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June, 2014

Jun 20-23, 2014



The End Of Anglo-American Hegemony, by Dean Henderson | Veterans Today

The mess in Iraq, by Lawrence Davidson | Redress Information & Analysis

Ed Miliband: A Shameless Zionist In Our Midst | Gilad Atzmon

Israel-Palestine: Beyond The Liberal Imaginary, by Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century

Jews find special favour with employers in the American South | Redress Information & Analysis

International media ignore Israel's abduction of Palestinian teens, by Amena Saleem | The Electronic Intifada

Jun 19, 2014


Jun 17-18, 2014

Genocide, Great Wars, And Other Human Depravity, by John Chuckman | Intifada Palestine

Jun 14-16, 2014


Jun 12-13, 2014

Take 2 Ambien and Call Me When It's Over | Stephen M. Walt

Jun 11, 2014
The Lies Grow More Audacious | Paul Craig Roberts
  If there were any doubts that Western “leaders” live in a fantasy make-believe world constructed out of their own lies, the G-7 meeting and 70th anniversary celebration of the Normandy landing dispelled the doubts. The howlers issuing from these occasions are enough to split your sides. Obama and his lap dog Cameron described the Normandy landing on June 6, 1944, as “the greatest liberation force that the world has ever known” and took all the credit for the US and Britain for the defeat of Hitler. No mention was made of the Soviet Union and the Red Army, which for three years prior to the Normandy landing had been fighting and defeating the Wehrmacht...
  On national-security matters, the news media couldn’t do a better job misinforming the public if they tried. The latest example is their portrayal of the five Taliban officials traded for Bowe Bergdahl. The media of course have an incentive to accentuate controversy. In the Bergdahl deal, this includes portraying the five Taliban prisoners as, in Sen. John McCain’s words, “hard-core jihadis responsible for 9/11.” McCain is wrong, but the major news outlets don’t care. Over and over, the five are identified as terrorists. Facts take a back seat to drama and conflict. President Obama fed this narrative:..
  With thousands of Arab and foreign fighters and a commander with designs on the leadership of al-Qaeda, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has become the gravest threat in Iraq and Syria. Despite the loss of two leaders, and earning the fury of even the core al-Qaeda leadership for its methods, the ISIL has expanded to control vast areas of Iraq and Syria as it seeks to establish a new Islamic caliphate. The ISIL can trace its roots to Tawhid and Jihad, a Sunni group which rose against the US and Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003...
  In reports in the NY Times and Yediot about the Iran poll compiled by the Israeli Interdisciplinary Center, the IDC said an “Iran expert” whom it refused to name prepared the poll.  In most cases in Israeli media, when a story says a source’s identity is concealed (hasui), it means he has intelligence background.  My Israeli source told me yesterday that this individual is indeed associated with Israeli intelligence...
  On the opening night of the seventh Palestine Festiva lof Literature (PalFest) in Ramallah, an impassioned controversy broke out over the political correctness of literary and cultural representations of Palestinians in world literature. The renowned Danish writer Hanne-Vibeke Holst read an excerpt from her 2011 novel, Undskyldningen (The Apology), which injects a Palestinian turned suicide bomber, Khalil, into a rocky relationship between a liberal mother, Helena Tholstrup, and her daughter Sophie. Holst had not finished reading when some members of audience audibly made it clear that such images are offensive and outrageous...
  Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has been criticized for suggesting that force should not be used to promote cultural values in the country. “Do not interfere in people’s lives so much, even if it is out of compassion,” Rouhani said at a health insurance conference on May 24 arranged by the administration. “Let people pick their own path to heaven. One cannot take people to heaven through force and a whip. The Prophet [Mohammad] did not have a whip in his hand..”
  While the death toll among civilians is growing in Ukraine the United States continues its policy aimed at escalation of the conflict. It offers all kinds of support to Kiev including military aid. Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Alexander Vershbow said the cooperation is going to get a new impetus with instructors sent to beef up the modernization efforts of Ukraine’s armed forces... 
  The Russian Foreign Ministry hopes to complete working soon on its updated White Book on large-scale human rights violations in Ukraine.. “Unfortunately, the list continues to expand,” Dolgov said. “The Foreign Ministry is currently working on its completion, and we hope to update the White Book already published in the coming days.” The diplomat said the new version would cover the period from early April until early June of this year and would include “probably the most shocking humanitarian crimes”..
  The Great Game Round-Up brings you the latest newsworthy developments regarding Central Asia and the Caucasus region. We document the struggle for influence, power, hegemony and profits between a U.S.-dominated NATO, its GCC proxies, Russia, China and other regional players...
  Is he still working for his former masters in Washington, DC? Two diplomatic messages from the WikiLeaks Public Library on U.S. Diplomacy indicate that newly elected President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko was an agent for United States State Department. A confidential message from the U.S. Embassy in Kiev on April 29, 2006 mentions the newly elected Ukraine president twice...
  While Foreign Minister of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski is lamenting about "Russian propaganda" as the facts of direct Polish involvement in Kiev's "counter-terrorist" punitive operation in Novorossia go public, the following photo evidence, acquired during the last week's Turchinov's visit to the central command of punitive forces near Slavyansk, looks more than persuading...
  A controversial promotion was announced by the IDF, on Friday, June 6, 2014. Roni Numa was promoted to major general and became the second commander of the Depth Corps in their new configuration. Announcing the unit becoming operational, this is bad news for Iran...
[Might just as well call it the Death Corps - sounds appropriately Nazi-ish]
  In last week’s celebratory atmosphere as the Palestinian unity government was sworn in, ending a seven-year feud between Fatah and Hamas, it was easy to overlook who was absent. Hamas had agreed to remain in the shadows to placate Washington, which is legally obliged to refuse aid to a government that includes a designated terrorist group. The new Palestinian cabinet looked little different from its predecessor. Hamas’s input was limited to three independents, all in low-level ministerial positions...
..If you, as one of those daily consumers of world news headlines, have the luxury of lighting a cigarette, take a drag and then deliberate on the Egyptian scene by cynically saying “But this is not how democracy should work” then my response would be “ Says who, and what kind of democracy are you talking about and moreover … who cares?”..
[If you’re wondering about my take on this, I have no idea, but I do respect Dr Ezzat]

