, the High Priesthood of the Holycause.]
Who benefits from time factor in Libya? by Mohyeddin Sajedi | PressTV 
  The repeated swapping of cities between Libyan revolutionaries and Muammar Gaddafi's forces shows that neither side is capable of ending the conflict and achieving decisive victory. This is why the international alliance has placed arming the revolutionaries on its agenda...

Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya | Economic Collapse
  The rebels in Libya are in the middle of a life or death civil war and Moammar Gadhafi is still in power and yet somehow the Libyan rebels have had enough time to establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company.  Perhaps when this conflict is over those rebels can become time management consultants...

Florida pastor bigger threat to US security than Bradley Manning | Redress Information & Analysis
  Yvonne Ridley contrasts the failure of the US authorities to rein in the hate-mongering Pastor Terry Jones, whose incitement against Muslims has led to a killing spree in Afghanistan and put the lives of US servicemen in danger, with the instant actions taken by those authorities to silence critics of Israel...

Apr 3, 2011

'Perpetual Hell' Of The Palestinian Refugee Camps, by Stuart Littlewood | Intifada Palestine

  ...“It is time for our Government to make clear to the Israeli Government that their conduct and policies are unacceptable, and to impose a total arms ban on Israel. It is time for peace, but real peace, not the solution by conquest which is the Israelis’ real goal but which it is impossible for them to achieve. They are not simply war criminals; they are fools.”..

Archbishop Desmond Tutu Supports Divestment Campaign, Mock Wall | University of Arizona NMD
  ...I also think it is important that the students are highlighting these same companies that provide similar technology and assistance for Israel to use in its illegal military occupation and settlement of Palestinian lands...

911 Survivor Won't Back Down, by Mark Anderson | AFP
  Perhaps the most compelling direct testimony regarding the harrowing events of Sept. 11, 2001 comes from survivor and former Army Spec. April Gallop, who—with her two-month-old child, Elisha, in tow—arrived at the Pentagon just minutes before a powerful explosion rocked the building that Tuesday morning...

Libya Rhetoric, by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine
  Spokespersons for NATO, European politicians, members of the Obama administration, and the President himself have been out and about seeking to articulate justifications for the ongoing intervention in Libya...

Exposed: The US-Saudi Libya deal, by Pepe Escobar | Asia Times
  You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. This, in short, is the essence of a deal struck between the Barack Obama administration and the House of Saud. Two diplomatic sources at the United Nations independently confirmed that Washington, via Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, gave the go-ahead for Saudi Arabia to invade Bahrain and crush the pro-democracy movement in their neighbor in exchange for a "yes"..

Al Qaeda's Dark Secret Exposed, by Alex Jones | Infowars
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America's Permanent War Agenda: Military Keynesianism on Steroids | Stephen Lendman
  Previous articles discussed America's culture of violence at home and abroad. Its entire history, in fact, is blood-drenched, glorifying conflicts in the name of peace, waging them every year in US history against one or more domestic and/or foreign adversaries...

Settlements and Racist Laws: A Wrap around Apartheid, by Iqbal Jassat | Palestine Chronicle
  The final outcome of a protracted yet determined effort by the University of Johannesburg to sever links with Israel's Ben Gurion University has been a resounding success for the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment [BDS] campaign. Congratulatory messages along with predictably excited media releases welcomed South African academic’s bold moves to distance themselves and their institutions from ties with a regime widely acknowledged as an apartheid state...
Obama's War, by Pat Buchanan | Creators
  In ordering air and naval strikes on a country that neither threatened nor attacked the United States, did President Obama commit an impeachable act? So it would seem. For the framers of the Constitution were precise. The power to declare war is entrusted solely to Congress...

