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Deir Yassin Remembered

April 8 2017 - Resistance at the Witness for Peace 15-year old vigil outside Beth Israel Temple, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Deir Yassin Remembered is an international organisation whose aim is to build a memorial to the victims of the Deir Yassin massacre of April 9th 1948.  

But the list of victims extends far beyond the 100 to 130 elderly men, women and children who died that day.  It extends also to the over 750,000 Palestinians expelled in the concurrent Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine, to the over 500 Palestinian towns and villages destroyed or expropriated by the Jewish ethnic cleansers and now also to their descendants - the now over six million dispossessed Palestinians living either as second-class citizens in Israel, in the towns, villages and refugee camps of post-1967 occupied Palestine, in refugee shanty-towns in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan and finally in the many  Palestinian communities-in-exile in practically every corner of the world.  

In short, Deir Yassin Remembered exists to build a memorial to all of Palestinian life and memory.
But Deir Yassin Remembered is not just about remembrance; Deir Yassin Remembered is also about resistance.  Yes, there was a time when we spoke passionately about the proximity of Deir Yassin to the Jewish Holocaust memorial at Yad Vashem and about the inextricably close and agonised relationship between Jewish suffering and the suffering inflicted by Jews on Palestinians. But not any more.  There have been too many deaths, too many disappointments and now the nearness of Deir Yassin to Yad Vashem serves merely to underline the stark differences between abused and abuser - and the continuation of the abuse.