Jun 10, 2014

Leaving the USS Liberty Crew Behind, by Ray McGovern | Consortium News
  On June 8, 1967, Israeli leaders learned they could deliberately attack a U.S. Navy ship and try to send it, together with its entire crew, to the bottom of the Mediterranean – with impunity. Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty, a state-of-the-art intelligence collection platform sailing in international waters off the Sinai, killing 34 of the 294 crew members and wounding more than 170. On the 47th anniversary of that unprovoked attack let’s be clear about what happened: Israeli messages intercepted on June 8, 1967, leave no doubt that sinking the USS Liberty was the mission assigned to the attacking Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats as the Six-Day War raged in the Middle East...
..What if you heard through the news media that fighter jets from South Korea were used to attack a U.S. ship? Our answer would be clear – that the U.S. would not tolerate an attack by an ally. South Korea has not done that, but that’s what happened in 1967 with the USS Liberty when Israel [mistakenly](sic) attacked the ship. U.S. citizens should take it seriously when a foreign government can influence U.S. foreign policy, he says...
..I’ve regularly recounted the multiple failures of the Iron Dome missile defense system.  Yes, the very same one the U.S. has invested nearly a billion dollars in financing on Israel’s behalf.  In a fraud that is all too common for complex U.S. weapons systems, a product fulfills a political purpose and despite its operational failure continues being purchased and supported.  Iron Dome gives Israelis a false sense of protection and security that is fueled by false claims by the IDF and the system’s manufacturer.  As a result, the millions keep coming while the system doesn’t improve...
  President Obama’s recent foreign policy speech, delivered at this year’s West Point graduation ceremony, was a disappointment to anyone who hoped the president might be changing course. The failure of each US intervention thus far in the 21st century might have inspired at least a bit of reflection. However, the president made it clear that interventionism and American exceptionalism would continue to guide his administration in its final two years...
  When capitalism is in crisis, war is always an imminent danger. History shows us this to be case. The two biggest conflagrations ever, the First and Second World Wars – claiming total deaths of around 80 million – were both presaged by economic collapses in the capitalist system. This is what makes the present juncture in international relations so disturbing. The American-centered capitalist system is once again choking to death from deep social malaises of poverty, unemployment, vast income inequality.. The tendency, as in the previous depressed economic times of the early 1900s and 1930s, is to go to war in a desperate act of “creative destruction”..
  Let's play a word association game. What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say "humility"? Chances are it's not "heads of state".. Amidst these tendencies of the global political class, Uruguay's Jose "Pepe" Mujica looks like a veritable freak of nature. President since 2010, the 79-year-old Mujica lives in a one-bedroom farmhouse, attends official meetings in sandals and donates 90 percent of his salary to charity...
[Andale, Belen!]
  Christine Fair is widely quoted as an expert on South Asian political and military affairs. She is often requested by mainstream media to comment on terrorist acts occurring in India and Pakistan and invited to educate members of the US administration on issues in her field of expertise.. Is her reputation deserved? In the following essay, I demonstrate.. that her reputation is based on the services she provides to imperialism, not on her academic excellence...
[Methinks more brothels (aka think tanks) can be found per sq ft inside the Beltway than anywhere else on earth.]
  Ukraine has chosen a new president. How is he going to deal with his country's dire problems? Is it possible to achieve the promised peace when he immediately refuses to compromise? How much latitude does President Petro Poroshenko have in his government at all? Peter Lavelle hosts CrossTalking, with Vladimir Suchan, Daniel Welch and Mark Sleboda...
  "Ukrainian mass media lies, lies without end. They lie so unapologetically that Goebbels would have envied their style."..
  Over the top, perhaps, with lots of hyperbole, but there’s a lot of truth to it...
  It has been a good week for those who like their hypocrisy neat and straight from the bottle. There was US Secretary of State John Kerry condemning the Syrian presidential election in which Bashar al-Assad was re-elected for a third time against nominal opposition as “a great big zero”. But at the same time, the US and Britain said they were officially looking forward to working with president-elect Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt who is turning out to be a somewhat comical figure who cannot even fix an election properly. Despite an official holiday, free transport, massive media support, religious encouragement and the threat of $70 fines for non-voters, polling booths remained stubbornly empty...
...On first thought, one would think that people who had been abused would be more sensitive, not less, to the pain inflicted on others. That they would, as individuals or a collective, show a greater sense of empathy. But more often than not, in the case of children who were abused, they grow up to be abusers. It is as if the psychological damage and trauma from early childhood turns our natural and normal sense of compassion and empathy towards each other into a vicious cycle of  borderline sociopathic behaviors, where inflicting pain becomes a source of pleasure...
...Pale like a ghost and with a face reminding the one when he was called "traitor," the Lord of Vengeance said "It is within our power to bring peace to our children. This is our duty, the holy mission of parents." You are right Mr. Peres. The duty of every human is to bring peace, sending humanity one step closer to the Kingdom of God. If we are too insignificant and weak to achieve that, at least we should not advance violence and war, which are your signature. Days before your final exit, you have acknowledged the failure of your lifework, the only legacy behind you being an endless line of corpses...
  Should the Russian Annexation of Crimea & the Ongoing Disorder in Eastern Ukraine be a Casus Belli for Starting Cold War II with Russia? Let’s begin to peel the onion by asking...
  On June 2, a missile screamed through downtown Lugansk, in eastern Ukraine, leaving a trail of craters in a city park before slamming into a regional administration building. At least eight people were killed in the blast, as it struck in a busy pedestrian area. Blood and body parts were strewn throughout the blast zone. Eyewitnesses said the missile was fired from one of the military jet fighters that had been circling the area.. The US-backed government in Kiev, however, denied firing on civilians.. The US mainstream media dutifully reported the Kiev government line as fact. The anti-Kiev forces had blown up their own headquarters, they wrote...
[See also "For Inna"]
  During the last few months I have been totally amazed by the lies and misrepresentations I have heard. I can honestly say that I'm totally flabbergasted. The reason why I'm feeling this way has nothing to do with any surprise I feel about the government or the media lying to the American people that has been going on for quite a long time. What has me shaking my head in disbelief is that no effort has been made to make their distortions of the truth believable...
  Elections to the European Parliament have brought groundbreaking changes in the structure of EU’s most powerful body: right wing parties along with Eurosceptics, an outsiders just a few years ago, have now taken the political scene. Front Nacional party in France gets the majority - signifying that people want change; the same with other nations. But what now? Is the European change of course inevitable? What will happen to the Union itself? Today, we meet again with our special guest, the leader of the Front Nacional party. Marine Le Pen is on Sophie&Co today...
  Wherever blame for the war might lie, for the immense majority of Americans in 1914 it was just another of the European horrors from which our policy of neutrality, set forth by the Founding Fathers of the Republic, had kept us free. Pašić, Sazonov, Conrad, Poincaré, Moltke, Edward Grey, and the rest – these were the men our Fathers had warned us against. No conceivable outcome of the war could threaten an invasion of our vast and solid continental base.. However, in 1914 the president of the United States was Thomas Woodrow Wilson...
  When our marine engineer first sent us the list of repairs needed for Gaza’s Ark as a result of the sabotage* of April 29, we were shocked at how long it was. The amount of extra work to be done is huge. In addition, the price of materials is now much higher than it was before Egypt closed the border with Gaza and destroyed the tunnels. Fiberglass, for example, is now four times the price. Not once, however, have we heard the boat builders complain. Palestinians have the most extraordinary ability to endure. Their steadfastness in the face of adversity and their ability to start over every time their homes, their orchards, or their boats are destroyed is amazing...
[In due time they will overcome - and hopefully toss out - the alien invaders, but in the meantime they need our help.]
  The flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China (CPC) carried a signed article on Monday, calling on people to guard against "the trap of Western-style democracy." "Copying Western-style democracy would probably lead to disaster" and "'street politics' usually leads to domestic turmoil and even civil war.." The article acknowledged that democracy is good, but said it should be realized in different forms in different countries. There is actually no objective standard concerning democracy hailed by the US and other Western countries.. For the US and other Western countries, anything that accords with their interests and accepts their manipulation is democracy...
  No doubt the Guardian [is being] well paid to provide a "liberal" cloak for US propaganda...
  “Israel now bitterly dividing Jewish communities” in the United States, Rachel Zoll wrote in an article on the Associated Press website. “Internal American Jewish conflict has worsened as many Israel advocates have come to feel under siege in the US. The international boycott movement against Israel over its treatment of the Palestinians has gained some momentum in the US, and critics increasingly draw analogies between Israeli policies and South African apartheid..”
  As usual, the biggest story in America is suppression of news.  There has never been a time when the media has taken such an aggressive position, not even after 9/11.  It’s more than Ukraine or Syria.  The US has not only outraged Russia and China but other nations that were once afraid of the US are now ready to hit back.  The simplest way to go after the US is to release classified intelligence showing the US as an aggressor nation or worse, a dupe, violent, dangerous and uncaring...
...According to the New York Post about 67,000 New Yorkers have lately applied for 9/11 victim compensations due to cancers that are attributed to direct exposure to the toxic dust and smoke from the Twin Towers’ collapse. These patients have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma; a blood cancer typically resulted from nuclear exposure as had been documented in nuclear-bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki and is known as “The Hiroshima Disease.” These patients/victims represent the largest cancer group in history; larger in number than the surviving victims of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined...

Jun 9, 2014

Beware of Kicking the Dragon and Bear! by Andre Vltchek | CounterPunch
  It is not prudent and it is not safe to stick an iron rod into a dragon’s mouth. Whatever they say in the West about dragons.. but here in Asia, the dragon is revered as the greatest fabled creature on Earth and in the sky. The dragon is wise and patient, and it hardly ever uses force first. But if treated with disrespect and aggression, it is capable of retaliating in a deadly, determined and powerful way. It is also thoroughly idiotic to go and start terrorizing a sleeping bear...
[If the bankers want war, which they usually do, they'll take it anywhere they can get it.]
  At five minutes to eight on the morning of June 5, 1967 – precisely forty seven years ago - I was around the corner from my school in the Old North of Tel Aviv when the air raid sirens sounded.  Hundreds of pupils were running into the basement of the school building. A kindly teacher comforted us and told us there was nothing to worry about, that our soldiers were going to win. The open radio said that the army was counter-attacking after the Egyptians launched an attack on our southern border. Years later I found this was factually untrue...
  "Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits." ~ Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s, the second richest man in Britain...