Obama's counter-revolution, by Thierry Meyssan | Voltaire
  After some hesitation over how to respond to the Arab revolutions, the Obama administration has opted for the strong-arm solution as a means to rescue those vassals which can still be salvaged. As in the past, the task of leading the counter-revolution devolved upon Saudi Arabia. Riyad first succeeded in having its Libyan pawns recognized by the international community and later trampled over Bahrain, drowning the popular uprising in blood...

Cairo extends olive branch to Tehran and Hizbullah | Rehmat's World

  Egyptian military junta’s foreign minister Dr. Nabil El-Arabi said on Wednesday that his country wants to normalize its ties with the Islamic Republic. “Iran is a state in the region, and we have had long-term historical ties with it over the different periods. We will turn over a new leaf with all states, including Iran,”..

Apr 2, 2011

The Year Of Living Dangerously: Palestinians On The Brink, by Mikail Jubran | Intifada Palestine

Apartheid Wall: this is the beacon that is Israel

  During the past couple of weeks we have witnessed a somewhat stall of the Arab spring.  An ongoing civil conflict that is raging in Libya pits the ‘ancien regime’ against a rag-tag rabble of self-proclaimed freedom fighters who thought that international intervention would guarantee their success. It appears they may have miscalculated terribly the tenacity of their well-entrenched opponent.  Now, even Syria is showing signs of popular revolt.  While this new Arab Order may appear to be in some disarray, among the Palestinians a simmering anger percolates.  This fury could be about to spill over into popular rage...

US General says "they" plan to take over Arab and African countries for oil | YouTube
  "They" planned this along time ago and with the recent unrest and revolutions happening in north Africa and the middle east Former General Wesley Clark of the U.S. Army talks openly about the memo he saw when Bush was president...
Watch video...

Libya is another case of selective vigilantism by the west, by Tariq Ali | The Guardian
  Bombing Tripoli while shoring up other despots in the Arab world shows the UN-backed strikes to oust Gaddafi are purely cynical...

Who Is Annexing Whom? by Uri Avnery | Antiwar
  ...the law will punish any person or association publicly calling for a boycott of Israel—economic, academic, or cultural. “Israel,” according to this law, means any Israeli enterprise or person, in Israel or in any territory controlled by Israel. Simply put: it is all about the settlements...

Prediction: 20 Years of War in Libya, by David Swanson | Let's Try Democracy
  Johan Galtung, sometimes called the father of peace studies, predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union and the refusal of Egyptian soldiers to attack civilians. His prediction of the collapse of the US empire in 2020 appears to be on schedule. So, it was noteworthy when he predicted on Tuesday at the University of Virginia that the war in Libya would last 20 years. If, however, NATO and the opposition were to kill Gadaffi, he said, the fighting could go on for more than 20 years...
[Couldn't we speed up the collapse a little bit? a lot of people will die in the meantime]

Prepare For Revolution: The Empire State Rebellion Begins on June 14th, by David DeGraw | AmpedStatus
  ...The Anonymous we support and are in solidarity with have been acting as a “digital age Robin Hood,” defending people against tyrannical governments and corporations. The successful role they have played in aiding the people of Tunisia and Egypt, along with the role they played in exposing Bank of America and the Chamber of Commerce’s political smear campaigns against law-abiding journalists has proven their immense power and willingness to use it in defense of people who fight for freedom and justice...

Sanction Policies and the Zionist Power Structure, by James Petras | Palestine Chronicle
  ...The dispossession of private capitalists and the harnessing of private firms to state policy have grown in scope and depth over the current decade, revealing the growing subordination of private capitalism to a militarist imperialist state.  Sacrificing private profits and free markets to the edicts of state officials has been implemented via state coercion and severe sanctions against any transgressors...

Israel: 'Bashar, we like you more!' | Rehmat's World
  You may think that I must be an ‘anti-Semite’ to believe that the Zionist regime likes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who signed a military treaty with Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad last year...