  Perhaps it’s fitting that President Obama is in Normandy celebrating the Allied invasion that led to the defeat of Nazi Germany, given the brouhaha that has broken out over U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl. After all, let’s not forget that the Nazi regime viewed the duty of the German soldier much as American conservatives view the duty of the American soldier — that it is the duty of the soldier to loyally wage the war his government is waging and to not question whether his government is in the right or wrong in waging the war...
  The dictionary defines a radical as “an advocate of political and social revolution”, the adjective form being “favoring or resulting in extreme or revolutionary changes”. That doesn’t sound like Snowden as far as what has been publicly revealed. In common usage, the term “radical” usually connotes someone or something that goes beyond the generally accepted boundaries of socio-political thought and policies; often used by the Left simply to denote more extreme than, or to the left of, a “liberal”..
...The leader of the armed group, which is heavily involved in Syria's civil war, denied accusations that Hezbollah had forced Syrians in Lebanon to take part in the vote, saying Syrians had "heavily" participated in the vote. "The election is a political and popular declaration that the war has failed," he said. Nasrallah also called on "regional countries" to stop supporting Syrian rebel groups involved in a campaign to oust Assad and for the opposition to "acknowledge their defeat"..
  Governments lie – to each other and to their own citizens.  This is not news; it has always been this way.   It is not news either that governments hold their citizens in contempt. Nor is it news that real world “democracies” bear little resemblance to the democracies political philosophers imagine and defend.. Nowadays, if a country holds competitive elections, it counts as a democracy.  It doesn’t even have to accord equal rights to all its citizens. And even competitive elections may not be enough.  Lately, an additional requirement is sometimes added on: the outcomes have to accord with Western –  more precisely, American — ideas of what the outcomes should be... to the poll itself: astonishingly, it is based on fraud and deceit.  The pollsters, based in Israel, telephoned Iranians.  The former were Israeli-Iranians and native Farsi speakers who allowed those polled to believe they were calling from a local Iranian research institute whose name is close to that of the IDC.  If those polled grew suspicious, pollsters offered them a local phone number to call to verify their bona fides.  The article doesn’t make this clear (and should have) but clearly the local phone number was a fraud and no one asked to call it.. No legitimate polling outfit in the U.S. either private or academic would associate themselves with such fraudulent methods...
...if you step outside the box of acceptable activism, you’re asking for trouble. At best, you’ll face ridicule and scorn. But the real heat is reserved for movements that pose real threats. Whether broad-based people’s movements like Occupy or more focused revolutionary threats like the Black Panthers, threats to power break the most important rule they want us to follow: never fight back.. Fighting back – indeed, any real resistance – is sacrilegious to those in power. Their response is often straightforward: a dozen cops slam you to the ground and cuff you...
  The Kiev Junta offense. A war crime. Neo-Nazi crimes against humanity...
...American Jews, the backbone of the Zionist lobby, who represent about 2.5% of America’s population, are massively underrepresented among those doing the bleeding, suffering, and dying in the Zionist-driven War on Islam for Israel. Meanwhile, hard-core neoconservative Jewish Zionists are massively OVER-represented among the PNAC policy elite that set up the 9/11 “New Pearl Harbor” and launched America’s endless, futile war on the global Muslim population. And they are equally over-represented among big media owners and their pet presstitutes of the punditocracy...
  UN chief Ban Ki-moon has expressed concern about the deteriorating health of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike, calling on Israel to charge or release them without delay. Around 125 Palestinian prisoners have been on hunger strike for more than six weeks, most of them administrative detainees protesting against being held indefinitely without trial, the AFP news agency reported...
  Ever since the highly successful 1947 Marshall Plan, United States' foreign policies have been mostly counterproductive. One basic reason is the subordination of foreign policies to political interests, how they reflect on domestic policies and elections. Compounding the errors in attaching foreign policy to electoral politics is using it to appease lobbies, influence campaign contributors and reward special interests. Steering foreign policy from choppy waters of political uncertainties directs it to a purposeful clouding of reality and distortion of facts to suit political agendas...
...To exhibit national pride is understandable for a political leader, but the absence of any expression of national humility creates an overwhelming and deeply troubling impression of hubris, especially when the speaker heads the biggest military power in history and his country has its forces spread around the world so as to be ready to strike anywhere. We should be aware that for ancient Greeks hubris was a tragic flaw that makes the powerful complacent about their points of vulnerability and hence destined to freefall from dizzying heights to swampy depths...
  As the main London event for the 9th Israeli Apartheid Week in 2014, Palestine societies from across London presented “Voices from Palestine: Resisting Racism and Apartheid”..
  A top Egyptian official said Saturday that Egypt was willing to permanently open the Rafah crossing under the condition that it would be supervised by the national unity government. The official said that Egypt would request that President Mahmoud Abbas re-open the presidential headquarters in the Gaza Strip...
  Predictions about the likely course of events in this region, including occasional ones by this observer, have a way of not panning out as expected. But one prediction I offered recently to Palestinian friends in Syria—namely that Lebanon’s “media” would fail to inform the world about an important Palestinian victory achieved in late May—has so far turned out to be accurate... of the world’s leading physicists – Michio Kaku – reveals declassified plans for the U.S. to launch a first-strike nuclear war against Russia.  The forward was written by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clarke.. Michel Chossudovsky documents that the U.S. is so enamored with nuclear weapons that it has authorized low-level field commanders to use them in the heat of battle in their sole discretion.. without any approval from civilian leaders. So – as crazy as this topic may sound at first glance – it deserves our attention...
  Formally the June 5-6 event was devoted to commemorations marking the 70th anniversary of the D-day landings. But in practice the issue of Ukraine defined the agenda.. the US President and his Canadian counterpart happened to be kind of isolated themselves, nobody paid special attention to them. The Russian President captured public attention. The idea to isolate Russia that President Obama put forward in his West Point speech some time ago faded like smoke from fireworks launched by saluting guns on Normandy beaches. The majority of world leaders realize the Ukrainian crisis cannot be successfully tackled without Moscow...

Jun 8, 2014

An Open Letter to the Graduates of West Point: Refuting President Obama’s Lies, Omissions and Distortions | James Petras
  On May 2014 President Obama delivered the commencement address to the graduates of United States Military Academy at West Point. Beyond the easy banter and eulogy to past and present war heroes, Obama outlined a vision of past military successes and present policies, based on a profoundly misleading diagnosis of the current global position of the United States. The most striking aspect of his presentation is the systematic falsification of the results of past wars and current military interventions. The speech is notable for the systematic omissions of the millions of civilian deaths inflicted by US military interventions...
  President Barack Obama’s commencement address at West Point on May 28 managed to displease pretty much everyone in the nation’s commentariat. Before making an overall assessment of its significance, it is necessary to examine the validity and implications of Obama’s individual statements...
[My first impression of Obama, when I heard him talk in Hanover, NH about a year before his first election, was “he makes good Speech, but I don't trust him.” I was still somewhat naïve in those days - it was well before I realized he was picked by the Chicago Jewish political mafia and the other pieces began to fall into place.]
...Whatever the actual results of the voting, it is clear that Poroshenko would be declared the president simply because the Americans decided as much, and going forward he will do what the Americans instruct him to do. And they will instruct him to impede interaction between the European Union and the Russian Federation by all means possible, including [by means of] a war in which Russia will be forced to intervene to protect the Russian majority of Ukraine’s citizens. I don’t even rule out the blowing up of the oil and gas pipelines through which energy resources from Russia are supplied to the EU...
  Poroshenko's inauguration speech has sent a  message to Novorossiia and Russia: No federalization / No state status for the Russian language / No recognition of the Novorossian political leadership / Full and unconditional surrender of the Novorossian Defense Forces / Crimea will forever belong to the Ukraine. He could not have been any clearer: that is basically a declaration of war and an ultimatum.  This is also a full endorsement of the "Banderastan project"..  I am disgusted beyond words...
...The results of 2010 election were universally recognized unlike in 2014 when a large part of the country did not take part in the vote. The coup has taken place in the country and the punitive operation is proceeding in the south-east. No matter that, President Obama is in haste to meet the election winner even before the inauguration. The message is clear - the US administration supports the use of force by the Ukrainian government...
  If there's an anti-Iran angle in any news story, the U.S. mainstream media will find it.  So will the pollsters they cite, who seem to be willing, even eager, to misrepresent their own data to feed the seemingly insatiable appetite  for anti-Iran propaganda...
[So much for the credibility of Gallup polls. Just another disinformation gadget in the Imperial toolbox.]
  NATO leaders are currently acting out a deliberate charade in Europe, designed to reconstruct an Iron Curtain between Russia and the West. With astonishing unanimity, NATO leaders feign surprise at events they planned months in advance. Events that they deliberately triggered are being misrepresented as sudden, astonishing, unjustified “Russian aggression”. The United States and the European Union undertook an aggressive provocation in Ukraine that they knew would force Russia to react defensively, one way or another...
...Many biographers and authors and polemicists present a sanitized version of Schneerson and never produce his deep-seated Talmudic ideology. In the process, those polemicists have indirectly and sometimes deliberately exalted Schneerson above the political and moral heavens. What did the great rabbi and Talmudic metaphysician actually teach his disciples and indirectly many world leaders such as Netanyahu?..
...It is very significant, dumping of US dollars has begun…The dollar can’t be maintained. One reason the dollar has been sustained as well as it has been is who wants to buy yuan or euros?  But ultimately they will buy the real money, and that’s gold!..  Officials in charge of monetary policy are very aware of what’s coming - they believe as long as it is orderly they will be ok…The problem is when people lose confidence in a currency, they lose confidence completely. There’s nothing orderly about it! There’s always a panic, and that’s hard to manage...
  Readers outside of Europe might not be aware of it, but spring is the fascist marching season in the Baltic republics. In Estonia on February 16; February 16 & March 11 in Lithuania (anniversaries of 1918 and 1990 declarations of independence); and March 16 in Latvia (March 16, 1944 was first day the Latvian Legion fought alongside the Wehrmacht against the Red Army), local fascists parade to celebrate fascist principals and fascist heroes, most of whom collaborated in some ways with Nazi Germany during World War II while resisting the Soviet Union. The big event for Ukrainian fascists is January 1, the anniversary of the birth of Stepan Bandera (1909-1959)...
  The Arab uprisings were sparked and fuelled by the justified demands of impoverished, oppressed peoples. The world’s media almost entirely missed this narrative. Irrespective of how one feels about the direction taken by various Arab revolutions in the last three years, a few facts remain incontestable. Arab revolts began in the streets of poor, despairing Arab cities, and Arabs had every right to rebel considering the dismal state of affairs in which they live...
  George Freedman, the director of US think tank STRATFOR, believes some NATO countries should raise military expenditure.. He bleakly contrasted Moscow's upward investments with declining equivalents in several European NATO countries, each of which cut spending by roughly 20 percent (or even 40% - just think about it!) during that same period.. George Freedman views Russia as a regional, not global, power, while Barack Obama is self-confident teaching Russia what to do, for instance it should normalize relations with Petro Poroshenko. That’s the main thing to start with. The list of instructions goes on:..
  In 2006, an inebriated Mel Gibson allegedly said this: “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.”  There followed the predicable storm of anti-anti-Semitism, ad hominem attacks, and various other slanders against Gibson’s character.  But virtually no one asked the question: Is he right? Or rather this: To what degree could he be right?.. both empirical evidence and learned opinion suggest that Jews have, for centuries, had a hand in war, social strife, and economic distress, and have managed to profit thereby...
...Israelis using an Arabic nickname are worrying; they do that in order to instill fear on Arabs. Brigadier General (ret.) Binyamin Ben-Eliezer is the best known in this category, he is better known as Fuad. Despite his nickname, Egyptians do not welcome him. Their gross behavior can be understood; after all the Israeli Fuad is suspected (he boasted on) of having killed 250 Egyptian POW's during the Six Days War. Even if committed by self-righteous Israel, the assassination of defenseless prisoners is a crime of war. In contrast, Fuad's bestial behavior cannot be understood...
[Sounds like the perfect candidate - straight from the terrorist mold that gave us all the previous Israeli leaders - odd that he isn’t a shoo-in]
  My talk with Gilad Atzmon about the barbaric abuse on Jewish children by the religious ritual of circumcision. We discuss this horrendous act of mutilation on eight day old babies without anesthetic, and the further horrific abuse by the act of Metzitzah B'peh where a Rabbi Priest sucks the blood off the mutilated, screaming child's penis. We talk about the urgency that we not hold back in exposing this act of child abuse and insanity, and the great danger of us becoming used to this psychotic behavior...
  “There are two Irans – the one in the media, and this one.” The Grand Ayatollah smiled and gestured at the land around us. “When you return to your countries, please tell your people about this, the real Iran.” We were in Qom, a holy city renowned for its unbroken tradition of Islamic scholarship stretching back across the centuries. Grand Ayatollah Makarem – a source of religious authority and imitation for millions of people – had just finished speaking to us...
  Amid much hysteria, the notion has been widely peddled in the United States that President Obama's "new" foreign policy doctrine, announced last week at West Point, rejects neo-cons and neo-liberals and is, essentially, post-imperialist and a demonstration of realpolitik. Not so fast. Although stepping back from the excesses of the Cheney regime - as in bombing whole nations into "democracy" - the "desire to lead" still crystallizes might is right...
...That national security state officials routinely mislead and deceive the public should never have even been in serious doubt in the first place – certainly not for journalists, and especially now after the experience of the Iraq War. That fact — that official pronouncements merit great skepticism rather than reverence — should be (but plainly is not) fundamental to how journalists view the world...

Jun 7, 2014

Materialism and Misery, by Graham Peebles | MWC News
  We live under the omnipresent shadow of a political/economic system, which promotes materiality, selfishness and individual success over group wellbeing. It is a model of civilization that is making us miserable and ill. Dependent on continuous consumption, everything and everyone is seen as a commodity, and competition and ambition are extolled as virtues. Together with reward and punishment this trinity of division has infiltrated and polluted all areas of contemporary life, including health care and education...
["In separateness lies the world's great misery, in compassion lies the world's true strength." ~ The Buddha]
  US Secretary of State Kerry has pronounced the Syrian election to be a “farce”.   As if on cue,   National Public Radio, Associated Press, ABC  and other western media have presented stories which support that claim.   A closer look reveals the media has been exaggerating, distorting and lying about the Syrian elections. Following are a few examples  from the past few days...
...Stupid s**t also irretrievably takes a backseat to serious s**t during Obama’s current European tour. We just need to examine what’s in store at the selected pit stops. First is Warsaw – whose nervous poodle, US vassal government is absolutely hysterical over an imminent Russian “threat.” Then it’s the G7 in Brussels – the “ex-G8,” from which Russia was expelled by the self-proclaimed “great powers.” One of the items in the agenda is the possibility of slapping even more sanctions over Moscow’s “threat” to the Ukraine...
...Along with many other thoughtful Americans, Chamberlin was disgusted by the role played by the United States in the Second World War. He gave eloquent and scathing voice to his bitterness about the hypocrisy of western Allied leaders in that terrible conflict, above all, President Franklin Roosevelt.. an attentive reading of America's Second Crusade helps provide an understanding of the same arrogant and self-deluding thinking that is manifest in the eagerness of recent American presidents to use military might in foreign adventures, and, in the process, spend billions of the American people's money and take the lives of many young American men...
...In the port city of Le Havre, the mayor was bombarded with letters from angry residents complaining about drunkenness, jeep accidents, sexual assault — “a regime of terror,” as one put it, “imposed by bandits in uniform..” The liberation of France was “sold” to soldiers not as a battle for freedom but as an erotic adventure among oversexed Frenchwomen, stirring up a “tsunami of male lust” that a battered and mistrustful population often saw as a second assault on its sovereignty and dignity..
[I can’t find the link, but a survey of French prostitutes after the war revealed that they much preferred the "Fritzies", who were often referred to as “gentlemen,” in stark contrast to the Americans.]
  One of the most important Palestinian feature films ever, Omar is, to date, the deepest expose of the diabolical nature of the Israeli occupation and the inhuman situation imposed on Palestinians by the Jewish State. It also throws light on the tragic and depressing Palestinian struggle against a sophisticated, demonic enemy - an on-going battle that so far has led nowhere...
...My continued hopes for Egypt are rooted in its people. I remember the young Egyptians I met during my visit to Egypt just a month before the election of Mr. Morsi in 2012. They had expected him to win but were willing to revolt if he hijacked the government for the benefit of the Brotherhood only — which he did and they did. There must be hope that some of that same passion is still churning just below el-Sissi’s mandate...
  The American, Russian and incoming Ukrainian leaders have discussed, in separate meetings in France, a ceasefire and other possible steps to de-escalate the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, reports said. Russian President Vladimir Putin held brief one-on-one talks on Friday with his US counterpart Barack Obama and Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko, in a possible diplomatic breakthrough that played out amid continuing violence in eastern Ukraine...
  While the leaders of the Group of Seven made a show of unity here in the face of troubles in Ukraine and Asian waters, their waning ability to check Russian and Chinese assertiveness was all too apparent...
...The BIS’s reach and connections were vital for Germany. So much so, that all through the war, the Reichsbank continued paying interest on the monies lent by the BIS. This interest was used by the BIS to pay dividends to shareholders – which included the Bank of England. The BIS remains very profitable.. Every other month it hosts the Global Economy Meetings, where 60 of the most powerful central bankers.. meet.. The BIS also hosts the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which regulates commercial banks, and the new Financial Stability Board, which coordinates national regulatory authorities. The BIS has made itself the central pillar of the global financial system...
..Scare and Rule is a useful subset of the more standard Divide and Rule. Scare people against an imaginary enemy and they will commit any atrocity in the name of the unholy state. "The Mexicans killed two soldiers in Texas," the State may claim and deliver the militia. If the report is later found wrong, with the victims being just two squalid squirrels suffocated by the summer sun, it will not make any change; the goal would have been achieved...
  Press TV has conducted an interview with James Thring, a peace advocate and political commentator, in London, about Tel Aviv’s plans to build more settler units on occupied lands in defiance of international law and UN resolutions...
  An analyst says Washington’s most recent act of military provocation against China is in retaliation for Beijing’s decision to trade in its own currency and undermine the US dollar, Press TV reports. Jim W. Dean made the remarks when talking to Press TV on Saturday about the US deployment of two of its most advanced long-distance surveillance drones to a base in northern Japan to spy on North Korea and China...
  Every year, the world’s most powerful people meet in secret. Their agenda: total world domination. Big media observe a near-total blackout. It sounds like dystopian science fiction, or a conspiracy theorist’s worst nightmare. The strangest part is that it’s true...
  The claim by Binyamin Netanyahu that he has a right to pick and choose the Palestinian government is rather astonishing. All the important Palestinian political parties have agreed on a new government coalition. This is a negative coalition: all the parties agree not to have their own members in the government. The government is composed of non-party “technocrats”. I hardly know a single one of them. Netanyahu should be happy. No member of the evil, terroristic, anti-Semitic Hamas is included...
...On June 22, 1944– deliberately chosen as the anniversary of the 1941 German attack – the Soviets launched "Operation Bagration," inflicting a Stalingrad-level defeat on the Germans and reaching Warsaw by August 19.. Yet according to Barack Obama, none of that ever happened. It was Normandy where "the tide was turned in that common struggle for freedom," as the American Emperor told the assembled crowd at the American Cemetery and Memorial, in what sounded more like a campaign speech than remembrance for the fallen...