Neocons Target Assad Regime, by Jim Lobe | Antiwar
  Despite the clear opposition the Obama administration and apparent ambivalence on the part of the right-wing government in Israel, neoconservative hawks here have set their sights on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who they hope will be the next domino to fall victim to what the so-called "Arab Spring."..
[I guess the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. AIPAC better talk to them neocons pronto and set 'em straight. Running (ruining?) the world properly requires good communication.]

A Morning at an Israeli Checkpoint, by Alain and Katia Salomon | NYT
  ...As we entered this narrow space I looked at the barbed wire further on. We are Jewish, and began to weep. How was it possible that our own people, who have gone through such suffering, can inflict this ordeal, intended to humiliate and intimidate another people?..

GOP conducts Islamophobia campaign | PressTV
  Far right forces have total control of the Republican Party in the US, which means that ambitious politicians like John McCain and Sarah Palin have to bow to these forces for political survival...
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"Perpetual hell" of the Palestinian refugee camps | Redress Information & Analysis

  Stuart Littlewood turns the spotlight on the appalling conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon – robbed of their inalienable right to a homeland by the Israeli occupation and denied their civil and human rights by the Lebanese authorities...
The New Colonialism: Washington's Pursuit of World Hegemony, by Paul Craig Roberts | Global Research
  What we are observing in Libya is the rebirth of colonialism. Only this time it is not individual European governments competing for empires and resources. The new colonialism operates under the cover of “the world community,” which means NATO and those countries that cooperate with it. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was once a defense alliance against a possible Soviet invasion of Western Europe. Today NATO provides European troops in behalf of American hegemony...

Apr 1, 2011

For the Love of Egypt: When Besieged Palestinians Danced, by Ramzy Baroud | The Palestine Chronicle

Gaza was Cairo, Egypt was Palestine

  A dear friend of mine from Gaza told me that he hadn't slept for days. "I am so worried about Egypt, I have only been feeding on cigarettes and coffee." My friend and I talked for hours that day in early February. We talked about Tahrir Square, about the courage of ordinary Egyptians and about Hosni Mubarak’s many attempts to co-opt the people’s revolution. We were so consumed by the turmoil in Egypt that neither of us even mentioned Gaza...

UN chief: Israel must end occupation | PressTV
  The UN secretary general has called on Israel to put an end to its occupation of Palestinian territories and its aggression against Palestinians...

Olmert says Gaza war inevitable | PressTV all-out war against the Gaza Strip is inevitable.. Israel cannot accept the presence of a terror entity in Gaza, which threatens the citizens of Israel, without taking action. Not random action, but controlled, precise and organized action with enough force to bring a change to the reality in Gaza,"..
[Some minor copy-editing results in a far more satisfactory statement: " all-out war against the Zionist entity is inevitable.. The world cannot accept the presence of a terror entity in Palestine, which threatens all the citizens of this planet, without taking action. Not random action, but controlled, precise and organized action with enough force to bring a change to the reality in Palestine,".. Now, that's much better, and his grade would go from an F to an A.]

Intervention, Then Blowback: On Libya, Who Does Obama Think He is Fooling? by Andrew Levine | Counterpunch
  The answer is: liberals. No surprise there; liberals are as confused about "humanitarian interventions" now as they were in the (Bill) Clinton days. They just don't get it, and the ones who get it least are the ones who are most inclined to cut Obama slack, no matter what the issue is...

U.S. Plan to End Libya War: Hope The Generals Quit, by Spencer Ackerman | Wired
  NATO is taking command of the Libya war. But the real strategy for victory over Moammar Gadhafi is found on the airwaves above Libya: communications frequencies telling his commanders to simply give up fighting. If that sounds like hope masquerading as a plan, then you’re receiving the message loud and clear...