  British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery had three laws of war: One, never march on Moscow; Two, never get in a land war in Asia; Three, never march on Moscow. So why are the United States, the European Union (EU), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) all on the road to the Russian capital? And exactly what are they hoping to achieve?..
...AIPAC is without doubt the most powerful lobby in the United States that is focused on a foreign policy issue. The institutional Israel boosters are in turn backed by a cluster of think tanks and institutes that spout a relentlessly pro-Likud line.. And backing the think tanks up are the enablers in the media who suppress stories critical of Israel and consistently editorialize supporting policies favored by Tel Aviv. Israeli Ambassadors, uniquely, regularly write op-eds for publications like the Washington Post and The New York Times...
  For the past several years, David Albright has been the primary nonofficial source in news media reporting of the alarming message that Iran presents a nuclear weapons threat.  In dozens of media interviews since Spring 2008, he has provided ostensibly independent support for the case made by the United States, Israel and the IAEA, that Iran has hidden an alleged nuclear weapons program and must now confess.. He did something very similar in the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq, as the neoconservatives in the George W. Bush administration assembled a dodgy intelligence dossier with which to justify the invasion...
...Whatever the actual results of the voting, it is clear that Poroshenko would be declared the president simply because the Americans decided as much, and going forward he will do what the Americans instruct him to do. And they will instruct him to impede interaction between the European Union and the Russian Federation by all means possible, including [by means of] a war in which Russia will be forced to intervene to protect the Russian majority of Ukraine’s citizens. I don’t even rule out the blowing up of the oil and gas pipelines through which energy resources from Russia are supplied to the EU...

Jun 6, 2014

Academic Freedom: Are there Limits to Inquiry? JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust, by Jim Fetzer | Veterans Today
  An unprecedented conference entitled, “Academic Freedom: Are there Limits to Inquiry? JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust”, was held at the University of Illinois.. on 26 April 2014. While there have been many conferences on JFK and 9/11, including the Holocaust in this one was adopting an original approach to a subject that has typically been regarded as “taboo”..
  Vladimir Putin faced a barrage of tricky questions in France from the media ahead of his meeting with world leaders at the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Here are his best replies on key issues: Ukraine, Crimea, relations with the US, and others...

...if any change comes it will come only from America. No doubt about that. Focus on removing any form of financial, military and diplomatic support for Zionist Israel should be our obvious aim. But how do we change the subservient attitudes of 70% obviously compromised US Congress? We feel that the best way to combat the absurd attitudes of elected representatives is to relentlessly educate the public about the massively aggressive behavior of Israel, the powerful influence of its Lobby around the world and the cost to the interests of those nations supporting Israeli aggression. Only when there is an electoral implication will representatives change their tune...
...Today’s PA leadership under notional president Mahmoud Abbas represents a Palestinian neoliberal 1% and actively colludes with Israeli forces to suppress any signs of resistance, having become, as Said predicted, “Israel’s enforcer.” Abbas has unashamedly affirmed this role, recently declaring the PA’s “security relationship” with Israel “sacred.” Yet despite its best efforts at collaboration, the PA cannot openly submit to Israeli demands for total Palestinian capitulation, for fear of being toppled by a new popular Intifada...
  Dr. Ruth, American sex therapist, media personality, and author, explains why she feels home at the Celebrate Israel Parade taking place every year on Fifth Avenue...
...The late Charley Reese summed it up correctly ~ “Congress – seems to never know what the CIA and other intelligence agencies are doing. Like the Romans, they no longer talk of the republic or liberty. And like the Romans, the American people, or most of them anyway, don’t seem to care. … Like the Romans, we no longer have a citizen army but professional legions, and whether they wear jackboots or not, some federal officers seem to regard Americans with about the same compassion as the Praetorian Guard had for the plebes...
  Abandoned for 66 years by the international community to Israeli war crimes, Palestine needs friends.  Palestine, don’t despair. You are not alone, you have friends around the world: people, strangers you may never meet, but who, like you have families, jobs, and who share the Palestinian dream of freedom and justice to which they are quietly and actively dedicated...
  Islamabad's High Court has ordered police to press charges against the CIA's former station chief for murder, conspiracy and waging war against Pakistan. Judge Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui issued the orders on Thursday following a 2010 court petition by drone activist Kareem Khan, whose brother and teenage son were killed in a US drone strike in North Waziristan tribal district. The former top spy left Pakistan in December 2010 after his identity was disclosed through the court case...
  Israel's government has announced plans for 3,300 new settler homes, less than a week after a Palestinian government of national consensus was unveiled.. Israel's housing minister, Uri Ariel, called the announcement - the first since Israel halted peace talks in April - a "proper Zionist response to the establishment of the Palestinian terror cabinet".  Chief negotiator Sa'eb Erekat said.. "Israel is using Palestinian national unity, a step welcomed by the international community, as their excuse to continue the colonisation of Palestine.."
  Media Matters for America put together a collage of Fox Cable News commentators smearing the father of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl as having a Taliban-like beard and maybe even being a Taliban sympathizer. Thanks to MM4A for the Laura Ingram clip in which she says that if he weren’t so light-skinned he could be a terrorist. You always knew that American racists, frustrated by the Civil Rights movement and unable so easily to use racial slurs in public, had adopted ‘terrorist’ as a dog whistle. But to have it so explicitly stated!..
[Interesting that the Paraguayan seller of trash in the previous link stands out as an exemplary human being – in stark contrast to the Fox commentators who are clearly specimens of a lower life form]
  Washington's support for a new Palestinian government backed by Israel's Islamist foe Hamas, has left the Jewish state feeling betrayed, triggering a new crisis with its closest ally. Several Israeli ministers expressed public anger on Tuesday after the US State Department said it was willing to work with the new Palestinian unity government put together by the West Bank leadership and Gaza's Hamas rulers...
  Bleeding Syria is now the agenda – which is the only reason they are still arming and training terrorists on Syria’s borders, predominantly in NATO-member Turkey to the north of Syria, and in Jordan to the south. The West is also still, very intentionally, sabotaging reconciliation and reconstruction. This is the West’s real agenda on full display – spiteful extraterritorial aggression recklessly destroying the lives of millions for the sake of maintaining global hegemony...
.."We cannot ignore continuing reports, including in Western media outlets, that groups of private companies specializing in providing security and military operations are acting in Ukraine.. The notorious Greystone (later known as Academi) is only the best known logo of such structures. Judging by information coming from various sources, we are dealing not only with this structure, which has stained itself by mercenary activities in numerous conflicts, but also some others, including from Eastern Europe, particularly from Poland.."
  While it is given much emphasis in the "western" view of the second world war Operation Overlord, the invasion on D-Day and the following month of fighting at the Western front were strategically less important than the Soviet operations on the Eastern front. Without the parallel Soviet Operation Bragation the invasion of fortress Europe in the west would likely have failed. Looking at the numbers of forces involved and German forces destroyed one might even argue that Overlord was just a diversion to keep a few German divisions busy while the Soviet attack in the East destroyed whole German armies...
...While Bill Gates sells his shares in G4S, Microsoft bans the Download Valley's webwide sabotaging activities in the realm of its Explorer browsers, but does not care contributing to the electronic apparatus behind G4S abuses toward humans. Are we to call this e-moral? Immoral is a better word!..

Jun 5, 2014

International kowtowing to Israel must end now, by Gideon Levy | Haaretz
...After a brief recovery from the American failure, the time has come for a new way, one that has never been tried before. Both the message and the medium must change, to a message of civil rights and the medium of punishment. The previous route included sycophancy toward Israel, one carrot after another in order to please it. It was a resounding failure. It only gave Israel an incentive to further entrench its policy of disinheritance. The message also failed spectacularly: The two-state solution has given up the ghost...
A fascinating discussion...
  Israel has blackmailed the United States several times, the latest instance being over Iran’s nuclear program, a program which every reliable intelligence source agrees is not aimed at producing weapons. More than one Israeli source has suggested that low-yield nuclear weapons are the best way of destroying Iran’s technology, buried deeply underground, a suggestive whisper in American ears to do what Israel wants, or else...
  The 24-member 9/11 Consensus Panel – which includes physicists, chemists, engineers, commercial pilots, attorneys and lawyers – today announced three new studies confirming the controlled demolition of World Trade Center 7. The studies scientifically refute the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) claim that, for the first time in history, fire caused the sudden and complete collapse of a large, fire-protected, steel-framed building on 9/11...
  Did you know that 85 to 90 percent of war’s casualties are non-combatant civilians? That is the conclusion reached by a nine-person research team in the June 2014 issue of the American Journal of Public Health. The deaths of soldiers who are fighting the war are a small part of the human and economic cost. Clearly, wars do not protect the lives of civilians. The notion that soldiers are dying for us is false. Non-combatants are the main victims of war. Keep that in mind for July 4th, which is arriving in one month...
...No matter that one hundred years has already passed, the same geostrategic objective is the same – the seafaring powers must utilize all methods (including intrigue and massive bloodletting) to prevent the continental powers from colluding against them. The continuum of history eerily shows that shadows of the past still hang over the head of the future, and the thematic lessons leading up to and following World War I still dangerously ring true today...
  What does this remind you of? Thousands of people are forced, at gunpoint, to leave their homes. They are herded together and the people with the guns force them to live together, at a level of crowding that conflicts with their way of life and of earning a living. It doesn’t really matter what this reminds us of. The Civil Administration in the West Bank, part of the executive branch of the Israeli government, is diligently working on wreaking another calamity on thousands of people. For us that’s small change, right? A slight shudder of the printer as it ejects the pages with the orders...
  Yesterday The Jerusalem Post published its “list of the world’s 50 most influential Jews,” those who in one way or another have “worked tirelessly for the improvement of humanity and, in doing so, have made their mark on history.” The truth is that the list does not exactly fit the Post’s description of it. Not a single humanist is listed; instead we find a catalogue of Jewish war criminals, financiers, gambling tycoons, ethnic cleanser advocates, a Holocaust fraudster, a few Rabbis with minimal importance even within the Jewish world and one Ethiopian entertainer...
  Haaretz reported yesterday that  India, China and Turkey called on the international community to throw its support behind the new Palestinian government. Russia followed suit several hours later. European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton also issued a statement calling the formation of the unity government "an important step" the process of Palestinian reconciliation.. The USA also supported the new Palestinian Government...
  I was just watching Alain Soral's latest video when I heard him offer a very interesting explanation for why the AngloZionist Empire hates Putin so much.  The article Soral quotes is entitled "The End of the New World Order" and it has been written by Christopher R. Hill, "former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, was US Ambassador to Iraq, South Korea, Macedonia, and Poland, a US special envoy for Kosovo, a negotiator of the Dayton Peace Accords, and the chief US negotiator with North Korea from 2005-2009", i.e. a big shot in the US imperial nomenklatura.  Here is what Hill writes:..
...the burgeoning wave of discourse among American elites about how the “shale revolution” will let the United States achieve “energy independence” is fundamentally detached from physical and economic reality.. We also underscore a critical strategic point flowing from this assessment:  the proposition that attaining a mythical-yet-still-enthusiastically-sought condition of energy independence will let the United States become even more assertive toward countries determined to preserve and enhance their strategic independence—whether they are major energy exporters like Russia and Iran or major energy consumers like China—is dangerously delusional...
...One of the key teachings in the Abrahamic “revealed”/hearsay religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam violates this quality of Nature of change. And if you look at Nature and the Universe as being the only possible “Word of God” as Deists do, then this religious teaching is a violation of Nature and is a violation of God/The Supreme Intelligence.That teaching is eternity. The eternity of existence of individual people through their eternal spirit or soul is a keystone to the success and power of the “revealed”/hearsay religions...
[At some point, humanity will put away childish things – the most important being the primitive mythology of the Abrahamic tradition. This is a necessary precondition for sanity to emerge and making possible the spiritual revolution we have been longing for.]
  Former US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford said in an interview yesterday to PBS Newshour: “We need – and we have long needed – to help moderates in the Syrian opposition with both weapons and other non-lethal assistance.. Had we done that a couple of years ago, had we ramped it up, frankly the al Qaeda groups that have been winning adherents would have been unable to compete with the moderates who frankly we have much in common with,” he continued. That’s great, Ambassador Ford. Now can you kindly put us out of our misery and name these Syrian “moderate” rebel groups?..
  Since 2010, I have been Press TV’s Canadian correspondent based in Calgary, Alberta. I have been forced by the actions and statements of Canada’s ruling neoconservatives to hone in on the role Zionists and the organized Jewish community play in Canadian society. Canada’s current government has shifted this country from being a comparatively benign and peaceful nation to being a warmongering de facto colony of Israel. I believe the evidence suggests this didn’t just happen by accident; the Zionization of Canada was a carefully planned, well-oiled operation...
The Jewish Defense League “was classified as a right-wing terrorist group by the FBI in 2001″–Wikipedia
...During the Gilded Age, the flushest one percent of the country held one-third of the national income. In the 1920s, this figure ramped up to two-fifths. Molehills compared to today’s mountainous wealth, where the richest 400 American families control more money than the poorest 165 million of their fellow citizens put together. And if all 165 million were knelt end to end, those 400 families would have footrests from any compass point...
...Absent in redistribution of wealth schemes is that the method of authentic free enterprise is never understood. Nor is there ever an effort to reestablish the principles of real business competition. The marketplace of voluntary and mutually beneficial commercial transactions, destroyed by the systemic Corporatocracy model, is the ultimate reason why wealth disparity is so great. The literal legacy of the Robber Barons is the internationalist financial system of central banking that predetermines the outcomes of selective patrons from calculating crony capitalism...
  Hopefully, the hoopla surrounding the negotiated release of U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl will serve as a reminder to young people who are contemplating joining the military: As soon as you sign the contract with the military, you will be leaving your conscience behind and you will have to follow orders to kill whomever you are ordered to kill...
  Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has won a landslide victory in presidential poll securing 88.7 percent of the vote.. Minutes after results were announced, people took to the streets in Damascus to celebrate. State television also showed crowds cheering and dancing in Qamishli in the Kurdish northeast of the country, the Druze city of Suweida in the south and the contested city of Aleppo in the north...
[Contrast this with US and UK congratulate Sisi on election win where only a small minority validated the election by voting.]
  The most shocking and disturbing Mr. Peter Robinson was your blind uninformed and ill-advised support and defense of this Pastor’s indefensible hate crime speech. Perhaps in attending his church you’ve been exposed, or indoctrinated, by so much hate speech from this extremist evangelistic Pastor that his words seemed normal in your failed judgment...