The Enduring Palestine Land Day, by Brenda Heard | Moqawama

  For nearly three decades the Palestinian people had been brutalised and belittled. Then on 30 March 1976 they took a collective stand. They were not the nomadic nuisance denounced by the Western "Israeli" Alliance. They were a people with the same inalienable rights as any people. And they would determine their own fate...
Turkey and the War on Libya: Defusing another UN Time Bomb, by Eric Walberg | Global Research
  Turkey continues its struggle to rein in the trigger-happy Franco-Anglo-American coalition intent on invading Libya. From the start, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan dismissed the idea of a no-fly-zone as “such nonsense. What does NATO have to do with Libya?” But his NATO colleagues pushed ahead and achieved UN Security Council Resolution 1973 on 17 March, authorising “all necessary measures” against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and the establishment of a no-fly zone. While Turkey did not condemn the resolution outright, it has sharply condemned French airstrikes on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s forces, initially vetoing the proposal that NATO take over the no-fly-zone operation...

Yemen's Useful Tyranny: The Forgotten History of Britain's 'Dirty War' | MediaLens
  All revolutions are not equal. While Libya is deemed worthy of the West’s ‘humanitarian intervention’ – express delivery by B-2 bomber, F-15 fighter and cruise missile – protesters elsewhere have been denied such Western largesse. In response to the atrocities in Yemen, for example, Obama has sent mere words. The reason, as one astute commentator notes, is that Yemen’s dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh is a ‘useful tyrant’...

Help Us "Move Over AIPAC," May 21-24 | US Campaign To End The Israeli Occupation
  ...securing more weapons for Israel to brutalize Palestinians once again will be the top lobbying item on the agenda when the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) convenes its annual policy conference in Washington, DC, this May. We won't let AIPAC's advocacy for more Israeli human rights abuses, military occupation, apartheid and inequality toward Palestinians go unchallenged...
Iran tops in science growth for the second year | Rehmat's World
  Last year, on February 18 – the New Scientist had reported that the “Scientific output has grown 11 times faster in Iran than the world average, faster than any other country“...

Former Libyan Al Qaeda Leader Says There Are 1000 jihadists Amongst Rebels, by Steve Watson | Prison Planet
  A former leader of an al Qaeda linked group in Libya claims that there are around 1000 fundamentalist Islamic fighters in the country that have joined the uprising against Col. Moammar Gaddafi’s forces, a number that jives with intelligence reports and independent estimates. Yet still the allied NATO forces are considering arming the rebels...
[Hard to know whether to laugh or to cry]

Obama Raises American Hypocrisy to Higher Level, by Paul Craig Roberts | Counterpunch

  ..Gadhafi has been a black hat for as long as I can remember.  If we believe the adage that “where there is smoke there is fire,” Gadhafi is probably not a nice fellow. However, there is no doubt whatsoever that the current US president and the predecessor Bush/Cheney regime have murdered many times more people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than Gadhafi has murdered in Libya...

In Your Face: CNN Segment on Libya Entitled "New World Order" by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars
  The clip features the usual NWO suspects, including Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations since July 2003; former U.S. rep Jane Harman, soon to be the boss of the globalist training center, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; the neocon Robert Kagan, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a PNAC co-founder, and the neocon and former CIA director under Clinton, James Woolsey, who is a self-described “Joe Lieberman Democrat” (meaning he advocates bombing small and defenseless Muslim countries)...
Read more, watch video...

Political Prisoners in America: A Shocking Example of Mistreatment, by Stephen Lendman | OpEd News
   Writing about America's political prisoners is essential to defend freedom, justice, and other democratic values, especially wrongfully persecuted Muslims for political advantage. I communicate directly with five notable victims, all of whom I greatly respect, including:..

Libya: Obama’s $600 million/week ‘turd sandwich’ | Rehmat's World
  I find myself sick to my stomach hearing Obama calling his war on Libya a “turd sandwich”, while professor Juan Cole calls it philanthropy (humanitarian) and TV host Ed Schultz praised it as (Jewish) vengeance against this month’s Adolf Hitler. Qaddafi has no record of supporting any terrorist activities against the US, while Israeli terrorist activities against the US are beyond the scope of this post...