Jun 4, 2014

Antidote to Misinformation on Ukraine: A Primer by Stephen Cohen interviewed by John Batchelor | Antiwar
...if you are like me, you are worried over the political health of your many friends, who are swallowing the journalistic poison put out by the Mainstream Media. So here is a quick antidote with suggestions for a longer term cure. The antidote is a 39 minute interview with Stephen Cohen, emeritus Professor at Princeton and NYU, a scholar on Russia, whose word is good as gold. It can be found here. More often than not, getting people to open up to new ideas is a matter of the source rather than the arguments. Who says something often outweighs what is said...
  The term Nakba has become, understandably, a sacred entry in the Palestinian national dictionary. It will remain probably the principal way in which the terrible events of 1948 will be commemorated and recollected in years to come. However, conceptually, this is a problematic term. Nakba means a catastrophe. Catastrophes usually have victims but no victimizers. This leaves aside questions of accountability and responsibility. It is for this reason, among others, that it was easy for the cynical or genuine upholders of the so-called peace process in “the Palestine question” to ignore this monumental event...
  A report from The International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations presents alarming case studies of protest suppression and criminalization of political and social dissent around the world. Ironically, the name of the report, “Take Back the Streets,” came from an order from Toronto’s police commander to his force in June 2010, when more than 100,000 Canadians took to the street to protest the G20 summit. Despite the fact that the anti-G20 summit were peaceful, within 36 hours, more than a 1,000 people — protesters and journalists alike — were arrested and detained...
...The Chinese government has a hidden funding source: it owns its own banks. That means it gets its financing effectively interest-free. All banks actually have a hidden funding source. The Bank of England just admitted in its quarterly bulletin that banks don’t lend their deposits. They simply advance credit created on their books. If someone is going to be creating our national money supply and collecting interest on it, it should be we the people, through our own publicly-owned banks...
  In the past several months, we have been provided with instructive lessons on the nature of state power and the forces that drive state policy. And on a closely related matter: the subtle, differentiated concept of transparency. The source of the instruction, of course, is the trove of documents about the National Security Agency surveillance system released by the courageous fighter for freedom Edward J. Snowden, expertly summarized and analyzed by his collaborator Glenn Greenwald in his new book, "No Place to Hide."..
  The decision to keep secret the full correspondence between George W Bush and Tony Blair instead of allowing the Chilcot inquiry to publish it has been rightly pilloried as a self-serving, dishonest attempt by politicians and civil servants to conceal their role in a disastrous war in Iraq. By focusing public attention on exchanges between Bush and Blair that are to remain secret, the agreement between Sir John Chilcot and Sir Jeremy Heywood, the Cabinet Secretary, gives the impression that there are bodies still buried and yet to be unearthed. This diverts attention from the fact that the most evil-smelling of these bodies have always been in plain sight...
...They are just *priceless* in their absolute indifference to even the most obvious and over-proven facts.  Alain Soral is absolutely correct, nowadays a journalist (in the West) is either a prostitute, or unemployed...
  The woman behind the exhibit is artist Rehab Nazzal, a Canadian citizen born in Jenin, an historic town located in Palestine in a territory under occupation since 1967.  Nazzal’s exhibit of 1700 photographic images along with four short videos, were collected by her over the fourteen years. Segments of these images depict life in the experience of occupation.. Stumbling across the exhibit at Ottawa’s City Hall in the Karsh-Masson Gallery, the Israeli Ambassador to Canada felt that such an exhibit should prohibited...
[Oh, Canada! – you win the prize – which is hotly contested – for the most mindless, Zionized country in the world – including Israel, where they at least have healthy debates.]
  Informal comments to the media by H.E. Mr. Vitaly I. Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and President of the Security Council for the month of June 2014 on the situation in Ukraine...
..”Basically he is completely contradictory. It’s not that he has become a zionist - his latest book, which he was launching, is a great demolition job on Ari Shavit’s attempt to justify ‘liberal zionism’ and in doing so he demolishes all the ideological foundations of zionism. And then he goes on with his vendetta against BDS for not being explicit enough in endorsing ‘two states’, rather than just being agnostic on it.His whole line on the so called ‘international consensus is based on a ridiculous fetishisation of international law and UN resolutions. He ends up with a ‘realist’ rejection of the RoR on the grounds that its full implementation is ‘unrealistic’..
...Russia is actively linking the cases of Syria and Ukraine. That may not bring any progress on either issue. But by connecting the cases Russia can publicly demonstrated the utter hypocrisy of "western" policies. The target of this is the "western" public which is already against further "western" meddling in Syria as well as in Ukraine. I expect more such political "mirroring" of the two situations in the coming weeks and month...
  President Obama has announced a plan to invest $1 billion in stepping up its military presence in Eastern Europe amid the Ukrainian crisis. The White House will send more troops and equipment to the region to “reaffirm” its commitment to NATO allies. Speaking at a news conference in Warsaw, Obama said America was stepping up its partnership with countries in Eastern Europe with a view to bolstering security. The moves are aimed at upping the pressure on Russia, which Washington has accused of inciting unrest in Ukraine...
[When are the Germans going to throw out the “Amis.”]
  Who Profits‘ report concerns the major Israeli agricultural export companies presently operating in occupied territories. The report demonstrates the severe implications of an Israeli-only agriculture in occupied Palestinian and Syrian lands...
...After the war in 1967, Fairuz sang about the Al-Quds residents’ sad eyes in her song “Beyond the City Gates.” She hoped that her voice would “fly far and stir peoples’ souls, perhaps wake consciences.” Fairuz meant to end the Palestinians’ suffering. Today, we ask that her voice release Israelis too, from the injustices of occupation at a time when thousands of them engage in maintaining it, as jailors, investigators, informers, those who storm children’s homes at night, those who man the checkpoints and those who those who go undercover. The occupation is reflected in the occupier...
  Press TV correspondent Joshua Blakeney was interviewed about an unpleasant email he had received from the Jewish Defence League. The JDL was described by the FBI as a "violent extremist organization" in a report entitled "Terrorism 200/2001". Blakeney vowed to continue "soldiering on" in his struggle to expose the pro-Zionist falsehoods of the political and journalistic establishment...
...There are no civil institutions in Israel dealing with marriage (and many other personal status issues), meaning that only hardline Orthodox rabbis get to determine who marries a “real Jew”. Israel dresses this up as an attempt to protect religious tradition, but actually it’s religious coercion designed to prevent assimilation – the greatest threat to Zionism, Israel’s state ideology...
  Fighting raged in eastern Ukraine for a second day as the army rolled out an offensive against pro-Russia separatists holding the city of Slovyansk, with dead and wounded on both sides, the Ukrainian government has said...
  Lecture at University of Basel...

Jun 3, 2014

What Obama Told Us At West Point | Paul Craig Roberts
...Here is Obama in his own words: “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being. But what makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it is our willingness to affirm them through our actions.” Actions indeed. In the 21st century “American exceptionalism” has destroyed seven countries in whole or in part. Millions of people are dead, maimed, and displaced, and all of this criminal destruction is evidence of Washington’s reaffirmation of international norms and the rule of law...
  Since the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, the neoconservatives have talked and bragged about their so-called victory and how America did the right thing in those countries. Jewish neocons like Bernard Lewis of Princeton even bragged that people like him were instrumental in bringing Saddam down.. To the typical neocon, America has basically liberated people in the Middle East and will continue to do so.. Neoconservatives have been invoking terrorism as one of the sources of the conflict in the Middle East from time immemorial, but they can never get the moral and intellectual courage to tell us that the war on terror is a smokescreen...
  It’s evident NATO has no plans to get involved in Ukraine’s crisis. Neither does it want the majority of Ukrainians to express their support of integration with Russia. The Ukraine’s punitive action in Donbass is fully endorsed by the West. The question is what kind of aid it is ready to render and how it is going to affect the situation. There are sanctions imposed against Russian individuals allegedly involved in Ukrainian policy decision making. The package may toughen getting to the third phase imposing economically damaging sectoral restrictions. These measures are planned to be implemented in case Russia starts military intervention in Ukraine, something it has no plans of doing...
  Russia plans to submit to the UN Security Council a draft resolution demanding to end violence and start dialogue in Ukraine, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday. “We want the Security Council to demand that civilians are allowed to leave conflict zones unimpeded and that humanitarian assistance is delivered to these zones,” Lavrov said. The resolution was of purely humanitarian nature and will also contain measures needed to implement the Geneva communique and the OSCE roadmap on Ukraine...
...In parts of Ukraine, Russia and Poland where the Jewish moneylender had long been an unmitigated scourge, peasants would often do the sign of the cross over themselves when they saw a party of Jews passing by. The Jew became shorthand for the Devil. In parts of Rumania, especially in Transylvania and the Carpathian mountains, it was the vampire that came to symbolize the predatory, bloodsucking Jew...
[I came to the same conclusion about the symbolism of the vampire some years ago. I also suggest that the zombie symbolizes the Christian Zionists, or perhaps the sheeple at large, but on shakier grounds.]
  George Soros told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria over the weekend he is responsible for establishing a foundation in Ukraine that ultimately contributed to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the State Department. “I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now..”
  Jon Faine, of Radio 774 ABC Melbourne, interviews and insults former Australia Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser, in the process attempting to defend the indefensible, Israel.. He is a gatekeeper for Israel, and has no business being in front of a microphone in the studios of the publicly-funded Australian Broadcast Corporation...
[Why single him out? In the Anglosphere they're pretty much all like that.]
  "Time does not favor us; every day in which we do not initiate and act, puts Israeli citizens in danger and broadcast to the world that there is no price [to be paid] for terror against Jews." Representing mainly West Bank settlers, Bennett is promoting a unilateral annexation of the West Bank. PM Netanyahu said in recent days that following the collapse of the talks with Palestine, Israel will take unilateral steps, without specifying.. Israel will work at the US Congress in order to achieve a cut in the foreign help to Palestine. In 2013, the USA gave it $440 million. The mysterious source knows; he has American and Israeli citizenships and is in power thanks to American help...
..The Haavara Agreement points to a high level of collaboration between Nazi Germany and Zionist institutions. It also supports the argument that Nazis, at least ideologically and at that particular time, were seeking peaceful methods to rid the Germanic land of Jews.  The agreement also shows that even at that early stage, Zionist institutions kept  25% of the wealth of German and Austrian Jews and were driven by  greed. Already in the 1930’s, Zionism was a pragmatic Judeo-centric system specializing in the translation of Jewish pain into cash..”
...Just like in Egypt, the adult-children here in the United States are not supposed to question the apparatus or reveal what it is doing. If they do, they are considered to be enemies of the state — i.e. communists, terrorists, drug dealers, subversives, etc. Like the citizens of Egypt, American adult-children are expected to trust big brother, defer to his authority, keep their heads down, conform their mindsets to that of the military, NSA, and CIA, and always “support the troops.” In the halls of power both in the United States and Egypt, that’s what being a “patriot” is all about...

Jun 2, 2014

David Cole: we sure could do with more like him | Paul Eisen
  About a week ago I finished reading David Cole's book "Republican Party Animal." It's a great read, but apart from the fascinating account of David's life and struggles with all its strengths and vulnerabilities, I also learned some very arresting facts about David. One of these is that he is ardently pro-Zionist and pro-Israel, and another is that, from his research, he is convinced that there were homicidal gas-chambers (albeit rather ramshackle ones) in the camps of Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno and Belzec...
[I guess I’d have to read the book to see what evidence he presents - dollars to doughnuts it's circumstantial and speculative.]
  An extraordinary insight into Palestinian city life before 1948 that reveals the loss of a culture and lifestyle...
..The ‘new Right’ cannot be understood simply by attaching negative labels (‘fascist’, ‘racist’ and ‘anti-Semitic’). The rise of the Right has to be placed in the context of the decay of political, social and economic institutions, the general and persistent decline of living standards and the disintegration of community bonds and class solidarity. The entire existing political edifice constructed by the neo-liberal parties bears deep responsibility for the systemic crisis and decay of everyday life. Moreover, this is how it is understood by a growing mass of working people who vote for the Right...
  The Obama administration wants to achieve its "pivot to Asia", its plan to counter China's rise, without using military force. That is not going to work. The local countries, who the U.S. wants to use as proxies, fear that without a believable threat by the U.S. to cover their asses with its nukes there will be no restriction of what China can and will do around its block. They are right and will have to adapt. That is why the U.S. is in trouble at the recent security conference in Singapore:..
  While United States President Barack Obama used an address at West Point Military Academy this week to tout the impeding end to the Afghan War, his second in command had a much different message while giving remarks to Air Force Academy cadets...
  A Communist-Capitalist mishmash, Israel's economy is seldom coherent. A Minister of Finances who is a former-TV-anchor and rock-star hybrid does not make things easier. While busy with a new cooperative bank, he announced the sale of the current incarnation of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, the official banker of Zion...
  The level of analytical discussions on the Russian Internet is perfectly described by the political scientist Simon Uralov: "To consider that the Ukrainian crisis set off only the minds of the Kievan colleagues and turned them all into bloodthirsty hysterics is fundamentally mistaken. Among the Moscow colleagues there is also an incredible number of such." The purpose of this material is to take a step back from the hysteria and coldly analyze the situation in Ukraine. I'll start with the necessary clarifications on several emotionally important topics:..
...As thousands upon thousands of Syrians made their way to embassies around the world to vote, US President Obama addressed the West Point Military Academy and proclaimed that the US would “ramp up support for those in the Syrian opposition” and that the US would “coordinate with our friends and allies in Europe and the Arab World to push for a political resolution of this crisis.”  Such a stance is nonsensical.  Isn’t an election the essence of a political resolution?  Instead, the US has led the Western world in denouncing the election as a farce, and in fomenting division...
...For over three years, the United States has sought to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by supporting an Al Qaeda-infused opposition that Washington either knew or should have known would fail.  Yet, in his commencement address at West Point on Wednesday, President Obama promised the American people and the rest of the world more of the same...
  Newly declassified postwar Naval Intelligence files shine new light on a little-known chapter of U.S.-Israel relations. Massive supplies of American WWII military surplus under liquidation by the War Assets Administration were an irresistible target for Israel’s government-in-waiting the Jewish Agency and nascent military the Haganah in the years immediately preceding Israel’s declaration of statehood in 1948...
  Almost 800 people have been killed in violence across Iraq in May, the United Nations has said, making it the deadliest month for the country this year.Of the 799 people killed, 196 were members of the Iraqi security forces while and the rest were civilians, the UN mission to Iraq (UNAMI) said on Sunday. It said that 1,409 Iraqis, including 1,108 civilians, were wounded.. Attacks by Sunni fighters have been gaining momentum in Iraq during the past year, underlining the challenges facing the government...
[I guess that’s what Dubbya “the Decider” (aka the Malevolent Moron) meant when he gleefully announced “Mission Accomplished.”]
...In war, we dehumanize our enemies so as to make it easier for us to kill when, deep down, we know it to be an abomination. And of course, The Empire encourages this. When we can so easily be turned against our brothers and sisters, so much so that we will kill on command, the power-elite are truly in control. Once we see the evil of our actions – of actions done in our name – and sunlight is cast upon the dark truths, we threaten the grip that the elite and powerful hold over us...

Jun 1, 2014

How Should We Write and Fight? by Andre Vltchek | CounterPunch
  Why are the streets of New York, Washington D.C., London and Paris so orderly, so quiet? Are we – opposition investigative journalists, philosophers and documentary filmmakers – doing such a terrible job? Are we not providing the North American and European public with enough information, enough proof about the monstrous state of the world? Enough so they – the citizens of the Empire – finally get thoroughly pissed off, detach their backsides from their couches and chairs, and flood the capitals and business centers with their bodies, demanding change, demanding the end to atrocities that are being committed all over the world… the end of this imperialist and neo-con madness?..
...the “Iranian threat” narrative, which has become the common wisdom in Israeli public discourse. A new book by Gareth Porter, an American historian and researcher specializing in U.S. national security, shows how the actual state of the Iranian nuclear program does not match the Iranian threat narrative. The book’s title, “Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Nuclear Scare”, already tells us that it is going against the current. Porter appears to be the only researcher who has read with an unprejudiced eye all the reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency from the past decade. He also had access to American intelligence reports on the Iranian issue from recent decades...
  None of the children can be claimed by the IDF to be a legitimate target. This brutal assassination of children and innocents was not forgotten. There is a long history of investigation committees that ended in the resignation of its members. Unable to defend state-crimes, prominent officers, judges and lawyers preferred the embarrassment of resigning their post rather than say the truth. Even Justice (ret.) Tova Strassberg-Cohen resigned after seeing the horrendous (and thus secret) facts. Israel is committing war crimes...
...Being sensitive to the loss of life from wars, declared or undeclared, goes beyond the militaristic marching orders that breed censorship or self-censorship. Memorial Day can recognize those who gave up their lives without having to adopt unthinking marching orders that require rituals to be bereft of some thought and reflections about the horrors of war.. For those who believe that a deliberate democratic society means remembering the tragedies of the past as a way to foresee and forestall repetition in the future, some time and space for reflection need to be provided. These are teaching moments to avert future preventable wars that claim many lives and destabilize societies into ruinous mayhem...
...war is not free. Its costs, however, far exceed its financial drain on our US economy in terms of its lost of life, its destruction of infrastructures, and the poisoning of the world’s environment. If it is taxes that make such atrocities possible, how can anyone hold up signs advocating them? Could ignorance be the answer?..
[Paying income tax to the IRS makes one an accessory to war crimes and crimes against humanity. This can be a tough choice, but it is as it is.]
  Following the surge of right wing parties in Europe’s Parliamentary election, Forward, the once-progressive Jewish outlet asks, “Have the Jews Lost Europe?”  The tone of this question implies that until just a few days ago, at least some Jews believed that Europe was, in part, a ‘Jewish property.’  Such views were not baseless; Jewish Lobbies have dominated British and French policies by means of aggressive  lobbying (CFI, LFI, CRIF etc’)..
...Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly, counterspies have told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, going far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan. A congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January called the testimony “very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.” Another staffer called it “damaging.” The Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets...
  The headline over an interview Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave to Bloomberg’s Jeffrey Goldberg was Netanyahu: There is nobody to negotiate with in Ramallah. If he was still in the land of the living I feel sure that Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s minister for propaganda, would express grudging but nonetheless real admiration for Netanyahu. I can even imagine Goebbels thinking to himself something like, “I was a master at selling lies as truth but Bibi makes me look and sound like an amateur.”..
  It’s still dark on Al-Rukab Street in Ramallah. Ju’ebeh’s small book and newspaper shop is the only place open, and the fresh newspapers await distribution to the other sales points in the city. I stop the car. The man who raised his arm looking to hitch a ride hurries over, looks at me through the window with some surprise, but opens the door and gets in...
  Under the Oslo Accords (the 1993 interim agreement between Israel and the PLO), the West Bank was divided into three Areas, A, B and C, which were put under different jurisdictions. Within these parcels of land, the Palestinian and Israeli authorities have different levels of control. The aim was that responsibilities and powers would gradually be transferred to the Palestinian Authority over time. This hasn’t happened. This film looks at why that’s the case...
  All over the world, people of conscience are saying “No” to cooperation with the racist Zionist regime in Israel. The latest to speak out are the people of Rome, who have submitted a 25-metre-long petition to the city council against cooperation with Israeli water company Mekorot. Mekorot is responsible for serious violations of international law. It steals water from Palestinian water sources and supplies it to Jewish squatter colonies, which are built illegally on occupied Palestinian territory...
  It’s always encouraging when one comes upon inspiring human phenomena here in Syria or elsewhere that refute the familiar and worn shibboleths and cliches about how this or that group or religion hates others and won’t cease targeting them until they are all destroyed and burning in Hell. In Syria today there is much evidence to refute the often politically motivated claims that Jewish artifacts are being singled out for destruction during the current crisis by rabid anti-Semites...
...A little more than a century ago the poet Shaul Tchernichovsky - himself a secularist – expressed a longing for the "The Wondrous God of the Desert, the Lord of the Conquerors who took Canaan by the Storm", a God who had been “made captive and tied down with strips of phylacteries".  Decades later, rabbis and religious leaders in Israel realized Tchernichovsky’s dream turning it into a veritable nightmare. The Lord of the Conquerors of Canaan was duly released of all constraints and hindrances, set free to rampage as he did three thousand years ago...